flutter_vlc_player 4.0.3 copy "flutter_vlc_player: ^4.0.3" to clipboard
flutter_vlc_player: ^4.0.3 copied to clipboard


A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player. Supports multiple players on one screen.

VLC Player Plugin #

A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player that supports iOS and Android.

Installation #

iOS #

For iOS, you need to opt into the Flutter embedded views preview.
This is done by adding the following to your project's <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist file (see example for details):


If you're unable to view media loaded from an external source, you should also add the following:


For more information, or for more granular control over your App Transport Security (ATS) restrictions, you should read Apple's documentation.

Make sure that following line in <project root>/ios/Podfile uncommented:

platform :ios, '9.0'

NOTE: While the Flutter video_player is not functional on iOS Simulators, this package (flutter_vlc_player) is fully functional on iOS simulators.

To enable vlc cast functionality for external displays (chromecast), you should also add the following:

<string>Used to search for chromecast devices</string>

Android #

To load media/subitle from an internet source, your app will need the INTERNET permission.
This is done by ensuring your <project root>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file contains a uses-permission declaration for android.permission.INTERNET:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

As Flutter includes this permission by default, the permission is likely already declared in the file.

Note that if you got "Cleartext HTTP traffic to * is not permitted" you need to add the android:usesClearTextTraffic="true" flag in the AndroidManifest.xml file, or define a new "Network Security Configuration" file. For more information, check https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-config

In order to load media/subtitle from internal device storage, you should put the storage permissions as follows:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

In some cases you also need to add the android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" flag to the Application tag in AndroidManifest.xml file.

After that you can access the media/subtitle file by


Quick Start #

To start using the plugin, copy this code or follow the example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_vlc_player/flutter_vlc_player.dart';

class ExampleVideo extends StatefulWidget {
  _ExampleVideoState createState() => _ExampleVideoState();

class _ExampleVideoState extends State<ExampleVideo> {
  final String urlToStreamVideo = 'http://distribution.bbb3d.renderfarming.net/video/mp4/bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_normal.mp4';
  final VlcPlayerController controller = new VlcPlayerController(
      // Start playing as soon as the video is loaded.
      onInit: (){
  final int playerWidth = 640;
  final int playerHeight = 360;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: SizedBox(
            height: playerHeight,
            width: playerWidth,
            child: new VlcPlayer(
                aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
                url: urlToStreamVideo,
                controller: controller,
                placeholder: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),

To take a screenshot from the video you can use takeScreenshot:

// Import typed_data for Uint8List.
import 'dart:typed_data';

Uint8List image = await controller.takeSnapshot();

This will return a Uint8List (binary data) for the image. You could then base-64 encode and upload this to a server, save it to storage or even display it in Flutter with an image widget as follows:

  child: Image.memory(image)


/// VlcPlayer widget.
const VlcPlayer({
    Key key,

    /// The [VlcPlayerController] that handles interaction with the platform code.
    @required this.controller,

    /// The aspect ratio used to display the video.
    /// This MUST be provided, however it could simply be (parentWidth / parentHeight) - where parentWidth and
    /// parentHeight are the width and height of the parent perhaps as defined by a LayoutBuilder.
    @required this.aspectRatio,

    /// This is the initial URL for the content. This also must be provided but [VlcPlayerController] implements
    /// [VlcPlayerController.setStreamUrl] method so this can be changed at any time.
    @required this.url,

    /// Set hardware acceleration for player. Default is Automatic.

    /// Adds options to vlc. For more [https://wiki.videolan.org/VLC_command-line_help] If nothing is provided,
    /// vlc will run without any options set.

    /// Set true if the provided url is local file

    /// The video should be played automatically.

    /// Set the external subtitle to load with video

    /// Set true if the provided subtitle is local file

    /// Set true if the provided subtitle is selected by default

    /// Loop the playback forever

    /// Before the platform view has initialized, this placeholder will be rendered instead of the video player.
    /// This can simply be a [CircularProgressIndicator] (see the example.)
/// VlcPlayerController (passed to VlcPlayer widget as the controller parameter.)
    /// This is a callback that will be executed once the platform view has been initialized.
    /// If you want the media to play as soon as the platform view has initialized, you could just call
    /// [VlcPlayerController.play] in this callback. (see the example)
    VoidCallback onInit,

    /// This is a callback that will be executed every time a new cast device detected/removed
    /// It should be defined as "void Function(CastStatus, String, String)", where the CastStatus is an enum { DEVICE_ADDED, DEVICE_DELETED } and the next two String arguments are name and displayName of cast device, respectively.
    CastCallback onCastHandler

  /*** PROPERTIES (Getters) ***/

  /// Once the [_methodChannel] and [_eventChannel] have been registered with
  /// the Flutter platform SDK counterparts, [hasClients] is set to true.
  /// At this point, the player is ready to begin playing content.
  bool hasClients = false;

  /// This is set to true when the player has loaded a URL.
  bool initialized = false;

  /// Returns the current state of the player.
  /// Valid states:
  /// - PlayingState.PLAYING
  /// - PlayingState.BUFFERING
  /// - PlayingState.STOPPED
  /// - PlayingState.PAUSED
  /// - PlayingState.ERROR
  /// - null (When the player is uninitialized)
  PlayingState playingState;

  /// The current position of the player, counted in milliseconds since start of
  /// the content.
  /// (SAFE) This value is always safe to use - it is set to Duration.zero when the player is uninitialized.
  int position = Duration.zero;

  /// The total duration of the content, counted in milliseconds.
  /// (SAFE) This value is always safe to use - it is set to Duration.zero when the player is uninitialized.
  int duration = Duration.zero;

  /// This is the dimensions of the content (height and width).
  /// (SAFE) This value is always safe to use - it is set to VlcMediaSize.zero when the player is uninitialized.
  VlcMediaSize size = VlcMediaSize.zero;

  /// This is the aspect ratio of the content as returned by VLC once the content has been loaded.
  /// (Not to be confused with the aspect ratio provided to the [VlcPlayer] widget, which is simply used for an
  /// [AspectRatio] wrapper around the content.)
  double aspectRatio;

  /// This is the playback speed as it is returned by VLC (meaning that this will not update until the actual rate
  /// at which VLC is playing the content has changed.)
  double playbackSpeed;

  /// Returns the number of available audio tracks embedded in media except the original audio.
  int audioTracksCount;

  /// Returns the active audio track index. "-1" means audio is disabled.
  int activeAudioTrack;

  /// Returns the number of available subtitle tracks embedded in media.
  int spuTracksCount;

  /// Returns the active subitlte track index. "-1" means subitle is disabled.
  int activeSpuTrack;

  /*** METHODS ***/
  /// This stops playback and changes the URL. Once the new URL has been loaded, the playback state will revert to
  /// its state before the method was called. (i.e. if setStreamUrl is called whilst media is playing, once the new
  /// URL has been loaded, the new stream will begin playing.)
  /// [url] - the URL of the stream to start playing.
  /// [isLocalMedia] - Set true if the media url is on local storage.
  /// [subtitle] - Set subtitle url if you wanna add subtitle on media loading.
  /// [isLocalSubtitle] - Set true if subtitle is on local storage
  /// [isSubtitleSelected] - Set true if you wanna force the added subtitle to start display on media.
  Future<void> setStreamUrl(String url, {bool isLocalMedia, String subtitle, bool isLocalSubtitle, bool isSubtitleSelected});

  /// Start playing media.
  Future<void> play();

  /// Pause media player.
  Future<void> pause();
  /// Stop media player.
  Future<void> stop();

  /// Returns true if media is playing.
  Future<bool> isPlaying();

  /// [time] - time in milliseconds to jump to.
  Future<void> setTime(int time);
  /// Returns current media seek time in milliseconds.
  Future<int> getTime();

  /// Returns duration/length of loaded video in milliseconds.
  Future<int> getDuration();

  /// [volume] - Set vlc volume level which should be in range [0-100].
  Future<void> setVolume(int volume);

  /// Returns current vlc volume level.
  Future<int> getVolume();

  /// [speed] - the rate at which VLC should play media.
  /// For reference:
  /// 2.0 is double speed.
  /// 1.0 is normal speed.
  /// 0.5 is half speed.
  Future<void> setPlaybackSpeed(double speed);

  /// Returns the vlc playback speed.
  Future<double> getPlaybackSpeed();

  /// Return the number of subtitle tracks (both embedded and inserted)
  Future<int> getSpuTracksCount();

  /// Return all subtitle tracks as array of <Int, String>
  /// The key parameter is the index of subtitle which is used for changing subtitle and the value is the display name of subtitle
  Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> getSpuTracks();

  /// [spuTrackNumber] - the subtitle index obtained from getSpuTracks()
  /// Change active subtitle index (set -1 to disable subtitle).
  Future<void> setSpuTrack(int spuTrackNumber);

  /// Returns selected spu track index
  Future<int> getSpuTrack();

  /// [delay] - the amount of time in milliseconds which vlc subtitle should be delayed. (both positive & negative value appliable)
  Future<void> setSpuDelay(int delay);

  /// Returns the amount of subtitle time delay.
  Future<int> getSpuDelay();

  /// [subtitlePath] - URL of subtitle
  /// [isLocalSubtitle] - Set true if subtitle is on local storage
  /// [isSubtitleSelected] - Set true if you wanna force the added subtitle to start display on media.
  /// Add extra subtitle to media.
  Future<void> addSubtitleTrack(String subtitlePath,
      {bool isLocalSubtitle, bool isSubtitleSelected});

  /// Returns the number of audio tracks
  Future<int> getAudioTracksCount();

  /// Returns all audio tracks as array of <Int, String>
  /// The key parameter is the index of audio track which is used for changing audio and the value is the display name of audio
  Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> getAudioTracks();

  /// Returns selected audio track index
  Future<int> getAudioTrack();

  /// [audioTrackNumber] - the audio track index obtained from getAudioTracks()
  /// Change active audio track index (set -1 to mute).
  Future<void> setAudioTrack(int audioTrackNumber);

  /// [delay] - the amount of time in milliseconds which vlc audio should be delayed. (both positive & negative value appliable)
  Future<void> setAudioDelay(int delay);

  /// Returns the amount of audio track time delay.
  Future<int> getAudioDelay();

  /// Returns the number of video tracks
  Future<int> getVideoTracksCount();
  /// Returns all video tracks as array of <Int, String>
  /// The key parameter is the index of video track and the value is the display name of video track
  Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> getVideoTracks();

  /// Returns an object which contains information about current video track
  Future<dynamic> getCurrentVideoTrack();

  /// Returns selected video track index
  Future<int> getVideoTrack();

  /// [scale] - the video scale value
  /// Set video scale
  Future<void> setVideoScale(double scale);

  /// Returns video scale
  Future<double> getVideoScale();

  /// [aspect] - the video apect ratio like "16:9"
  /// Set video aspect ratio
  Future<void> setVideoAspectRatio(String aspect);

  /// Returns video aspect ratio
  Future<String> getVideoAspectRatio();

  /// Returns binary data for a snapshot of the media at the current frame.
  Future<Uint8List> takeSnapshot();

  /// Start vlc cast discovery to find external display devices (chromecast)
  Future<void> startCastDiscovery();

  /// Stop vlc cast and cast discovery
  Future<void> stopCastDiscovery();

  /// Returns all detected cast devices as array of <String, String>
  /// The key parameter is the name of cast device and the value is the display name of cast device
  Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> getCastDevices();

  /// [castDevice] - name of cast device 
  /// Start vlc video casting to the selected device. Set null if you wanna to stop video casting.
  Future<void> startCasting(String castDevice);

  /// Disposes the platform view and unloads the VLC player.
  Future<void> dispose();


Upgrade instructions #

Version 4.0 Upgrade For Existing Apps #

To upgrade to version 4.0 (or v3.0), first you need to migrate the existing project to swift.

Delete existing ios folder from root of flutter project.
Run this command flutter create -i swift .

This command will create only ios directory with swift support. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52244346/how-to-enable-swift-support-for-existing-project-in-flutter

Breaking Changes (from V3 to V4) #

  1. Player Stop/Pause status is seperated

    previously (v3 and lower): Stop/Pause -> STOPPED,
    now (v4): Stop -> STOPPED and Pause -> PAUSED.

  2. Refactored belowing attributes & methods

    // attributes
    audioCount -> audioTracksCount
    activeAudioNum -> activeAudioTrack
    subtitleCount -> spuTracksCount
    activeSubtitleNum -> activeSpuTrack

    // methods
    changeSound(int audioNumber) -> setAudioTrack(int audioTrackNumber)
    changeSubtitle(int subtitleNumber) -> setSpuTrack(int spuTrackNumber)
    addSubtitle(String filePath) -> addSubtitleTrack(String subtitlePath, ...)

Current issues #

Current issues list is here.
Found a bug? Open the issue.

pub points


verified publishersolid.software

A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player. Supports multiple players on one screen.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


cryptoutils, flutter


Packages that depend on flutter_vlc_player