ff_annotation_route 1.1.3 copy "ff_annotation_route: ^1.1.3" to clipboard
ff_annotation_route: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard


Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

ff_annotation_route #

pub package GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub license GitHub issues flutter-candies

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Description #

Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

Usage #

Add packages to dev_dependencies #

Add the package to dev_dependencies in your project/packages's pubspec.yaml

  ff_annotation_route: latest-version

Download with flutter packages get

Add annotation #

Empty Constructor

import 'package:ff_annotation_route/ff_annotation_route.dart';

  name: "fluttercandies://mainpage",
  routeName: "MainPage",
class MainPage extends StatelessWidget 
  // ...

Constructor with arguments

import 'package:ff_annotation_route/ff_annotation_route.dart';

  name: "fluttercandies://picswiper",
  routeName: "PicSwiper",
  argumentNames: ["index", "pics"],
  showStatusBar: false,
  pageRouteType: PageRouteType.transparent,
class PicSwiper extends StatefulWidget {
  final int index;
  final List<PicSwiperItem> pics;
  PicSwiper({this.index, this.pics});
  // ...


Parameter Description Default
name The name of the route (e.g., "/settings"). required
argumentNames Arguments name passed to FFRoute. Pass with double quote (") only. -
showStatusBar Whether to show the status bar. true
routeName The route name to track page. ''
pageRouteType The type of page route.(material, cupertino, transparent) -
description The description of the route. ''

Generate Route File #


Add dart bin into to your $PATH.


More info

Activate the plugin

pub global activate ff_annotation_route

Execute command

Go to your project's root path and execute command. ff_annotation_route

Or you can execute command with your project path ff_annotation_route path=

Command Parameter

Using with parameter=xxx, and use the space( ) to split.

Parameter Description Default
path The path of your project. current
mode 0 or 1, 1 will generate xxx_route_helper.dart to help you to handle showStatusBar/routeName/pageRouteType 0
generateRouteNames Whether to generate route names in xxx_route.dart at root project. false
generateRouteConstants Whether to generate route constants in xxx_route.dart at root project, with a class named Routes. false
routeSettingsNoArguments if true, FFRouteSettings(in xxx_route_helper.dart) has no arguments for lower flutter sdk. false

Main.dart #

  • If you execute command with mode=1, FFNavigatorObserver/FFRouteSettings will generate in xxx_route_helper.dart which help you to track page or change status bar state.

  • If you execute command with mode=1, FFTransparentPageRoute will generate in xxx_route_helper.dart which helps you to push a transparent page route.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return OKToast(
        child: MaterialApp(
      title: 'ff_annotation_route demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      navigatorObservers: [
        FFNavigatorObserver(routeChange: (name) {
          //you can track page here
        }, showStatusBarChange: (bool showStatusBar) {
          if (showStatusBar) {
          } else {
      builder: (c, w) {
        ScreenUtil.instance =
            ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334, allowFontScaling: true)
        var data = MediaQuery.of(c);
        return MediaQuery(
          data: data.copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0),
          child: w,
      initialRoute: "fluttercandies://mainpage",
      onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
        var routeResult =
            getRouteResult(name: settings.name, arguments: settings.arguments);

        if (routeResult.showStatusBar != null ||
            routeResult.routeName != null) {
          settings = FFRouteSettings(
              arguments: settings.arguments,
              name: settings.name,
              isInitialRoute: settings.isInitialRoute,
              routeName: routeResult.routeName,
              showStatusBar: routeResult.showStatusBar);

        var page = routeResult.widget ?? NoRoute();

        switch (routeResult.pageRouteType) {
          case PageRouteType.material:
            return MaterialPageRoute(settings: settings, builder: (c) => page);
          case PageRouteType.cupertino:
            return CupertinoPageRoute(settings: settings, builder: (c) => page);
          case PageRouteType.transparent:
            return FFTransparentPageRoute(
                settings: settings,
                pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation,
                        Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) =>
            return Platform.isIOS
                ? CupertinoPageRoute(settings: settings, builder: (c) => page)
                : MaterialPageRoute(settings: settings, builder: (c) => page);

More info

Push #

Push name

  Navigator.pushNamed(context, "fluttercandies://mainpage");

Push name with arguments

arguments MUST be a Map<String, dynamic>

    arguments: {
      "index": index,
      "pics": listSourceRepository
          .map<PicSwiperItem>((f) => PicSwiperItem(f.imageUrl, des: f.title))
pub points


verified publisherfluttercandies.com

Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, meta, path, yaml


Packages that depend on ff_annotation_route