flutter_feathersjs 1.0.5-dev copy "flutter_feathersjs: ^1.0.5-dev" to clipboard
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Communicate with your feathers js server from flutter.

🐦 flutter_feathersjs 🐦 #

Communicate with your feathers js (https://feathersjs.com/) server from flutter.

Infos: Feathers js is a node framework for real-time applications and REST APIs.

*FormData support out the box, auth, reAuth, socketio send event, rest ...

Install it and Import it #

# Communicate with feathers server
flutter_feathersjs: ^lastest

import 'package:flutter_feathersjs/flutter_feathersjs.dart';

Init #

FlutterFeathersjs flutterFeathersjs = FlutterFeathersjs()
    ..init(baseUrl: BASE_URL);

Authentication with either with rest or socketio #

   // Auth with rest client with email/password [Default strategy is email/password]
   var authResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.rest
      .authenticate(userName: user["email"], password: user["password"]);

    // Auth with rest client with phone/password
   var authResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.rest.authenticate(
      strategy: "phone",
      userNameFieldName: "tel",
      userName: user["tel"],
      password: user["password"]);

  //Second time, application will restart, just:
  var reAuthResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.rest.reAuthenticate();

  // Or With socketio
  // Note: This must be call after rest auth success
  // Not recommanded to use this directly
  var authResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.scketio.authWithJWT();

Auth both client one time #

// Auth first time with credentials
 var authResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.authenticate(
      strategy: "phone",
      userNameFieldName: "tel",
      userName: user["tel"],
      password: user["password"]);

// on App restart, don't disturbe user, just reAuth with with accessToken, early store by FlutterFeathersjs
var reAuthResponse = await flutterFeathersjs.reAuthenticate()

Contribution #

  • Contact-me for improvment or contribution purpose
  • Example is coming