ferry 0.5.0 copy "ferry: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
ferry: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


Stream-based GraphQL Client for Dart

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A GraphQL client for Dart / Flutter.

This is the core ferry client package which routes OperationRequests for a given GraphQL operation to the cache or network and returns streams of OperationResponses for each request.

Usage #

Setup Client #

Add ferry and gql_http_link to your pubspec dependencies. You will also need to add ferry_generator to your dev dependencies.

Simple #

import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart';
import 'package:ferry/ferry.dart';

final link = HttpLink("[path/to/endpoint]");

final client = Client(link: link);

This instantiates a client with the default configuration, including a Cache instance that uses a MemoryStore to store data.

With HiveStore (persisted offline data) #

Add hive (and hive_flutter if you're using flutter) to your pubspec.

import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart';
import 'package:ferry/ferry.dart';
import 'package:ferry_hive_store/ferry_hive_store.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
// *** If using flutter ***
// import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';

Future<Client> initClient() async {
  // OR, if using flutter
  // await Hive.initFlutter();

  final box = await Hive.openBox("graphql");

  final store = HiveStore(box);

  final cache = Cache(store: store);

  final link = HttpLink("[path/to/endpoint]");

  final client = Client(
    link: link,
    cache: cache,

  return client;

With UpdateCacheHandlers #

The Client allows arbitrary cache updates following mutations, similar to functionality provided by Apollo Client's mutation update function. However, in order for mutations to work offline (still a WIP), the client must be aware of all UpdateCacheHandlers.

typedef UpdateCacheHandler<TData, TVars> = void Function(
  CacheProxy proxy,
  OperationResponse<TData, TVars> response,

CacheProxy provides methods to readQuery, readFragment, writeQuery, and writeFragment.

import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart';
import 'package:ferry/ferry.dart';

import '[path/to/MyUpdateCacheHandler]';

final link = HttpLink("https://graphql-pokemon.now.sh/graphql");

final updateCacheHandlers = <dynamic, Function>{
  "MyHandlerKey": MyUpdateCacheHandler,

final options = ClientOptions(updateCacheHandlers: updateCacheHandlers);

final client = Client(
  link: link,
  options: options,

This handler can then be called using its key "MyHandlerKey" from a OperationRequest.

Generate Dart GraphQL Files #

The ferry Client is fully typed, so we must use the gql_build package to generate dart representations of our GraphQL operations, variables, and data. We will also use the req_builder included in the ferry_generator package to build typed OperationRequests for each GraphQL operation.

Download GraphQL Schema #

First, we need to downoad our GraphQL in SDL format to any location within the lib project directory. You can use the get-graphql-schema tool to download a schema from a GraphQL endpoint:

First, install the tool:

npm install -g get-graphql-schema

Next, download the schema:

get-graphql-schema ENDPOINT_URL > lib/schema.graphql

Add Queries to .graphql files #

gql_build will generate dart code for all files located in the lib folder that end in a .graphql extention.

For example, we might have the following in all_pokemon.graphql:

query AllPokemon($first: Int!) {
  pokemons(first: $first) {

Build Generated Queries #

Add gql_build and build_runner to your dev_dependencies in your pubspec file.

Next add a build.yaml file to your project root:

        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
          schema: your_package_name|lib/schema.graphql
        enabled: true
          schema: your_package_name|lib/schema.graphql
        enabled: true
          schema: your_package_name|lib/schema.graphql

        enabled: true

Now we can build our dart generated files by calling:

pub run build_runner build

Or, if we are using flutter

flutter pub run build_runner build

Queries #

import 'path/to/client.dart';
import './[my_query].req.gql.dart';

// Instantiate a `OperationRequest` using the generated `.req.gql.dart` file.
final query = GMyQueryReq((b) => b..vars.id = "123");

// Listen to responses for the given query
client.responseStream(query).listen((response) => print(response));

Mutations #

Mutations are executed in the same way as queries

import 'path/to/client.dart';
import './[my_mutation].req.gql.dart';

// Instantiate an `OperationRequest` using the generated `.req.gql.dart` file.
final mutation = GMyMutationReq((b) => b..vars.id = "123");

// If I only care about the first non-optimistic response, I can do:
  .firstWhere((response) => response.source != ResponseSource.Optimistic)
  .then((response) => print(response));

With Flutter #

The library includes a Query flutter widget, which is a simple wrapper around the StreamBuilder widget.

This example assumes we've registered our Client instance with get_it, but you can use any dependency injection.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ferry/ferry.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:ferry_flutter/ferry_flutter.dart';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';

import './graphql/all_pokemon.data.gql.dart';
import './graphql/all_pokemon.req.gql.dart';
import './graphql/all_pokemon.var.gql.dart';
import './pokemon_card.dart';

class AllPokemonScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final client = GetIt.I<Client>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('All Pokemon'),
      body: Query(
        client: client,
        operationRequest: GAllPokemonReq(
          (b) => b..vars.first = 500,
        builder: (
          BuildContext context,
          OperationResponse<GAllPokemonData, GAllPokemonVars> response,
        ) {
          if (response.loading)
            return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

          final pokemons = response.data?.queryPokemon ?? BuiltList();

          return ListView.builder(
            itemCount: pokemons.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) => PokemonCard(
              pokemon: pokemons[index],