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A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based MaterialApp themes.

Changelog #

All notable changes to the FlexColorScheme package are documented here.

[4.0.0] - November 13, 2021 #

  • The new V4 docs are still a bit lacking and will be improved in docs updates later.

  • The breaking case is a minor difference in produced style for true black mode. Version 4.0.0 is still fully API compatible with version 3. Version 4.0.0 does however contain so many new features, that it in itself warrants a new major release bump.

  • Breaking: In dark mode, the darkIsTrueBlack now makes surface color 8% darker instead of 6%. This change was needed to support overlay color in dark mode when using darkIsTrueBlack when using the new surfaceMode property. For more information see Flutter SDK issue 90353.

  • Fix/Breaking: From the color scheme English descriptions the sentence end "." was removed from all description strings. If and when you want one, you can add it as needed.

  • New: Added a more flexible and powerful alpha blending feature for surface and background colors. The new properties in the FlexColorScheme factories light and dark are surfaceMode, of type enum FlexSurfaceMode and integer blendLevel. Consider using them instead of previous surfaceStyle. The surface color blend style surfaceStyle is still default, and not yet deprecated, but may be so in later versions. It is not really needed anymore, but there was no major reason to break things by removing it either.

  • New: Major new feature; easy sub-theming of Flutter SDK UI widgets.

    • You can opt in on nice looking opinionated widget sub-themes by setting FlexColorScheme.useSubThemes to true, it is false by default.
    • The default settings for the sub-theme is inspired by Material 3 design (M3) It mimics it to large extent when using default value sub-theme values and settings. The varying corner radius is different per widget type. The new TextTheme Typography is also included. All parts cannot be made to look exactly like M3 in Flutter when using Material 2 design (M2), but many parts can, and where possible the defaults try follow those values. You can of course override the default.
    • You can tweak these sub themes with a number of parameters defined in the FlexSubThemesData class, passed to FlexColorScheme.subThemesData.
    • The FlexSubThemesData class provides parameters for easy adjustment of corner radius in Widgets that use ShapeBorder or decorations, that support changing the Widget's corner radius. With the sub themes enabled, you can easily create a theme with a consistent corner radius on built-in Flutter SDK UI widgets.
    • The widget sub-themes also harmonize a few other styles, e.g. ToggleButtons to match the standard buttons regarding size and design as far as possible.
    • In case you still use the old deprecated buttons, they also get ButtonThemeData that as far as possible match the same style.
    • Via the sub themes it is by default opted-in to also use a bit Material You like coloring on the text styles. This can also be opted out of, even if otherwise opting in on sub-themes, it is on by default when opting in on sub themes.
  • New: Added FlexThemeData static extension on ThemeData.

    • FlexColorScheme Themes can now also be created with the new syntax FlexThemeData.light and FlexThemeData.dark, instead of using FlexColorScheme.light().toTheme and FlexColorScheme.dark().toTheme.
    • The toTheme method is still available and works as before. It will not be deprecated. It is needed when making elaborate custom sub themes beyond what is offered when using FlexColorScheme based opt-in sub themes. When you make custom sub themes yourself, you often need access to the ColorScheme that is defined in current FlexColorScheme() instance. You can get it with FlexColorScheme().toScheme. Then use this this standard ColorScheme or any of its colors, in your custom sub theme definitions, that you then add with copyWith to your FlexColorScheme based theme, like FlexColorScheme().toTheme.copyWith(..."your sub themes and other ThemeData over-rides here").
  • New: Added textTheme and primaryTextTheme properties to FlexColorScheme to enable easy setup of custom TextThemes, without the need to add a custom TextTheme via a copyWith, plus merge with the default text theme.

  • New: Added FlexColorScheme.dialogBackground as a background surface color that can be controlled and themed separately.

  • New: Added appBarOpacity to FlexColorScheme.light() and dark(). With it, you can apply themed opacity to the AppBar background color to
    the selected FlexAppBarStyle it is using.

  • New: On the FlexColorScheme factories light and dark, exposed the Color properties primary, primaryVariant, secondary, sedondaryVariant, appBarBackground, dialogBackground and error. They all default to null, but if provided they can be used as override values to factory behaviors defined by scheme, colors, appBarStyle, surfaceMode and surfaceStyle that otherwise via the factories define the colors for these properties. If a value for one of the new direct color properties is used with the factory, it always has precedence over other properties that assign or compute colors for it.

  • New: Exposed boolean property applyElevationOverlayColor. It has the same function as the same property in ThemeData. It applies a semi-transparent overlay color on Material surfaces to indicate elevation for dark themes. In FlexColorScheme it defaults to true. In Flutter ThemeData.from it also default to true, but in ThemeData it defaults to false. The property is just available for convenience, so you can avoid a copyWith if you wish to turn it off. It is not necessarily needed or even desired when using strong alpha blends on surfaces in dark mode, to use an elevation overlay color.

  • New: All FlexSchemeData objects in FlexColor are exposed as static const objects, making them easy to pick and reuse as const objects individually in custom color scheme lists, or as input to the colors property. Previously only the individual color value definitions were exposed.

  • New: Added convenience extension .blendAlpha() on Color in FlexColorExtensions.

  • New: The FlexThemeModeSwitch got a bool property hasTitle, if set to false it removes the title entirely.

  • New: The FlexThemeModeSwitch got a buttonOrder property using enum FlexThemeModeButtonOrder that you can use to define the order of its light, system and dark theme mode buttons, in all possible combinations.

  • New: Added edgeToEdge support to FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar. This brings the previously experimental support for transparent system navigation bar in Android into the supported fold in FlexColorScheme. Its functionality requires min Android SDK level 29, but other than that it works without Android setup shenanigans. No added APIs, the API for it already existed in previous version of FlexColorScheme, using it did however require special Android build configuration setup, this is no longer required.

  • Change: The FlexColor.schemesList is now a const for improved efficiency.

  • New color schemes: Added four new built-in color schemes. Total number of color schemes is now 36 matched light and dark pairs.

    • Blue whale - Blue whale, jungle green and outrageous tango orange. Use enum value FlexScheme.blueWhale for easy access to it. This theme is final and selected for inclusion as a new one.
    • San Juan blue - San Juan blue and pink salmon theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.sanJuanBlue for easy access to it.
    • Rosewood - Rosewood red, with horses neck and driftwood theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.rosewood for easy access to it.
    • Blumine - Blumine, easter blue and saffron mango theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.blumineBlue for easy access to it.
  • Documentation:

    • The new main example is a complete quick start guide that doubles as "developers" hot reload based playground template. It has comments explaining what is going on. If you skip reading the readme docs and tutorial, the example may help to kick-start using FlexColorScheme and all its features. It shows most of the features in last tutorial example 5, but without any interactive UI. You are the UI and can edit prop values and use hot-reload to see changes.
    • All examples now use the new FlexThemeData extension syntax to create the ThemeData and surfaceMode to define the alpha blended surfaces.
    • Examples 2 to 5 also use the in Flutter 2.5 new skeleton architecture with a ChangeNotifier based controller, AnimatedBuilder to listen to it and an abstract service to get and persist the theme settings, with a concrete in-memory implementation, plus the implementations to persist the theme.
      • Examples 2 to 4 use the Hive implementation.
      • Example 5 uses the SharedPreferences implementation
  • Tests:

    • Added tests for the new features, total 1066 tests,
    • Coverage 99%, will improve them more later.

[4.0.0-dev.1] - November 13, 2021 #

  • See change log for stable 4.0.0, it was the same for the dev release. the text is just not repeated here anymore.

[3.0.1] - July 1, 2021 #

  • Fix: The internal order of swapping primary and secondary colors and reducing used colors in static function FlexSchemeColor.effective(FlexSchemeColor colors, int usedColors, {bool swapColors = false}) matters for the intended result when used together in the same call. The function now swaps primary and secondary colors, before reducing the used colors.
  • Tests: Added tests for above fix that captures the issue and fails in version 3.0.0. Total 741 tests, coverage 99.75%.
  • Documentation and typo fixes.

[3.0.0] - June 25, 2021 #

  • Breaking: The color accentColor is being deprecated in Flutter SDK ThemeData starting from version v2.3.0-0.1.pre. For more info see Flutter docs here.

    Usage of accentColor in FlexColorScheme is removed to support this transition. The property is deprecated in FlexColorScheme, but it is still present. Its usage does however no longer have any impact on produced themes. This is a potential breaking change. The probability that you might have used it as a property in your FlexColorScheme based theme is low. It was before set to primary color in FlexColorScheme, as a way to make the highlight color of outlines and underlines on text field boxes primary colored in dark theme mode. In default Flutter dark theme they used accentColor that followed colorScheme.secondary color. The old accentColor was previously not used for anything else in themes anymore when using FlexColorScheme. The property is now going away totally in Flutter SDK. The default ThemeData in Flutter SDK in dark mode now creates a theme for outline and underline indicators on input fields that are based on primary color, just like FlexColorScheme always did. The resulting default dark mode style on text fields thus remains unchanged in FlexColorScheme even with this definition removed.

    If you had used accentColor in FlexColorScheme as an unusual way to define a different text field outline or underline color in dark mode than primary color. In that case you will need to recreate this style via a text field decoration theme.

  • New: The FlexColorScheme.dark and FlexColorScheme.light factories have a new property called swapColors. If true, this will swap primary and primaryVariant colors with their secondary counter-parts.

    This flag can be set to true if you want to make a theme where your primary and secondary colors are swapped compared to their definition. It is useful if you want to quickly swap primary and secondary colors when using the pre-defined color schemes or with computed dark schemes from light schemes. It doubles the variation possibilities of themes based on the pre-defined color schemes.

    If you are explicitly defining all you light or dark scheme colors, you can of course define them in desired order. This feature will still swap whatever colors you defined for primary and secondary when set to true. You can thus also use this feature as an easy end-user modifiable theme option, if you like to offer the capability to toggle the primary and secondary theme colors the other way around.

  • New: The static function FlexSchemeColor.effective(FlexSchemeColor colors, int usedColors, {bool swapColors = false}) is used to implement the above swapColors feature. It also exposes the logic behind the FlexColorScheme dark and light theme usedColors property. This static method is helpful if you need to compute effective built-in theme colors externally to FlexColorScheme to present the active theme, based on these settings. This is used by example 5 to change the colors on the theme mode switch when the swap color settings is toggled. The usedColors property is not shown in any bundled example, but it can be used the same way.

  • New color schemes: Added four new built-in color schemes.

    • Bahama and trinidad - Bahama blue and trinidad orange colored theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.bahamaBlue for easy access to it.
    • Mallard and valencia - Mallard green and Valencia pink colored theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.mallardGreen for easy access to it.
    • Espresso and crema - Espresso dark brown and crema colored theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.espresso for easy access to it.
    • Outer space stage - Outer space dark blue-grey and stage red theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.outerSpace for easy access to it.
  • Tests: Added tests for the new features and removed test related to accentColor. Total 736 tests, coverage 99.75%.

  • Inspired by MaterialYou at GoogleIO 2021, I recently hooked up FlexColorScheme with a Google Dart library that extracts prominent colors from images. Then fed these colors to FlexColorScheme to make themes from them. The above new color schemes in release 3.0.0 came from these image based theme experiments. You can see examples of FlexColorScheme making color schemes and themes from images in my Tweets about it. This was a first quick test of the idea, later I added some more features to it, here and here. These quick tests show that FlexColorScheme is very versatile. It already supports Android 12 like image color branded themes, by wiring extracted image colors, to colors in a FlexColorScheme based theme.

[2.1.1] - March 30, 2021 #

  • Change: Made the VoidCallback onSelect in FlexThemeModeOptionButton nullable. The optional callback allows for the button to be used for example as a trailing widget in a ListTile. Keep it null to not have any callback, nor hover or Ink of its own, and use the select event of the parent instead. When it is used as standalone button you normally want to use this callback, but not if you want the parent to handle it, that use case was not allowed with previous version.

[2.1.0] - March 22, 2021 #

  • Fix: Toggling FlexColorScheme(transparentStatusBar) from true to false, did not restore the Android default status bar scrim, unless the app was completely rebuilt. This has been fixed.
  • Fix: When using FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar(useDivider) in an AnnotatedRegion, toggling useDivider from true to false, did not remove the system navigation bar divider again, unless the app was completely rebuilt. This has been fixed, see API docs for more info.
  • Feature: The FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar for styling the system navigation bar got a new convenience property systemNavBarStyle that takes a FlexSystemNavBarStyle enum with values:
    • system: For default white system nav bar in light theme and black in dark theme mode.
    • surface: The system navigation bar will be the same color as active theme colorScheme.surface color. If your FlexColorScheme definition is set to use primary branded surface and background colors, the same primary color blend that the surface color has received will be used.
    • background: The system navigation bar will be the same color as active theme colorScheme.background color. If your FlexColorScheme definition is set to use primary branded surface and background colors, the same primary color blend that the background color has received will be used.
    • scaffoldBackground: The system navigation bar will be the same color as active theme scaffoldBackground color. If your FlexColorScheme definition is set to use primary branded surface and background colors, the same primary color blend that the scaffoldBackground color has received will be used.
    • transparent: An experimental feature. The goal is to make the system navigation bar fully transparent, showing the background, while navigation buttons float over the background. This feature only works if it is also configured in the Android embedder and on SDK 30 or higher. More information in this example: https://github.com/rydmike/sysnavbar
  • Examples: Added status bar scrim, system navigation bar divider, and navigation bar style toggles to example 5. These only work on Android builds and do not have any functionality on the live Web builds.
  • Tests: Added tests for the new features. Total 690 tests, coverage 99.75%.

[2.0.0] - March 15, 2021 #

  • First stable release of FlexColorScheme with sound null safety.
  • Includes the changes from [2.0.0-nullsafety.1] and [2.0.0-nullsafety.2].
  • Breaking: The by default enabled divider for FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar has been revised to be disabled by default. To use a divider on the top of the system navigation bar on Android, you have to enabled it manually. This is more in line with expected default behaviour.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.2] - March 15, 2021 #

  • Breaking Minor change to the none default tooltipsMatchBackground: true border style, it now uses the theme divider color as its default outline color.
  • Breaking: As stated earlier in the documentation, as a planned change for version 2.0.0, the sub theme for FloatingActionButtonThemeData was removed. It is thus now null, just as in a default Flutter ThemeData. It still produces the same theme as before, the ThemeData definition was just no longer needed to do so.
  • Features: The static helper FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar received three new properties noAppBar, invertStatusIcons and systemNavigationBarDividerColor. The old property nullContextBackground was deprecated and replaced with systemNavigationBarColor. Example 5 has been updated to show how and when these new features can be used.
  • Migrated AppBar theming to use the implementation introduced in Flutter 2.0.0 instead of using its own custom implementation for the "white" app bar theme.
  • Tests: Number of tests increased from 639 to 661. Coverage 99.78%.
  • Documentation: Added thumbnails to Appendix A. This pub-web.flutter-io.cn version is also to test the thumbnails work and how they look on pub-web.flutter-io.cn before stable 2.0.0 release.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.1] - February 4, 2021 #

  • First version with null-safety.
  • Breaking: Removed the in version 1.3.0 deprecated FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.themeSurface, use FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.surfaceStyle instead.
  • Tests: Number of tests were reduced from 723 to 639, when all null related tests were removed.

[1.4.1] - January 31, 2021 #

  • New color schemes: Added four new built-in color schemes.

    • Barossa - Barossa red and cardin green theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.barossa for easy access to it.
    • Shark and orange - Shark grey and orange ecstasy theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.shark for easy access to it.
    • Big stone tulip - Big stone blue and tulip tree yellow theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.bigStone for easy access to it.
    • Damask and lunar - Damask red and lunar green theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.damask for easy access to it.
  • Improved: Semantics for the ThemeMode Widget buttons.

  • Tests: FlexThemeModeSwitch widget tests, makes and checks for system mode changes.

  • Tests: More tests, totally 723 tests, codecov is now > 99.5%.

  • CI/CD: Added GitHub actions to automate build and to publish the examples on the Web on a new release.

  • Examples: Minor changes to the examples. Modified to not need the late keyword when they are converted to null safe versions.

  • Documentation:

    • Added the new color schemes to the documentation.
    • Minor typo corrections.

[1.4.0] - January 18, 2021 #

  • Feature: Added convenience property scheme to FlexColorScheme factories light and dark. This a shortcut for using the built-in color schemes. The colors property can still be used as before. The .light and .dark factories no longer have any required properties. If scheme is not provided it defaults to FlexScheme.material and if both scheme and colors are provided, the scheme provided via colors prevail.

  • Examples: Updated the simple example 1 to use the new scheme property, as in theme: FlexColorScheme.light(scheme: FlexScheme.mandyRed).toTheme.

  • Feature: Added experimental support for transparent system navigation bar for Android for SDK >= 30 (Android 11). The support is added via new opacity property in FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar.

    A separate example that builds on example 5, shows and explains how and when transparent system navigation bar can be used in Android. It also shows how to make it look nice when using primary color branded background color applied to the system navigation bar in Android, that is used when transparency is not supported. While if supported, your app otherwise uses a transparent system navigation. Please see this separate small stand-alone example Android project sysnavbar on GitHub for more information.

  • Tests: Added more tests, now 689 tests. All color values used are now also tested, any modification to them is considered a breaking change. A bit more tests would still be nice, for the ThemeModeSwitch Widget at least. Total test coverage > 98%, it will do for now.

  • Documentation:

    • Changed example one and the intro, to use the new simpler scheme property when using built-in schemes.
    • Added a section that lists which sub-themes, and which of their properties, are NOT null when creating a theme data object with FlexColorScheme.toTheme.
    • Removed the "back to contents" link after each chapter. It was nice and worked fine on GitHub, but for some reason it did not on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.
    • Tried finding and adding comments for the 3 missing API comments needed to reach 100% API documentation comments, not sure if it succeeded. I will see when the update is published.

[1.3.0] - January 7, 2021 #

  • Marked FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.themeSurface as deprecated in favor of the correctly named FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.surfaceStyle version. The older themeSurface will be removed when null safe Version 2.0.0 is officially released as the main version.
  • Added Diagnosticable mixin to classes FlexSchemeOnColors, FlexSchemeSurfaceColors and FlexColorScheme, that all also received proper identity overrides and copyWith methods.
  • Improved internal null safe behavior, with fall-backs values in some classes and helper functions. It might make migration to null-safety easier.
  • Added 389 tests. Coverage is 89% based on Codecov report. Will add more tests later, enough for now.
  • The tests will make the migration to null-safety easier by providing some quality control checks.
  • Added GitHub actions to run all the tests and automated test coverage analysis with Codecov.
  • Documentation improvements and API doc fixes.
    In previous version API doc analysis says "441 out of 444 API elements (99.3 %) have documentation comments.". I have not been able to find any missing ones. The result from this update will only be seen after it has been uploaded, but I doubt it will change much. If somebody happens to find the missing doc comments let my know, the IDE analyser does not find them either.

[1.2.0] - January 4, 2021 #

  • Added four new built-in color schemes.

    • Amber blue - Amber blaze and blue color theme, based on Material amber and blue accent colors. Use enum value FlexScheme.amber for easy access to it.
    • Vesuvius burned - Vesuvius burned orange and eden green theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.vesuviusBurn for easy access to it.
    • Deep purple - Deep purple daisy bush theme, based on Material deepPurple and lightBlueAccent colors. Use enum value FlexScheme.deepPurple for easy access to it.
    • Ebony clay - Ebony clay dark blue-grey and watercourse green colored theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.ebonyClay for easy access to it.
  • Added a style option for the tab bar. The FlexColorScheme created tab bar theme now defaults to a TabBarTheme that fits its created AppBarTheme, also works via the factory app bar style options. There is also an optional style that makes the tab bar theme suitable for surface and background colors. This was the default style before. The change to this default style is a fix to make the default TabBarTheme one that fits on app bar's instead, which is expected default behavior in Flutter and Material design. The style is set via the FlexColorScheme property tabBarStyle using enum values FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar (default) and FlexTabBarStyle.forBackground.

  • The themed AppBar and BottomAppBar elevations still default to 0. For convenience, the themed values can now both be modified directly via the FlexColorScheme properties appBarElevation and bottomAppBarElevation, without need to change these frequently modified values with an extra copyWith to get them re-themed as desired. When using the recommended FlexColorScheme.light and FlexColorScheme.dark factories, appBarElevation defaults to '0', if not defined and bottomAppBarElevation defaults to appBarElevation, if not defined. When using the default constructor (the factories are recommended), they both default to '0'.

Example updates

  • All examples: The widget showcase now show the resulting themed tab bar on two different backgrounds, one on the app bar color and one on background color. This can guide you in which tab bar style is right for your use case.
  • Example 4 and 5: The sub-page now has a demo tab bar in the app bar, and a demo bottom navigation bar.
  • Example 5: Now includes a toggle that can be used to select the tab bar theme style.
  • Example 5: Now includes a slider to modify the themed app bar elevation.
  • Example 5: The Roboto font that is always used by the examples regardless of platform, is now also used when you create the theme from the scheme with the ThemeData.from(colorScheme). It looked a bit odd when it changed to platform default font on Desktop and Web versions, while FlexColorScheme.toTheme used Roboto. This was modified so that the resulting themes use the same font and are thus more comparable.

[1.1.1] - December 31, 2020 #

  • Updated example 5 to include UI that can be used to vary the computed dark themes white blend percentage level. This was added to better demonstrate the toDark feature.
  • Added a defaultError modifier that enables the built-in schemes to use the Material design guide's default dark error color when using the toDark method to compute a dark scheme from a light scheme. The toDark method can be used without the defaultError scheme modifier, but then the error color also changes with the other computed dark scheme colors when using toDark method and the level adjustment. This is not necessarily the desired behavior. The fix enables the alternative more often desired behavior and ensures that the dark error color just uses the default value. For custom schemes that do not specify a custom error color for their light scheme and thus default to the Material Guide's standard error color, the fix is not needed. Example 5 demonstrates the use case of defaultError as well.
  • Major documentation review and updates.

[1.1.0] - December 29, 2020 #

  • Added API to make a matching dark scheme from a light scheme. See FlexSchemeColor.toDark.
  • Added a showSystemMode property to FlexThemeModeSwitch. It defaults to true. Set it to false, to exclude the system setting based theme mode option.
  • Added static method FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity.
  • Added static method FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar that can be used to assist with theming the system navigation bar via an annotated region. See updated example 5, for a demo on how to use it.
  • Added API property FlexColorScheme.transparentStatusBar to allow opting out of the one-toned AppBar in Android.
  • Updated the examples.
    • All examples now use the new platform adaptive FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity as their visualDensity setting. The Flutter default compact mode for desktop and web goes a bit overboard in its compactness. This optional setting presents an alternative where comfortable density is used on desktops and Web, while devices keep their standard visual density. Just omit the setting if you prefer Flutter's super compact Web and Desktop widgets.
    • Example 3 excludes the system theme mode option, just to show this new feature of the switch.
    • Example 4 includes all built-in schemes, plus 3 custom ones, including one where the dark scheme is made with the toDark method. Example 4 also includes a sub-page that can be opened to see the same theme on a new page.
    • Example 5 now includes an option make all the dark mode schemes with the toDark option, so it can be toggled and compared to the hand-tuned versions. The same custom color scheme as in example 4 are also included. Example 5 also has the same sub-page as example 4. Example 5 now also show how to solve the issue that the system navigation bar does not get color scheme and theme mode appropriate style in Android when we change the theme. This improvement is done with an AnnotatedRegion and the new static helper method FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar.
  • Documentation updates and typo corrections.

[1.0.0] - December 21, 2020 #

  • Version 1.0.0 released
  • Documentation layout updates and typo corrections.

[1.0.0-dev.2] - December 21, 2020 #

  • Made planned API name changes, SchemeOnColors -> FlexSchemeOnColors and SchemeSurfaceColors -> FlexSchemeSurfaceColors. These are lower level APIs that are only used when making custom on and surface colors. Changed ThemeModeOptionButton -> FlexThemeModeOptionButton, this is a lower level API that can be used when making more advanced custom theme selection controls that are based on the same button that the FlexThemeModeSwitch uses.
  • Exposed planned configuration APIs for the FlexThemeModeSwitch and FlexThemeModeOptionButton.
  • Removed the constants that had no function in the public interface from the API.
  • Documentation updates and corrections.
  • Removed legacy usage of deprecated ThemeData properties textSelectionColor, cursorColor and textSelectionHandleColor. They are no longer needed even for stable channel, they were useful earlier but not anymore, using only TextSelectionThemeData is enough in the latest stable version.

[1.0.0-dev.1] - December 17, 2020 #

  • First development pre-release on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.

Known General Issues #

  • The color branding is not applied to Widgets using elevated Material of type canvas in Flutter when using primary colored surface and backgrounds, and the theme's applyElevationOverlayColor: true is true. This is caused by this Flutter SDK issue and limitation. Version 4.0.0 addresses this limitation by introducing more color blend modes that keep the colors equal in order to not be affected by this limitation. If you are using heavy color branding in dark theme mode, the overlay color is not really necessary. Material 3 (You) is, based on some code comments seen on the NavigationBar, maybe leaning this way too.

Planned Updates and New Features #

These are the topics I currently have on the TODO list for this package. Have a new suggestion and idea? Feel free to open a suggestion or issue in the repo.


  • Add a property option to use actual Material color shades when a Material color is selected as primary color, for its light/dark shade.

  • For color swatch calculations, find and use the color algorithm Google uses on its Material colors site here and here.

  • The algorithms for them are actually a bit different. The second link also seems to imply that ColorScheme's should have primary and secondary colors, with light and dark variants. Instead of using just one variant color like current ColorScheme class in Flutter. Maybe this is a coming change with Material 3 (You) or perhaps an older design? Status currently unknown.

    • Starting points for the Dart Material color swatch algorithm could be ports of this and/or this
    • Wait and see if Google might make their Material color swatch algorithm available in Dart/Flutter with MaterialYou.
    • Interesting and simpler Ant design color swatches.
    • Color palette tools as info.


  • Version 4.0.0 Docs with quick start example first.
  • Version 4.0.0 Added a more complex example that also persists theme.
  • Version 4.0.0 Added API offering more flexibility and customization capabilities to the surface color branding.
  • Version 3.0.0 Deprecated accentColor. Swap primary and secondary colors feature added. Added 4 new color schemes.
  • Version 2.0.0 Release official null-safe version, when nullsafety is available in Flutter stable channel.
  • Version 2.0.0-nullsafety.2: Minor new APIs and features added. Example 5 updated.
  • Since #71184 landed in Flutter 2.0.0. The past custom "white" AppBarTheme implementation was as planned changed to the new one that is supported by the SDK.
  • Version 2.0.0-nullsafety.1 released
  • Version 1.4.1 Added automated build and publish pipes for the Web examples!
  • Version 1.4.1 More tests, tests are now considered sufficient for current features.
  • Version 1.4.0: Increased unit and widget test to 689 tests. All color definitions are now also tested to ensure they will not be changed by any accidental edit. Test coverage is higher than 95%, certainly sufficient for this type of package, but there are still some areas that could and will be improved.
  • Version 1.3.0: Added 195 unit and widgets tests, mostly unit tests.
  • API to assist with themed annotated region for system navigation bar theming.
  • API to opt-out from one-toned AppBar and return it to Android's default two-toned.
  • Add API that allows us to use an additional extra color definition for ThemeData.accentColor to easily make themes with custom input border color in dark-mode.
  • Add API the can create the dark scheme based on a light scheme's colors.
  • Release version 1.0.0 on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.
  • Review and correct documentation mistakes and typos, first pass anyway.
  • Review and update the API.
  • Publish live Web versions of the five examples.
  • Complete the documentation.
  • Release first version 1.0.0-dev.1 publicly on GitHub and pub-web.flutter-io.cn.


All TODOs and features that were on my original "maybe" list have been completed.


Serialization of FlexColorScheme

Including built-in serialization of FlexColorScheme, and its key classes has been suggested. I consider FlexColorScheme to be functionally on a level similar to ThemeData and ColorScheme. Therefore, it should not cover serialization of itself. Serialization have to deal with a lot of potential failure points that I think should not have to be a concern in this type of component. I am not planning to add it.

My recommendation for saving the state of a FlexColorScheme is to include values for its settings that you use in your implementation in other models in your application, like an "AppSettings" model or similar.

You probably serialize and store such data already, perhaps with shared preferences, hive, get_storage or some other solution. Include the values you need for your FlexColorScheme implementation in your stored settings and then use those values to restore your FlexColorScheme configuration and theme. This way, your implementation also remain in control of what it needs to store and restore.

From version 4.0.0 a simple approach using the architecture introduced via the Flutter "skeleton" template in Flutter version 2.5 was used together with Shared Preferences and Hive, to persist and load FlexColorScheme on start. This is just one example, other implementations together with Riverpod, Provider, Flutter Bloc, GetX etc., and completely different local persistence packages work well too.

pub points


verified publisherrydmike.com

A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based MaterialApp themes.

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Packages that depend on flex_color_scheme