flutter_foreground_task 2.0.1 copy "flutter_foreground_task: ^2.0.1" to clipboard
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This plugin is used to implement a foreground service on the Android platform.

This plugin is used to implement a foreground service on the Android platform.

pub package

Features #

  • Can perform repetitive task with foreground service notification.
  • Provides useful utilities (minimizeApp, wakeUpScreen, etc.) that can use when performing task.
  • Provides a widget that prevents the app from closing when a foreground task is running.
  • Provides a widget that can start a foreground task when trying to minimize or close the app.

Getting started #

To use this plugin, add flutter_foreground_task as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. For example:

  flutter_foreground_task: ^2.0.1

After adding the flutter_foreground_task plugin to the flutter project, we need to specify the permissions and services to use for this plugin to work properly.

🐤 Android #

Since this plugin is based on a foreground service, we need to add the following permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and specify it between the <manifest> and <application> tags.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

And specify the service inside the <application> tag as follows. Remove stopWithTask if you want the foreground task to run even if the user or system forces the app to close.

    android:stopWithTask="true" />

How to use #

This plugin has two ways to start a foreground task. There are two ways to start the foreground task manually and to start it when the app is minimized or closed by the WillStartForegroundTask widget.

🐥 Start manually

  1. Initialize the FlutterForegroundTask. FlutterForegroundTask.init() provides notification and task options, detailed options are as follows:
  • channelId: Unique ID of the notification channel.
  • channelName: The name of the notification channel. This value is displayed to the user in the notification settings.
  • channelDescription: The description of the notification channel. This value is displayed to the user in the notification settings.
  • channelImportance: The importance of the notification channel. The default is NotificationChannelImportance.DEFAULT.
  • priority: Priority of notifications for Android 7.1 and lower. The default is NotificationPriority.DEFAULT.
  • enableVibration: Whether to enable vibration when creating notifications. The default is false.
  • playSound: Whether to play sound when creating notifications. The default is true.
  • iconData: The data of the icon to display in the notification. If the value is null, the app launcher icon is used.
  • interval: The task call interval in milliseconds. The default is 5000.
  • printDevLog: Whether to show the developer log. If this value is set to true, you can see logs of the activity (start, stop, etc) of the flutter_foreground_task plugin. It does not work in release mode. The default is false.
void _initForegroundTask() {
    notificationOptions: NotificationOptions(
      channelId: 'notification_channel_id',
      channelName: 'Foreground Notification',
      channelDescription: 'This notification appears when a foreground task is running.',
      channelImportance: NotificationChannelImportance.LOW,
      priority: NotificationPriority.LOW,
      iconData: NotificationIconData(
        resType: ResourceType.mipmap,
        resPrefix: ResourcePrefix.ic,
        name: 'launcher',
    foregroundTaskOptions: ForegroundTaskOptions(
      interval: 5000,
    printDevLog: true,

void initState() {
  1. Add WithForegroundTask widget to prevent the app from closing when a foreground task is running.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    // A widget that prevents the app from closing when a foreground task is running.
    // Declare on top of the [Scaffold] widget.
    home: WithForegroundTask(
      foregroundTask: flutterForegroundTask,
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Flutter Foreground Task'),
          centerTitle: true,
        body: buildContentView(),
  1. Write a foreground task start callback function and start the FlutterForegroundTask. FlutterForegroundTask.start() provides the following options:
  • notificationTitle: The title that will be displayed in the notification.
  • notificationText: The text that will be displayed in the notification.
  • callback: A top-level function that calls the initDispatcher function.
// The callback function should always be a top-level function.
void callback() {
  FlutterForegroundTask.initDispatcher((timestamp) async {
    final strTimestamp = timestamp.toString();
    print('timestamp: $strTimestamp');

class ExampleApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _ExampleAppState createState() => _ExampleAppState();

class _ExampleAppState extends State<ExampleApp> {
  // ...

  void _startForegroundTask() {
      notificationTitle: 'Foreground task is running',
      notificationText: 'Tap to return to the app',
      callback: callback,
  1. Use FlutterForegroundTask.update() to update the foreground task. The options are the same as the start function.
// The callback function should always be a top-level function.
void callback() {
  int updateCount = 0;

  FlutterForegroundTask.initDispatcher((timestamp) async {
    final strTimestamp = timestamp.toString();
    print('callback() - timestamp: $strTimestamp');

        notificationTitle: 'callback()',
        notificationText: strTimestamp,
        callback: updateCount >= 10 ? callback2 : null);


void callback2() {
  FlutterForegroundTask.initDispatcher((timestamp) async {
    final strTimestamp = timestamp.toString();
    print('callback2() - timestamp: $strTimestamp');

        notificationTitle: 'callback2()',
        notificationText: strTimestamp);
  1. When you have completed the required foreground task, call FlutterForegroundTask.stop().
void _stopForegroundTask() {

🐥 Start with WillStartForegroundTask widget

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    // A widget used when you want to start a foreground task when trying to minimize or close the app.
    // Declare on top of the [Scaffold] widget.
    home: WillStartForegroundTask(
      onWillStart: () {
        // Please return whether to start the foreground task.
        return true;
      notificationOptions: NotificationOptions(
        channelId: 'notification_channel_id',
        channelName: 'Foreground Notification',
        channelDescription: 'This notification appears when a foreground task is running.',
        channelImportance: NotificationChannelImportance.LOW,
        priority: NotificationPriority.LOW,
        iconData: NotificationIconData(
          resType: ResourceType.mipmap,
          resPrefix: ResourcePrefix.ic,
          name: 'launcher',
      foregroundTaskOptions: ForegroundTaskOptions(
        interval: 5000,
      printDevLog: true,
      notificationTitle: 'Foreground task is running',
      notificationText: 'Tap to return to the app',
      callback: callback,
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Flutter Foreground Task'),
          centerTitle: true,
        body: buildContentView(),

Models #

🐔 NotificationOptions #

Data class with notification options.

Property Description
channelId Unique ID of the notification channel.
channelName The name of the notification channel. This value is displayed to the user in the notification settings.
channelDescription The description of the notification channel. This value is displayed to the user in the notification settings.
channelImportance The importance of the notification channel. The default is NotificationChannelImportance.DEFAULT.
priority Priority of notifications for Android 7.1 and lower. The default is NotificationPriority.DEFAULT.
enableVibration Whether to enable vibration when creating notifications. The default is false.
playSound Whether to play sound when creating notifications. The default is true.
iconData The data of the icon to display in the notification. If the value is null, the app launcher icon is used.

🐔 NotificationIconData #

Data for setting the notification icon.

Property Description
resType The resource type of the notification icon. If the resource is in the drawable folder, set it to ResourceType.drawable, if the resource is in the mipmap folder, set it to ResourceType.mipmap.
resPrefix The resource prefix of the notification icon. If the notification icon name is ic_simple_notification, set it to ResourcePrefix.ic and set name to simple_notification.
name Notification icon name without prefix.

🐔 ResourceType #

The resource type of the notification icon.

Value Description
drawable A resources in the drawable folder. The drawable folder is where all kinds of images are stored.
mipmap A resources in the mipmap folder. The mipmap folder is usually where the launcher icon image is stored.

🐔 ResourcePrefix #

The resource prefix of the notification icon.

Value Description
ic A resources with the ic_ prefix.
img A resources with the img_ prefix.

🐔 ForegroundTaskOptions #

Data class with foreground task options.

Property Description
interval The task call interval in milliseconds. The default is 5000.

🐔 NotificationChannelImportance #

The importance of the notification channel. See https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/channels?hl=ko#importance

Value Description
NONE A notification with no importance: does not show in the shade.
MIN Min notification importance: only shows in the shade, below the fold.
LOW Low notification importance: shows in the shade, and potentially in the status bar (see shouldHideSilentStatusBarIcons()), but is not audibly intrusive.
DEFAULT Default notification importance: shows everywhere, makes noise, but does not visually intrude.
HIGH Higher notification importance: shows everywhere, makes noise and peeks. May use full screen intents.
MAX Max notification importance: same as HIGH, but generally not used.

🐔 NotificationPriority #

Priority of notifications for Android 7.1 and lower.

Value Description
MIN No sound and does not appear in the status bar.
LOW No sound.
DEFAULT Makes a sound.
HIGH Makes a sound and appears as a heads-up notification.
MAX Same as HIGH, but used when you want to notify notification immediately.

Support #

If you find any bugs or issues while using the plugin, please register an issues on GitHub. You can also contact us at hwj930513@naver.com.

pub points


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This plugin is used to implement a foreground service on the Android platform.

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