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Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management

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Flutter Modular #


What is Flutter Modular? #

As an application project grows and becomes complex, it's hard to keep your code and project structure mantainable and reusable. Modular provides a bunch of Flutter-suiting solutions to deal with this problem, like dependency injection, routing system and the "disposable singleton" system (that is, Modular disposes the injected module automatically as it is out of scope).

Modular's dependency injection system has out-of-the-box support for any state management system, managing your application memory usage.

Modular also supports Dynamic and Relative Routing like in the Web.

Modular Structure #

Modular structure consists in decoupled and independent modules that will represent the features of the application. Each module is located in its own directory, and controls its own dependencies, routes, pages, widgets and business logic. Consequently, you can easily detach one module from your project and use it wherever you want.

Modular Pillars #

These are the main aspects that Modular focus on:

  • Automatic Memory Management.
  • Dependency Injection.
  • Dynamic and Relative Routing.
  • Code Modularization.

Getting started with Modular #

Migration Guide: Modular 2.0 to 3.0 #

Guide link here!

Installation #

Open your project's pubspec.yaml and add flutter_modular as a dependency:

  flutter_modular: any

Using in a new project #

To use Modular in a new project, you will have to make some initial setup:

  1. Create your main widget with a MaterialApp and call the ´´´MaterialApp().modular()´´´ method.
//  app_widget.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_modular/flutter_modular.dart';

class AppWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: "/",
  1. Create your project main module file extending MainModule:
// app_module.dart
class AppModule extends MainModule {

  // Provide a list of dependencies to inject into your project
  final List<Bind> binds = [];

  // Provide all the routes for your module
  final List<ModularRoute> routes = [];

  // Provide the root widget associated with your module
  // In this case, it's the widget you created in the first step
  final Widget bootstrap = AppWidget();
  1. In main.dart file, wrap the main module in ModularApp to initialize it with Modular:
// main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_modular/flutter_modular.dart';

import 'app/app_module.dart';

void main() => runApp(ModularApp(module: AppModule()));
  1. Done! Your app is set and ready to work with Modular!

Adding routes #

The module routes are provided by overriding the routes property.

// app_module.dart
class AppModule extends MainModule {

  // Provide all the routes for your module
  final List<ModularRoute>  routes = [
      ChildRoute('/', child: (_, __) => HomePage()),
      ChildRoute('/login', child: (_, __) => LoginPage()),

  // Provide the root widget associated with your module
  final Widget bootstrap = AppWidget();

NOTE: Use the ChildRoute object to create a simple route.

To navigate between pages, use Modular.to.navigate.


You can also stack pages still using old Navigator API.

Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/login');

Alternatively, you can use Modular.to.pushNamed, in which you don't have to provide a BuildContext:


Relative Navigation #

You can use Relative Navigation to navigate like web

// Modules Home → Product

// Relative Navigation inside /home/product/list
Modular.to.navigate('detail/3'); // it's the same as /home/product/detail/3
Modular.to.navigate('../config'); // it's the same as /home/config

Dynamic routes #

You can use dynamic routing system to provide parameters to your Route:

// Use :parameter_name syntax to provide a parameter in your route.
// Route arguments will be available through `args`, and may be accessed in `params` property,
// using square brackets notation (['parameter_name']).

final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
    child: (_, args) => Product(id: args.params['id']),

The parameter will be pattern-matched when calling the given route. For example:

// In this case, `args.params['id']` will have the value `1`.

This notation, however, is only valid for simple literals. If you want to pass a complex object to your route, provide it in arguments parameter:

Modular.to.pushNamed('/product', arguments: ProductModel());

And it will be available in the args.data property instead of args.params:

final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
    child: (_, args) => Product(model: args.data),

Retrive the arguments from binds directaly too:

final List<Bind> binds = [
  Bind.singleton((i) => MyController(data: i.args.data)),

Route generic types #

You can return values from navigation, just like .pop. To achieve this, pass the type you expect to return as type parameter to Route:

final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
  // This router expects to receive a `String` when popped.
  ModularRoute<String>('/event', child: (_, __) => EventPage()),

Now, use .pop as you use with Navigator.pop:

// Push route
String name = await Modular.to.pushNamed<String>();

// And pass the value when popping

The routing system can recognize what is in the URL and navigate to a specific part of the application. Dynamic routes apply here as well. The following URL, for instance, will open the Product view, with args.params['id'] set to 1.


As well could use query parameters or fragment:


Creating child modules #

You can create as many modules in your project as you wish, but they will be dependent of the main module. To do so, instead of inheriting from MainModule, you should inherit from ChildModule:

class HomeModule extends ChildModule {
  final List<Bind> binds = [
    Bind.singleton((i) => HomeBloc()),

  final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
    ChildRoute('/', child: (_, args) => HomeWidget()),
    ChildRoute('/list', child: (_, args) => ListWidget()),


You may then pass the submodule to a Route in your main module through the module parameter:

class AppModule extends MainModule {

  final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
    ModuleRoute('/home', module: HomeModule()),

We recommend that you split your code in various modules, such as AuthModule, and place all the routes related to this module within it. By doing so, it will much easier to maintain and share your code with other projects.

NOTE: Use the ModuleRoute object to create a Complex Route.

Route guard #

Route guards are middleware-like objects that allow you to control the access of a given route from other route. You can implement a route guard by making a class that implements RouteGuard.

For example, the following class will only allow a redirection from /admin route:

class MyGuard implements RouteGuard {
  Future<bool> canActivate(String url, ModularRoute route) {
    if (url != '/admin'){
      // Return `true` to allow access
      return true;
    } else {
      // Return `false` to disallow access
      return false

To use your RouteGuard in a route, pass it to the guards parameter:

List<ModularRoute> routes = [
  final ModuleRoute('/', module: HomeModule()),
  final ModuleRoute(
    module: AdminModule(),
    guards: [MyGuard()],

If placed on a module route, RouterGuard will be global to that route.

Route transition animation #

You can choose which type of animation do you want to be used on your pages transition by setting the Route transition parameter, providing a TransitionType.

  module: AdminModule(),
  transition: TransitionType.fadeIn,
), //use for change transition

If you use transition in a module, all routes in that module will inherit this transition animation.

Custom transition animation route #

You can also use a custom transition animation by setting the Router parameters transition and customTransition with TransitionType.custom and your CustomTransition, respectively:

  module: AdminModule(),
  transition: TransitionType.custom,
  customTransition: myCustomTransition,

For example, this is a custom transition that could be declared in a separated file and used in the customTransition parameter:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_modular/flutter_modular.dart';

CustomTransition get myCustomTransition => CustomTransition(
    transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
    transitionBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child){
      return RotationTransition(turns: animation,
        child: SlideTransition(
          position: Tween<Offset>(
            begin: const Offset(-1.0, 0.0),
            end: Offset.zero,
          child: ScaleTransition(
            scale: Tween<double>(
              begin: 0.0,
              end: 1.0,
              parent: animation,
              curve: Interval(
                curve: Curves.linear,
            child: child,

Dependency Injection #

You can inject any class into your module by overriding the binds getter of your module. Typical examples to inject are BLoCs, ChangeNotifier classes or stores(MobX).

A Bind object is responsible for configuring the object injection. We have 4 Bind factory types.

class AppModule extends MainModule {

  // Provide a list of dependencies to inject into your project
  final List<Bind> binds = [
    Bind((i) => AppBloc()), 
    Bind.factory((i) => AppBloc()),
    Bind.singleton((i) => AppBloc()), 
    Bind.lazySingleton((i) => AppBloc()), 

factory: Instantiate the class whenever it gets called.
instance: Use a class that has already been instantiated.
singleton: Create a Global instance of a class.
lazySingleton: Create a Global instance of a class only when it gets called for the first time.

Retrieving your injected dependencies in the view #

Let's assume the following BLoC has been defined and injected in our module (as in the previous example):

import 'package:flutter_modular/flutter_modular.dart' show Disposable;

// In Modular, `Disposable` classes are automatically disposed when out of the module scope.

class AppBloc extends Disposable {
  final controller = StreamController();

  void dispose() {

NOTE: Modular automatically calls destruction methods Binds of the type: Sink/Stream, ChangeNotifier e [Store/Triple

There are several ways to retrieve our injected AppBloc.

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    // You can use the object Inject to retrieve..

    final appBloc = Modular.get<AppBloc>();

Using Modular widgets to retrieve your class #

ModularState #

class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends ModularState<MyWidget, HomeStore> {

  // Variable store
  // Automatic dispose of HomeStore

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Modular"),
      body: Center(child: Text("${store.counter}"),),

WidgetModule #

WidgetModule has the same structure as MainModule/ChildModule. It is very useful if you want to have a TabBar with modular pages.

class TabModule extends WidgetModule {

  final List<Bind> binds => [
    Bind((i) => TabBloc(repository: i())),
    Bind((i) => TabRepository()),

  final Widget view = TabPage();


RouterOutlet #

Each ModularRoute can have a list of ModularRoutes, so that it can be displayed within the parent ModularRoute. The widget that reflects these internal routes is called RouterOutlet. You can only have one RouterOutlet per page and it is only able to browse the children of that page.

  class StartModule extends ChildModule {
      final List<Bind> binds = [];

      final List<ModularRoute> routes = [
          child: (context, args) => StartPage(),
          children: [
            ModularRoute('/home', child: (_, __) => HomePage()),
            ModularRoute('/product', child: (_, __) => ProductPage()),
            ModularRoute('/config', child: (_, __) => ConfigPage()),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: RouterOutlet(),
      bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
        onTap: (id) {
          if (id == 0) {
          } else if (id == 1) {
          } else if (id == 2) {
        currentIndex: currentIndex,
        items: const [
            icon: Icon(Icons.home),
            label: 'Home',
            icon: Icon(Icons.control_camera),
            label: 'product',
            icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
            label: 'Config',

Mock the navigation system #

We though it would be interesting to provide a native way to mock the navigation system when used with Modular.to and Modular.link. To do this, you may just implement IModularNavigator and pass your implementation to Modular.navigatorDelegate.

// Modular.to and Modular.link will be called MyNavigatorMock implements!
Modular.navigatorDelegate = MyNavigatorMock();

Features and bugs #

Please send feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

This README was created based on templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

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Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management

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