dynamic_widget 0.0.1 copy "dynamic_widget: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dynamic_widget: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


a flutter dynamic widget created from a json string

Flutter Dynamic Widget #

You can dynamic update your flutter page with Flutter Dynamic Widget. It's a light json UI protocol, which is very similar with flutter widget code. So you don't need to learn another UI protocol, if you are familiar with flutter widget, you might already know how to write Flutter Dynamic Widget json.

Table of contents #

General info #

I work for an e-commerce company. We need to build flexible pages. So we define a light UI protocol, and implement on Android and iOS. We can dynamic update App UIs by pushing a json file. With this ability, we can do some UI A/B testing without publishing App to app store. Flutter allows you to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase, it can allow you to build web app later. Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. But it still build native app, the UIs can't be dynamic updated. If you want to modify the UIs, you need to publish the updated app to app store. With this project, you can build your UIs from a json string, which is the UI protocal. The json string is very similar with the Flutter widget dart code. All widget type and widget properties are the same.

Widget type will be a type property, and widget's properties will be the json properties too. All properties and their values will be almost the same. You can checkout the following document.

Screenshots #

Get started #

You should use DynamicWidgetBuilder().build method to covert a json string into flutter widget. It will be time-consuming. so you'd better using FutureBuilder to build the UI.

class PreviewPage extends StatelessWidget{

  final String jsonString;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          // Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by
          // the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title.
          title: Text("Preview"),
        body: FutureBuilder<Widget>(
          future: _buildWidget(),
          builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Widget> snapshot){
            return snapshot.hasData?snapshot.data:Text("Loading...");

  Future<Widget> _buildWidget() async{

    return DynamicWidgetBuilder().build(jsonString);

How to implement a WidgetParser #

  1. You need to implement the WidgetParser abstract class.
  2. Add new created WidgetParser to DynamicWidgetBuilder.parsers list.

This is a RaisedButton widget parser.

import 'package:dynamic_widget/dynamic_widget/utils.dart';
import 'package:dynamic_widget/dynamic_widget.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class RaisedButtonParser extends WidgetParser{
  bool forWidget(String widgetName) {
    return "RaisedButton" == widgetName;

  Widget parse(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    return RaisedButton(
      color: map.containsKey('color') ? parseHexColor(map['color']) : null,
      disabledColor: map.containsKey('disabledColor') ? parseHexColor(map['disabledColor']) : null,
      disabledElevation: map.containsKey('disabledElevation') ? map['disabledElevation'] : 0.0,
      disabledTextColor: map.containsKey('disabledTextColor') ? parseHexColor(map['disabledTextColor']) : null,
      elevation: map.containsKey('elevation') ? map['elevation'] : 0.0,
      padding: map.containsKey('padding') ? parseEdgeInsetsGeometry(map['padding']) : null,
      splashColor : map.containsKey('splashColor') ? parseHexColor(map['splashColor']) : null,
      textColor: map.containsKey('textColor') ? parseHexColor(map['textColor']) : null,
      child: DynamicWidgetBuilder().buildFromMap(map['child']),
      onPressed: (){},


Add it to parsers list.

class DynamicWidgetBuilder{

  final Logger log = Logger('DynamicWidget');

  static final parsers = [

  Widget build(String json){

    var map = jsonDecode(json);
    return buildFromMap(map);

  Widget buildFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map){
    String widgetName = map['type'];

    for (var parser in parsers) {
      if (parser.forWidget(widgetName)) {
        return parser.parse(map);

    log.warning("Not support type: $widgetName");
    return null;

  List<Widget> buildWidgets(List<dynamic> values){
    List<Widget> rt = [];
    for (var value in values) {
    return rt;

Documents #

Flutter Widgets

Setup #

Checkout this project and run deom.

Code Examples #

Checkout this project and run deom.

Features #

Already completed widgets:

  • Container
  • Text & TextSpan

You can view all widgets definition here.

Status #

Project is: in progress, finished, no longer continue and why?

Inspiration #

Add here credits. Project inspired by..., based on...

Contact #

Created by @[email protected] - feel free to contact me!

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a flutter dynamic widget created from a json string

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flutter, logging


Packages that depend on dynamic_widget