excel 1.1.3 copy "excel: ^1.1.3" to clipboard
excel: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard


A flutter and dart library for creating, editing and updating excel sheets with compatible both on client and server side.

Excel #

Platform Pub Package License: MIT Donate Issue Forks Stars

Excel is a flutter and dart library for creating and updating excel-sheets for XLSX files.

Also checkout our new animations library: AnimatedText

Table of Contents #

Installing #

1. Depend on it #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  excel: ^1.1.3

2. Install it #

You can install packages from the command line:

with pub:

$  pub get

with Flutter:

$  flutter packages get

3. Import it #

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

    import 'package:excel/excel.dart';

Usage #

Breaking Changes for those moving from 1.0.8 --> 1.0.9 and above versions #

The necessary changes to be made to updateCell function in order to prevent the code from breaking.

    excel.updateCell('SheetName', CellIndex.indexByString("A2"), "Here value", backgroundColorHex: "#1AFF1A", horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign.Right);
    // Now in the above code wrap the optional arguments with CellStyle() and pass it to optional cellStyle parameter.
    // So the resulting code will look like
    excel.updateCell('SheetName', CellIndex.indexByString("A2"), "Here value", cellStyle: CellStyle( backgroundColorHex: "#1AFF1A", horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign.Right ) );

Imports #

    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:path/path.dart';
    import 'package:excel/excel.dart';

Read XLSX File #

    var file = "Path_to_pre_existing_Excel_File/excel_file.xlsx";
    var bytes = File(file).readAsBytesSync();
    var excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes);
    for (var table in excel.tables.keys) {
      print(table); //sheet Name
      for (var row in excel.tables[table].rows) {

Read XLSX from Flutter's Asset Folder #

    import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show ByteData, rootBundle;
    /* Your blah blah code here */
    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/existing_excel_file.xlsx");
    var bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
    var excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes, update: true);
    for (var table in excel.tables.keys) {
      print(table); //sheet Name
      for (var row in excel.tables[table].rows) {

Create New XLSX File #

    var excel = Excel.createExcel(); // automatically creates 1 empty sheet: Sheet1

Update Cell values #

     * sheetObject.updateCell(cell, value, { CellStyle (Optional)});
     * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
     * cell can be identified with Cell Address or by 2D array having row and column Index;
     * Cell Style options are optional
     Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
     CellStyle cellStyle = CellStyle(backgroundColorHex: "#1AFF1A", fontFamily : getFontFamily(FontFamily.Calibri));
     cellStyle.underline = Underline.Single; // or Underline.Double
     var cell = sheetObject.cell(CellIndex.indexByString("A1"));
     cell.value = 8; // dynamic values support provided;
     cell.cellStyle = cellStyle;
     // printing cell-type
     print("CellType: "+ cell.cellType.toString());
     /// Inserting and removing column and rows
     // insert column at index = 8
     // remove column at index = 18
     // insert row at index = 82
     // remove row at index = 80

Cell-Style Options #

key description
fontFamily eg. getFontFamily(FontFamily.Arial) or getFontFamily(FontFamily.Comic_Sans_MS) There is total 182 Font Families available for now
fontSize specify the font-size as integer eg. fontSize = 15
bold makes text bold - when set to true, by-default it is set to false
italic makes text italic - when set to true, by-default it is set to false
underline Gives underline to text enum Underline { None, Single, Double } eg. Underline.Single, by-default it is set to Underline.None
fontColorHex Font Color eg. "#0000FF"
backgroundColorHex Background color of cell eg. "#faf487"
wrap Text wrapping enum TextWrapping { WrapText, Clip } eg. TextWrapping.Clip
verticalAlign align text vertically enum VerticalAlign { Top, Center, Bottom } eg. VerticalAlign.Top
horizontalAlign align text horizontally enum HorizontalAlign { Left, Center, Right } eg. HorizontalAlign.Right

Copy sheet contents to another sheet #

     * excel.copy(String 'existingSheetName', String 'anotherSheetName');
     * existingSheetName should exist in excel.tables.keys in order to successfully copy
     * if anotherSheetName does not exist then it will be automatically created.
     excel.copy('existingSheetName', 'anotherSheetName');

Rename sheet #

     * excel.rename(String 'existingSheetName', String 'newSheetName');
     * existingSheetName should exist in excel.tables.keys in order to successfully rename
     excel.rename('existingSheetName', 'newSheetName');

Delete sheet #

     * excel.delete(String 'existingSheetName');
     * (existingSheetName should exist in excel.tables.keys) and (excel.tables.keys.length >= 2), in order to successfully delete.

     * excel.link(String 'sheetName', Sheet sheetObject);
     * Any operations performed on (object of 'sheetName') or sheetObject then the operation is performed on both.
     * if 'sheetName' does not exist then it will be automatically created and linked with the sheetObject's operation.
     excel.link('sheetName', sheetObject);

     * excel.unLink(String 'sheetName');
     * In order to successfully unLink the 'sheetName' then it must exist in excel.tables.keys
     // After calling the above function be sure to re-make a new reference of this.
     Sheet unlinked_sheetObject = excel['sheetName'];

Merge Cells #

    * sheetObject.merge(CellIndex starting_cell, CellIndex ending_cell, dynamic 'customValue');
    * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
    * starting_cell and ending_cell can be identified with Cell Address or by 2D array having row and column Index;
    * customValue is optional

     sheetObject.merge(CellIndex.indexByString("A1"), CellIndex.indexByString("E4"), customValue: "Put this text after merge");

Get Merged Cells List #

     // Check which cells are merged
     sheetObject.spannedItems.forEach((cells) {
       print("Merged:" + cells.toString());

Un-Merge Cells #

    * sheetObject.unMerge(cell);
    * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
    * cell should be identified with string only with an example as "A1:E4".
    * to check if "A1:E4" is un-merged or not
    * call the method excel.getMergedCells(sheet); and verify that it is not present in it.

Find and Replace #

    * int replacedCount = sheetObject.findAndReplace(source, target);
    * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
    * source is the string or ( User's Custom Pattern Matching RegExp )
    * target is the string which is put in cells in place of source
    * it returns the number of replacements made
     int replacedCount = sheetObject.findAndReplace(Flutter', 'Google');

Insert Row Iterables #

     * sheetObject.insertRowIterables(list-iterables, rowIndex, iterable-options?);
     * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
     * list-iterables === list of iterables which has to be put in specific row
     * rowIndex === the row in which the iterables has to be put
     * Iterable options are optional
     /// It will put the list-iterables in the 8th index row
     List<String> dataList = ["Google", "loves", "Flutter", "and", "Flutter", "loves", "Google"];
     sheetObject.insertRowIterables(dataList, 8);

Iterable Options #

key description
startingColumn starting column index from which list-iterables should be started
overwriteMergedCells overwriteMergedCells is by-defalut set to true, when set to false it will stop over-write and will write only in unique cells

Append Row #

    * sheetObject.appendRow(list-iterables);
    * sheetObject created by calling - // Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName'];
    * list-iterables === list of iterables
     sheetObject.appendRow(["Flutter", "till", "Eternity"]);

Get Default Opening Sheet #

    * Asynchronous method which returns the name of the default sheet
    * excel.getDefaultSheet();

     excel.getDefaultSheet().then((value) {
       print("Default Sheet:" + value.toString());
     var defaultSheet = await excel.getDefaultSheet();
     print("Default Sheet:" + defaultSheet.toString());

Set Default Opening Sheet #

    * Asynchronous method which sets the name of the default sheet
    * returns bool if successful then true else false
    * excel.setDefaultSheet(sheet);
    * sheet = 'SheetName'

     excel.setDefaultSheet(sheet).then((isSet) {
       if (isSet) {
           print("$sheet is set to default sheet.");
       } else {
           print("Unable to set $sheet to default sheet.");
     var isSet = await excel.setDefaultSheet(sheet);
     if (isSet) {
       print("$sheet is set to default sheet.");
     } else {
       print("Unable to set $sheet to default sheet.");

Saving XLSX File #

     // Save the Changes in file

     excel.encode().then((onValue) {
       ..createSync(recursive: true)

Frequent Issues #

Having Trouble using excel i.e: every version of some_other_library depends on version..... blah blah blah #

Similar issues have been solved in the past : #26, #25, #11

Features coming in next version #

On-going implementation for future:

  • Formulas
  • Password Protection
  • Conversion to PDF

I'm working fulltime on excel, a library for reading, processing and creating excel files in flutter and dart server. As an independent developer, I rely entirely on income generated via excel related work.

If you use Excel in your daily work and feel that it has made your life or work easier, please consider donating, So as to help me survive in this time of lockdown. once in a while! ☕

If you run a business and is using Excel in a revenue-generating flutter product, it makes business sense to sponsor Excel (flutter) development: it ensures the project that your product relies on stays healthy and actively maintained. It can also help your exposure in the flutter community and makes it easier to attract other developers.

Donate with PayPal

pub points


verified publisherjustkawal.dev

A flutter and dart library for creating, editing and updating excel sheets with compatible both on client and server side.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


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Packages that depend on excel