flutter_inner_drawer 0.5.0 copy "flutter_inner_drawer: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
flutter_inner_drawer: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other.

flutter_inner_drawer #

pub package Awesome Flutter Donate

Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other.

Installing #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_inner_drawer: "^0.5.0"

Demo #

Simple usage #

import 'package:flutter_inner_drawer/inner_drawer.dart';
    //  Current State of InnerDrawerState
    final GlobalKey<InnerDrawerState> _innerDrawerKey = GlobalKey<InnerDrawerState>();

    Widget build(BuildContext context)
        return InnerDrawer(
            key: _innerDrawerKey,
            onTapClose: true, // default false
            swipe: true, // default true            
            colorTransition: Color.red, // default Color.black54
            innerDrawerCallback: (a) => print(a ),// return bool
            leftOffset: 0.6, // default 0.4
            rightOffset: 0.6,// default 0.4
            leftScale: 0.9,// default 1
            rightScale: 0.9,// default 1
            borderRadius: 50, // default 0
            leftAnimationType: InnerDrawerAnimation.static, // default static
            rightAnimationType: InnerDrawerAnimation.quadratic,
            //when a pointer that is in contact with the screen and moves to the right or left            
            onDragUpdate: (double val, InnerDrawerDirection direction) {
                // return values between 1 and 0
                // check if the swipe is to the right or to the left
            innerDrawerCallback: (a) => print(a), // return  true (open) or false (close)
            leftChild: Container(), // required if rightChild is not set
            rightChild: Container(), // required if leftChild is not set
            //  A Scaffold is generally used but you are free to use other widgets
            // Note: use "automaticallyImplyLeading: false" if you do not personalize "leading" of Bar
            scaffold: Scaffold(
                appBar: AppBar(
                    automaticallyImplyLeading: false
                navigationBar: CupertinoNavigationBar(
                    automaticallyImplyLeading: false
    void _toggle()
       // direction is optional 
       // if not set, the last direction will be used
       //InnerDrawerDirection.start OR InnerDrawerDirection.end                        
        direction: InnerDrawerDirection.end 

InnerDrawer Parameters #

PropName Description default value
scaffold A Scaffold is generally used but you are free to use other widgets required
leftChild Inner Widget required if rightChild is not set
rightChild Inner Widget required if leftChild is not set
leftOffset Offset drawer width 0.4
rightOffset Offset drawer width 0.4
leftScale Left scaffold scaling 1
rightScale Right scaffold scaling 1
borderRadius For scaffold border 0
onTapClose Tap on the Scaffold closes it false
swipe activate or deactivate the swipe true
tapScaffoldEnabled Possibility to tap the scaffold even when open false
boxShadow BoxShadow of scaffold opened [BoxShadow(color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.5),blurRadius: 5)]
colorTransition Change background color while swiping Colors.black54
leftAnimationType static / linear / quadratic static
rightAnimationType static / linear / quadratic static
innerDrawerCallback Optional callback that is called when a InnerDrawer is opened or closed
onDragUpdate When a pointer that is in contact with the screen and moves to the right or left
_innerDrawerKey.currentState.open Current State of GlobalKey
_innerDrawerKey.currentState.close Current State of GlobalKey
_innerDrawerKey.currentState.toggle Current State of GlobalKey

If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me:

  • Donate

Issues #

If you encounter problems, open an issue. Pull request are also welcome.

pub points


verified publisherdn-a.dev

Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




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