exception_templates 0.0.1 copy "exception_templates: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
exception_templates: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Provides parameterized exception and error templates. Enables throwing specific error objects without the need to define exception classes.

Exception Templates #

Build Status

Introduction #

When handling a program exception, the two main concerns are in what context did it occur and what type of exception occured.

The library [exception_templates][exception_templates] provides parameterized classes that allow throwing and catching exceptions characterized by their type argument.

Using parameterized exceptions eliminates the need to define library or class specific exceptions and enables filtering exceptions based on their type argument.

To highlight the exception context use:

  • ExceptionOf<T> and
  • ErrorOf<T>. In this case, the type argument hints at where the exception occured.

To emphasise the exception type use:

  • ExceptionOfType<T> and
  • ErrorOfType<T>. Here, the generic type T hints at the type of exception that occured.

Usage #

To use this library include [exception_templates] as dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

The program below demonstrates how to throw and catch objects of type ExceptionOf<T> where T is a generic type. Colour output can be globally enabled oBuild Statusr disabled by setting the static field colorOutput to ColorOutput.ON or ColorOutput.OFF, respectively,

import 'package:exception_templates/exception_templates.dart';

// Defining error/exception types:
class FailedToSerializeObject extends ErrorType{}
class InvalidDataFound extends ExceptionType{}

// Test class A.
class A {
  Object data;
  // Method that throws parameterized exception.
  void setUp() {
    data = List<int>.filled(3, 37);
    throw ExceptionOf<A>(
        message: 'Set up failed.',
        expectedState: 'A complete set of adapters.',
        invalidState: 'Adapter x078 is missing.');

  // Method that throws parameterized error.
  void tearDown() {
    throw ErrorOfType<FailedToSerializeObject>(
        message: 'An error occured in tearDown().',
        expectedState: 'All objects are serialized and stored.',
        invalidState: 'Failed to serialize object $data.');

// Test class B.
class B {
  final int data;

final a = A();

main(List<String> args) {
  // Catching an ExceptionOf<A>.
  try {
  } on ExceptionOf<A> catch (e) {

  // Turning of colour output globally.
  ExceptionOf.colorOutput = ColorOutput.OFF;

  // Catching an ExceptionOfType<InvalidDataFound>. Colour output switched off.
  try {
    throw ExceptionOfType<InvalidDataFound>(
        message: 'Something went wrong with class B.',
        expectedState: 'data > 0.',
        invalidState: 'data == null');
  } on ExceptionOfType catch (e) {
    print('// Switching of colour output.');
  } on ExceptionOf<A> catch (e) {
    print('Should not reach here! $e');

  // Throwing and catching an ErrorOf<A>.
  try {
  } on ErrorOfType<FailedToSerializeObject> catch (e) {
    print('${CYAN}DEMO only, errors should never be caught!');

A typical output produced when running the program above is shown below: Console Output

Examples #

A copy of the program show in the section above can be found in the folder example.

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

[ExceptionOf]: [exception_templates]: https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/exception_templates

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verified publishersimphotonics.com

Provides parameterized exception and error templates. Enables throwing specific error objects without the need to define exception classes.

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unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on exception_templates