ex 0.0.3 copy "ex: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
ex: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Scope Function, When Expression, ExComponent, ExLog, ExAlert, ExBottomSheet, ExLoading, ExImagePreview, ExUtils


Introduction #

Ex is an common widget / utils or helper library i made for all type application. whatever application you made, Ex it will help you reduce your fucking time on development process

Feature #

🟩 Widgets ExComponent #

component screenshot
ExButtonDefault img.png
ExButtonOutline img_1.png
ExAvatarView img_2.png
ExImageView img_3.png
ExDashLine img_4.png
ExProgressIndicator img_5.png
ExTextField img_7.png
ExUiLoading img_17.png
ExUiErrorOrEmpty img_18.png
ExUiShimmerList img_16.png
ExUiShimmerGrid img_15.png

and many more component .. let explore 😎!

🟩 ExAlert #

an simple way to display alert dialogs such as there have 4 type : success, error, warning, confirm


// example
    context: context!,
    showAsset: true,
    title: 'Success',
    titleTextSize: 18,
    titleTextAlign: TextAlign.center,
    titleTextColor: Colors.black,
    message: '',
    messageTextSize: 13,
    messageTextAlign: TextAlign.center,
    messageTextColor: Colors.blueGrey,
    isDismissible: false,
    btnOkText: 'Close',
    barrierColor: Colors.black54,
    cornerRadius: 8.0,

and feel free to customize

🟩 ExLoading #

An elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Easily implement Loading Make the use of the dialog easier!


// example
    context: context!,
    message: 'Please wait ...',
    isDismissible: false,
Future.delayed(3.seconds).then((value) => ExLoading.dismiss(context!));

🟩 ExSnackbar #

A flexible widget for user notification. Customize your text, button, duration, animations and much more. For Android devs, it is made to replace Snackbars and Toasts. there have 5 type : info, success, error, action, upload


// example
  context: context!,
  title: 'This is a title',
  message: 'Please wait ...',
  isDismissible: false,

and feel free to customize

🟩 ExBottomSheet #

Flexible bottom sheet with the ability to scroll content even without a list. there have 4 type : list, grid, input, custom

// example 1

// dummy data
final _data = <KeyVal>[];
10.forEach((index) {
  _data.add(KeyVal(key: 'key$index', val: 'val  $index'));

// show ExBottomSheet : TYPE LIST
    context: context!,
    title: 'Select Your Type',
    data: _data,
    callback: (k, v) async {
        ExSnackbar.uploading(context: context!, message: 'message');


🟩 ExLog #

Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.

🟩 ExUtil #

Useful String extensions to save you time in production. Feel free to contribute with PR.

🟩 Extension #

explore here : https://github.com/abehbatre/ex/tree/master/lib/src/extensions

🟩 Scope Function & Control Flow #

helper library that provides readable methods with which you can write cleaner looking code.

is a helper library that provides the following concepts:

Writing "cleaner" code by adding readable control-flow methods that are able to replace the standard Dart control-flow statements. See Control flow for more information. Adds extension methods to existing Dart types for better and easier data manipulation. See Data manipulation for more information. Provides methods to easily create data sets of certain types.

Common Usage #


Often used for executing a code block only with non-null values.

someNullable?.let((it) { ... });


Used for additional actions that don't alter the object, such as logging or printing debug information.

something.also((it) { ... }); // returns something.


Used for additional actions that don't alter the object, such as logging or printing debug information.

someNullable ?? run(() {
    var defaultValue = ......;
    // several process...
    return defaultValue;

if-statement as expressions

The iff method works like the if statement, but with the added bonus of being able to write them as expressions. You can use them to replace complex ternary operators with a readable if-like statement:

final x = iff(a < b, () {
    return a;
}).elseIf(a == b, () {
    return 0;
}).orElse(() {
    return b;

try-statement as expressions

The tryy method works like the tryy statement, but with the added bonus of being able to write them as expressions. Allowing you to catch multiple exceptions and depending on those exceptions return different values:

final x = tryy(() {
  return aMethodThatCouldFail();
}, catches: {
  On<SomeException>: () {
    return 1;
  On<OtherException>: () {
    return 2;

when-statements as expressions

The when method replaces the switch statement. And can be used to write expressions:

final result = when(place, {
  1: () => CompetitionPlace.first,
  2: () => CompetitionPlace.second,
  3: () => CompetitionPlace.third,
  [4,5]: () => CompetitionPlace.honourableMentions,
}).orElse(() => CompetitionPlace.others);

pub points


unverified uploader

Scope Function, When Expression, ExComponent, ExLog, ExAlert, ExBottomSheet, ExLoading, ExImagePreview, ExUtils

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_svg, photo_view, velocity_x


Packages that depend on ex