fl_paging 1.0.1 copy "fl_paging: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
fl_paging: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package for paging

Paging #

A new Flutter package for paging

Demo #

DataSource #


Example for load with page index

1, Define Source

class ListViewDataSource extends paging.PageKeyedDataSource<int, Note> {
  NoteRepository noteRepository;
  ListViewDataSource(this.noteRepository) {
    isEndList = false;

  Future<Tuple2<List<Note>, int>> loadInitial() async {
    final result = await noteRepository.getNotes(0);
    return Tuple2(result, 0);

  Future<Tuple2<List<Note>, int>> loadPageAfter(int params) async {
    if (params == 6) isEndList = true;
    final result = await noteRepository.getNotes(params + 1);
    return Tuple2(result, params + 1);

2, ListView

        key: key,
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
        itemBuilder: (context, data, child) {
          return NoteWidget(data);
        pageDataSource: dataSource,

3, GridView

        key: key,
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
        itemBuilder: (context, data, child) {
          return NoteGridWidget(data);
        delegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
            crossAxisCount: 2,
          mainAxisSpacing: 16,
          crossAxisSpacing: 16
        pageDataSource: dataSource,


Coming Soon :))


Coming Soon :))


Coming Soon :))

Documentation #

BaseWidget Class #

Dart attribute Description Default Value
emptyBuilder builder for empty widget
loadingBuilder builder for loading widget
errorBuilder builder for error widget
itemBuilder builder for item widget
pageDataSource DataSource for this widget