flutter_openim_sdk 2.0.0 copy "flutter_openim_sdk: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_openim_sdk: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard


An instant messaging plug-in that supports Android and IOS. And the server is also all open source.

flutter_openim_sdk #

pub package Generic badge GitHub license

A flutter im plugin for android and ios.


demo | widget


Getting Started #

1,Add dependency in yaml

   flutter_openim_sdk: latest

2,Import package

  import 'package:flutter_openim_sdk/flutter_openim_sdk.dart';

3, Init config

		// Initialize SDK
        platform: Platform.isAndroid ? IMPlatform.android : IMPlatform.ios,
        apiAddr: '',
        wsAddr: '',
        dataDir: '',
        listener: OnConnectListener(),
      // Set up current user info changed listener
      // Add message listener (remove when not in use)

      // Set up message sending progress listener

      // Set up friend relationship listener

      // Set up conversation listener

      // Set up group listener

4, Log in

 OpenIM.iMManager.login(uid: uid, token: token).then((value){
 	// login success

5,Get a list of conversations

 OpenIM.iMManager.conversationManager.getAllConversationList().then((list) {

6,Get friend list

 OpenIM.iMManager.friendshipManager.getFriendList().then((list) {

7,Get chat history

  // If userID is not null and groupID is null, get a single chat message list
  // If the userID is null and the groupID is not null, get a group chat message list
          userID: uid,//User id
          startMsg: startMsg,//Last message, take chatMsgList[0]
          groupID: gid,//Group id
          count: count,//Page Size

8,Send a message

// Create message
var message = await OpenIM.iMManager.messageManager.createTextMessage(
     text: 'I am the content of the message',
// Send
   message: message,
   offlinePushInfo: offlinePushInfo,
   userID: uid, // Single chat value is not null
   groupID: gid, // The group chat value is not null
 ).then((v) {

9,Sign out



method description
initSDK Initialize SDK
login Log in
logout Sign out
getLoginStatus Login status
getLoginUid Current user id
getLoginUserInfo Current user information


method description
setSelfInfo Modify current user information
getUsersInfo Get user information by user id
getSelfUserInfo Get the information of the currently logged in user


method description
setConversationListener Listener
getAllConversationList Get all conversation
getConversationListSplit Paging to get conversation
getOneConversation Get a conversation, if it doesn't exist it will be created automatically
getMultipleConversation Get conversation list by id list
deleteConversation Delete conversation by id
setConversationDraft Set conversation draftText
pinConversation Pinned conversation
markGroupMessageHasRead Mark group chat messages as read
getTotalUnreadMsgCount Get the total number of unread messages
getConversationIDBySessionType Query conversation id
setConversationRecvMessageOpt Setup message do not disturb
getConversationRecvMessageOpt Message do not disturb status


method description
setFriendshipListener Set up a friend relationship listener
getFriendsInfo Get friend info by user id
addFriend Send an friend application
getRecvFriendApplicationList Get someone's request to add me as a friend
getSendFriendApplicationList Get friend requests from me
getFriendList Find all friends including those who have been added to the blacklist
setFriendRemark Modify friend remark name
addBlacklist Add friends to blacklist
getBlacklist Get blacklist list
removeBlacklist Remove from blacklist
checkFriend Determine if there is a friendship by userId
deleteFriend Dissolve friendship from friend list
acceptFriendApplication Accept application of be friend
refuseFriendApplication Refuse application of be friend


method description
setAdvancedMsgListener Set a message listener
setMsgSendProgressListener Set up message sending progress monitoring
sendMessage Send a message to user or to group
getHistoryMessageList Find all history message
revokeMessage Revoke the sent information
deleteMessageFromLocalStorage Delete message
insertSingleMessageToLocalStorage Insert message
markC2CMessageAsRead Mark c2c message as read
typingStatusUpdate Typing prompt
createTextMessage Create text message
createTextAtMessage Create @ message
createImageMessage Create picture message
createImageMessageFromFullPath Create picture message
createSoundMessage Create voice message
createSoundMessageFromFullPath Create voice message
createVideoMessage Create video message
createVideoMessageFromFullPath Create video message
createFileMessage Create file message
createFileMessageFromFullPath Create file message
createMergerMessage Create merge message
createForwardMessage Create a forwarded message
createLocationMessage Create location message
createCustomMessage Create custom message
createQuoteMessage Create quote message
createCardMessage Create card message
clearC2CHistoryMessage Clear all c2c history message
clearGroupHistoryMessage Clear all group history


method description
setGroupListener Set up group relationship monitoring
inviteUserToGroup Invite friends into the group
kickGroupMember Remove member from group
getGroupMembersInfo Get group member information
getGroupMemberList Get the list of group members
getJoinedGroupList Find all groups you have joined
isJoinedGroup Check if you are a member of the group
createGroup Create a group
setGroupInfo Edit group information
getGroupsInfo Find group information by group id
joinGroup Apply to join the group
quitGroup Leave group
transferGroupOwner Give group permissions to others
getRecvGroupApplicationList As the group owner or administrator, get the list of received group members' applications to join the group.
getSendGroupApplicationList Get the record of the group membership application issued by yourself
acceptGroupApplication Accept group application
refuseGroupApplication Refuse group application


Message type

  static const text = 101;
  static const picture = 102;
  static const voice = 103;
  static const video = 104;
  static const file = 105;
  static const at_text = 106;
  static const merger = 107;
  static const card = 108;
  static const location = 109;
  static const custom = 110;
  static const revoke = 111;
  static const has_read_receipt = 112;
  static const typing = 113;
  static const quote = 114;

  static const accept_friend = 201;
  static const add_friend = 202;
  static const refuse_friend_application = 203;
  static const set_self_info = 204;
  static const revoke_message = 205;
  static const c2c_message_as_read = 206;

  static const kick_online = 303;

  static const transfer_group_owner = 501;
  static const create_group = 502;
  // static const create_group = 503;
  static const join_group = 504;
  static const quit_group = 505;
  static const set_group_info = 506;
  static const accept_group_application = 507;
  static const refuse_group_application = 508;
  static const kick_group_member = 509;
  static const invited_user_to_group = 510;


  static const ios = 1;
  static const android = 2;
  static const windows = 3;
  static const xos = 4;
  static const web = 5;
  static const mini_web = 6;
  static const linux = 7;

Group member role level

  static const member = 1;
  static const owner = 2;
  static const admin = 3;

Conversation type

 static const single = 1;
 static const group = 2;

Message status

 static const sending = 1;
 static const succeeded = 2;
 static const failed = 3;
 static const deleted = 4;
pub points


unverified uploader

An instant messaging plug-in that supports Android and IOS. And the server is also all open source.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on flutter_openim_sdk