flutter_mongo_stitch 0.5.0 copy "flutter_mongo_stitch: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
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discontinuedreplaced by: flutter_mongodb_realm

A Flutter plugin for using services of the serverless platform MongoDB Stitch.

flutter_mongo_stitch #

Unofficial Flutter plugin for using MongoStitch services.

Getting started #

For using it on your app:

import 'package:flutter_mongo_stitch/flutter_mongo_stitch.dart';

For API reference check here

The minimum required it's Android 5.0(API 21) or iOS 11.0

Supported Features #

Database support:

  • Insert
  • Find
  • Delete
  • Update
  • Watch
  • Aggregate

Auth Providers:

  • Email/Password
  • Anonymously
  • Google
  • Facebook


  • Reset Password
  • Login/Sign in/Logout


  • Calling a Stitch function

Note: Other more features will come in the future :)

Usage #

Initialization #

Inorder to connect a StitchApp to flutter add your main function:

main() async{
  await MongoStitchClient.initializeApp(<your_app_id>);
  // other configurations..

Inorder to use the client define:

  final client = MongoStitchClient();

Authentication #

Inorder to use the auth part define:

final auth = client.auth;

You can retrieve the current logged user by:

final user = client.auth.user;

// for more details (like email,birthday) use his 'profile' attribute
// For example:
final userEmail = user.profile.email;


Login a user with Anonymous provider:

CoreStitchUser mongoUser = await auth.loginWithCredential(AnonymousCredential());

Login a user with Email\Password provider:

CoreStitchUser mongoUser = await auth.loginWithCredential(
  UserPasswordCredential(username: <email_address>, password: <password>));

For login with Google/Facebook just configure in the native side.

No need to import the required flutter's packages

Login a user using Google provider:

un-comment the part under google_sign_in in pubspec.yaml to use git repo version instead this has to be done in order to get the auth code need by the Mongo Stitch SDK
CoreStitchUser mongoUser = await auth.loginWithCredential(
    serverClientId: <Google Server Client Id>, // just the start from "<ID>.apps.googleusercontent.com"   
    scopes: <list of scopes>,

Login a user using Facebook provider:

CoreStitchUser mongoUser = await auth.loginWithCredential(
  FacebookCredential(permissions: <list of permissions>));

NOTE: In any case , if mongoUser != null the login was successful.


// Login a user with Email\Password
CoreStitchUser mongoUser = await auth.registerWithEmail(
    email: <email_address>, password: <password>);


// Logout the current user:
await auth.logout()

Reset Password

You can send an email to reset user password: (email must be linked to an existing account)

await client.auth.sendResetPasswordEmail(<YOUR_DESIRED_EMAIL>);

Auth Listener

You can be notified when the auth state changes, such as login/logout..

Currently works on Android only!

/// for using as smart navigation according to user logged in or not
StreamBuilder _authBuilder(BuildContext context) {
  return StreamBuilder(
    stream: client.auth.authListener(),
    builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
      switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
        case ConnectionState.none:case ConnectionState.waiting:
          // show loading indicator
          return Scaffold(body: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()));
        case ConnectionState.active:
          // log error to console
          if (snapshot.error != null) {
            return Container(
              alignment: Alignment.center,
              child: Text(snapshot.error.toString()),

          // redirect to the proper page
          return snapshot.hasData ? HomeScreen() : LoginScreen();

            return LoginScreen();

Database #

To get access to a collection:

  final collection = client.getDatabase(<database_name>).getCollection(<collection_name>);


  // key-value pairs describing the document

// OR

List<MongoDocument> documents = ...;


filtering can be used with QuerySelector class for more robust code

// fetch all document in the collection
var docs = collection.find();

// fetch all document in the collection applying some filter
var docs = collection.find(
  filter: {
    "year": QuerySelector.gt(2010)..lte(2014), // == 'year'>2010 && 'year'<=2014

// optional: can also add find options (projection/limit/sort)
var docs = await collection.find(
  filter: {
    "year": QueryOperator.gt(2010)..lte(2014),
  options: RemoteFindOptions(
    projection: {
      "title": ProjectionValue.INCLUDE,
      "rated": ProjectionValue.INCLUDE,
      "year": ProjectionValue.INCLUDE,
    limit: 70,
    sort: {
      "year": OrderValue.ASCENDING,

// the same as above, but just get the first matched one
var document = await collection.findOne();

var document = await collection.findOne(
  filter: {
    "year": QuerySelector.gt(2010)..lte(2014), // == 'year'>2010 && 'year'<=2014

// fetch the number of document in the collection
int collectionSize = await collection.count();

// count the number of document that apply to some filter
int size = await collection.count({
    "age": 25,


filtering can be used with QuerySelector class for more robust code

// fetch all documents in the collection
var deletedDocs = await collection.deleteMany({});

// fetch the first document in the collection applying some filter
var deletedDocs = await collection.deleteOne({"age": 24});

// fetch all document in the collection applying some filter
var deletedDocs = 
  await collection.deleteMany({"age": QuerySelector.gte(24)});


await collection.updateMany(
  // adding a filter (optional)
    "name": "adam",

  // adding an update operation (as matched the MongoDB SDK ones)
  update: UpdateSelector.set({
    "quantity": 670,

// OR
await collection.updateOne(
  // the same as above, just it's updated the only first matched one


// get the stream to subscribed to the all the collection
final stream = collection.watch();

// OR get the stream to subscribed to  a part of the collection applying
// filter on the listened documents
final stream = collection.watchWithFilter({
  "age": QuerySelector.lte(26)

// the, set a listener to a change in the collection
stream.listen((data) {
  // data contains JSON string of the document that was changed
  var fullDocument = MongoDocument.parse(data);
  // Do other stuff...


define Pipeline Stages for aggregation, i.e:

List<PipelineStage> pipeline = [
    "totalHomework": AggregateOperator.sum("homework"),
    "totalQuiz": AggregateOperator.sum("quiz"),
    "totalScore": AggregateOperator.add(
        ["totalHomework", "totalQuiz", "extraCredit"]),

And then set the pipelines stages to the aggregate function:

 var list = await collection.aggregate(pipeline);

Another usages (not all stages are supported):

List<PipelineStage> pipeline = [
  PipelineStage.match({"status": "A"}),
    accumulators: {"total": AggregateOperator.sum("amount")},

List<PipelineStage> pipeline = [

// can also RAW typed one
List<PipelineStage> pipeline = [

        //... some expression according to the MongoDB API
        //... some expression according to the MongoDB API

Functions #

for calling a defined stitch function "sum" with argument 3&4

var result = await client.callFunction("sum", args: [3, 4])

You can also add a timeout (in ms), i.e 60 seconds:

var result = await client.callFunction("sum", args: [3, 4], requestTimeout: 60000)

Donate #

If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me, consider buying me a cup of ☕

Note: flutter_mongo_stitch is not directly and/or indirectly associated/affiliated with MongoDBTM , Flutter or Google LLC. #

pub points


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A Flutter plugin for using services of the serverless platform MongoDB Stitch.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


bson, extension, flutter, flutter_facebook_login, google_sign_in, meta, streams_channel


Packages that depend on flutter_mongo_stitch