flutter_plugin_tools 0.0.19+2 copy "flutter_plugin_tools: ^0.0.19+2" to clipboard
flutter_plugin_tools: ^0.0.19+2 copied to clipboard


Productivity utils for hosting multiple plugins within one repository.

Flutter Plugin Tools #

Build Status pub package

Flutter Plugin Tools implements a CLI with various productivity tools for hosting multiple Flutter plugins in one github repository. It is mainly used by the flutter/plugins and flutter/flutterfire repositories. It was mainly written to facilitate testing on Travis for these repositories (see .travis.yml).

As an example, Flutter Plugin Tools allows you to:

  • Build all plugin example apps with one command
  • Run the tests of all plugins with one command
  • Format all Dart, Java, and Objective-C code in the repository
  • Define shards of the above tasks

Installation #

In order to use the tools you need to enable them once by running the following command:

$ pub global activate flutter_plugin_tools

Requirements #

To use all features of flutter_plugin_tools you'll need the following commands in your PATH:

  • flutter
  • git
  • pub (recommended: version from <path/to/flutter>/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin)
  • clang-format version 5 (alternatively, you can provide the path via --clang-format=)

Usage #

$ pub global run flutter_plugin_tools <command>
$ pub global run flutter_plugin_tools <command> --shardIndex 0 --shardCount 3

Run commands from the flutter/plugins directory. Replace <command> with help to print a list of available commands. The sharded example above divides the plugins into three shards and executes the tool on the first shard (index 0).

pub points


verified publisherflutter.dev

Productivity utils for hosting multiple plugins within one repository.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, async, colorize, git, http, meta, path, pub_semver, pubspec_parse, quiver, test, yaml


Packages that depend on flutter_plugin_tools