f_logs 0.1.5 copy "f_logs: ^0.1.5" to clipboard
f_logs: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard


FLog provides quick & simple logging solution. All logs are saved to the DB which can then be exported in files.


FLogs Advance Logging Framework #

FLog is an Advanced Logging Framework develop in flutter that provides quick & simple logging solution. All logs are saved to the DB which can then be exported as a zip file.

Overview #

FLogs is written in dart. It basically features two types of loggers (FLog & DataLog) with many of advanced features needed for logging. Logs are saved in database which can then be exported in document directory of Android|iOS device. The logs are helpful when developer wants to analyze user activities within the app. These logs can be filtered and sorted easily. Logs can easily be exported as zip file base on filter type, the zip file can then be uploaded to server or to use it locally.

Many times we want to log set of data to analyze certain activity e.g. Location (GPS Coordinates), Device info, Network requests etc. this helps us to quickly identify and fix the issue that is hard to debug when the app is in production. FLogs provide such functionality to log data set into database. These logs can then be fetched by applying different convinience filters availale.

Features #

  1. Logs events in files created separately every hour with 'FLogs' logger. (24 hours)
  2. Files can be compressed and exported for time and day filters
  3. Clear Logs easily
  4. Save logs to custom path (Supported in Android only)
  5. Export Logs to custom path as zip file (Supported in Android only)
  6. Custom Log formatting
  7. CSV support
  8. Custom timestamps support
  9. Custom data logging support with 'DataLogs' logger.
  10. Encryption support added
  11. Multiple directory structures
  12. Print logs as String
  13. Export all or single types of logs
  14. Advanced Automation for deleting logs automatically
  15. Exports HTML formatted exceptions

Use this package as a library #

1. Depend on it

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  f_logs: ^0.0.2

2. Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

with Flutter

$ flutter packages get

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

3. Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:f_logs/constants/constants.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/constants/db_constants.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/data/local/app_database.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/data/local/flog_dao.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/model/datalog/data_log_type.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/model/flog/flog.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/model/flog/flog_config.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/model/flog/log.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/model/flog/log_level.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/utils/filters/filters.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/utils/formatter/formate_type.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/utils/formatter/formatter.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/utils/storage/logs_storage.dart';
import 'package:f_logs/utils/timestamp/timestamp_format.dart';

How to use #

Log files are exported on storage directory so it's very important to add these permissions to your project's manifest file first.


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


<string>FLogs would like to save photos from the app to your gallery</string>
<string>FLogs would like to access your photo gallery for uploading images to the app</string>

To save logs, simply call any of the method mentioned below:

1. Simple Info Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.INFO);

2. Simple Warning Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.WARNING);

3. Error Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.ERROR);

4. Severe Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.SEVERE);

5. Exception Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.SEVERE, 
      exception: Exception("This is an Exception!"));

6. Data Log

      className: "HomePage",
      methodName: "_buildRow1",
      text: "My log",
      type: LogLevel.SEVERE,
      dataLogType: DataLogType.DEVICE.toString());

Available Methods #

FLogs provide many convenience methods to save logs into or to fetch them from database, below is the list of all the methods available:

1. logThis

Logs string data along with className, methodName, logText and the type of log (LogLevel.SEVERE, LogLevel.INFO) etc. The same method can be used to log exception(s) or if you want to log data. The difference between FLog and DataLogs is described above, you can also check out wiki for more details.

static logThis({
    @required String className,
    @required String methodName,
    @required String text,
    @required LogLevel type,
    Exception exception,
    String dataLogType,

2. printLogs

Fetches all the logs from database and prints them as a string using StringBuffer()

static printLogs() async {}

3. getAllLogsByCustomFilter

Accepts list of filters as an arguments and returns list of logs based on the provided filters. The use of Filters with their usage is explaned in wiki, please checkout wiki for more details.

List<Filter> filters = [Filter.greaterThan('[FieldName]', '[Value]')]

static Future<List<Log>> getAllLogsByCustomFilter(
    {List<Filter> filters}) async {}

4. getAllLogsByFilter

A convenience method that filters data based on the provided filter params e.g. dataLogsType (DataLogType.DEVICE, DataLogType.NETWORK), logLevels(LogLevel.SEVERE, LogLevel.INFO), startTimeInMillis (milisec of the day you from where you want logs to be fetched), endTimeInMillis (milisec of the day you till you want logs to be fetched). In-order to have full control over filters, use method provided above.

static Future<List<Log>> getAllLogsByFilter(
    {List<String> dataLogsType,
    List<String> logLevels,
    int startTimeInMillis,
    int endTimeInMillis}) async {}

5. getAllLogs

Fetches all the logs from database and returns a list of logs.

static Future<List<Log>> getAllLogs() async {}

6. exportLogs

Exports logs to external storage under FLog directory.

static exportLogs() async {}

7. clearLogs

Clears all the logs stored in database.

static clearLogs() {}

8. applyConfigurations

Apply user provided configurations to FLogs.

static applyConfigurations(LogsConfig config) {}

Wiki #

Checkout wiki for more info

pub points


unverified uploader

FLog provides quick &amp; simple logging solution. All logs are saved to the DB which can then be exported in files.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues




flutter, intl, meta, path, path_provider, permission_handler, sembast, xxtea


Packages that depend on f_logs