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JSON-RPC (v2.0) utility classes. Invoke methods on another machine using JSON-formatted messages. Some assembly required.

jsonrpc2 #

This package is a kit of pure Dart utility classes and methods for JSON-RPC clients and servers in Dart. You just provide the actual communications protocols. Instructions, examples, and tests are provided.

JSON-RPC is a JSON unicode grammar for calling methods on a remote server and getting responses back. The specification is at http://jsonrpc.org.

Usage: #

JSON-RPC is divided into client and server responsibilities. This package does the fussy part of the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification, with failover to 1.0 for the server.

Client #

Like the specification, the client implementation does not specify transport details for the client. One needs to create a class extended from ServerProxyBase to actually send method requests and receive responses. Look in Examples for common use cases, or see below for step-by-step instructions.

Once instantiated, a client proxy may call methods on the server using the call method of the proxy, and receive a response. It is a client responsibility to match the server's API.

Future<dynamic> call(String method, [dynamic params])
  • proxy.call('method_a') // no args

  • proxy.call('method_b', [arg1]) // one arg, general case

  • proxy.call('method_c', arg1) // one arg, arg is neither [] nor {}

  • proxy.call('method_d', [arg1, arg2, arg3]) // more than one arg

  • proxy.call('method_e', [[item1, item2, item3, item4]]) // one arg, arg is []

  • proxy.call('method_f', [{'a': 'hello', 'b': 'world'}]) // one arg, arg is {}

  • proxy.call('method_g', {'name_a':value_a,'name_b':value_b}) // named args

Creating a Client (ServerProxy) Class #

  1. Import the client library.
import 'package:jsonrpc2/jsonrpc2.dart';
import 'package:rpc_exceptions/rpc_exceptions.dart';
  1. Create a server proxy class, extended from ServerProxyBase, initialized with a server resource. resource may be used in the transmit method.
class MyServerProxy extends ServerProxyBase {
  /// constructor. extend this, if you want, then superize properly
  MyServerProxy(resource) // resource can be anything
      : super(resource);
  1. In your server proxy class override the transmit method, which sends a String to the remote JSON-RPC server and returns the returned string. You may use the server resource identified earlier.
/// Return a Future with the JSON-RPC response. Use a real transport,
/// like package:http instead of imaginary ExampleTransport.
  Future<String> transmit(String package) async {

    // for example, create a transport using a string resource name. 
    var transport = ExampleTransport(resource);

    // send the package using the transport, and await response
    var response = await transport.send(package);

    // return the String response for further processing
    return response;
  1. Use an instance of your server proxy to call a method on that endpoint, and do something with the result.
  /// get the item in the server's list that follows this item
  MyViewItem nextItem (String lastItemId) async {
    var remoteSite = MyServerProxy('https://example.org/');
    var item = await remoteSite.call('nextItem', lastItemId);
    // Or, if you have mirrored the server API in your proxy, 
    // var nextItem = await remoteSite.nextItem(lastItemId);  // nice!
    return MyViewItem.fromJson(item);


Example JSON-RPC Client using http.dart from pub-web.flutter-io.cn: http_client #

more examples

Server Basics #

The server library decodes JSON-RPC request packages and allows association of the JSON-RPC request with an object that calls the remote methods, and returns a result. Network and transport issues are outside the scope of this implementation. That said, this is designed to be fairly easy with the transport or framework you are using. It's just a method that uses a dispatcher. In a server implementation, make an endpoint for a particular Dispatcher, and use these utilities to decode the request and package the result.

This server implementation uses a Dispatcher concept. Essentially, a dispatcher is an instantiated class that contains the remote methods to be called at an endpoint. The server accepts a call request, deconstructs the JSON, then creates or associates a dispatcher to call the method on that instance, with the requested parameters. The returned value (or exception) is assembled in JSON as a response and sent back to the client.

  • Import the server library
import 'package:jsonrpc2/jsonrpc2.dart';
  • Create a class implementing the service methods at an endpoint. Just about any class with methods will do. example api class, and import it, if it is in a different file.
import 'rpc_methods.dart';
  • make a method for your listener that accepts JSON-RPC strings from the client. This string may be, for example, the body of a HTTP POST. Within this method, use this library's jsonRpc method to associate the string with the Dispatcher, which performs the method. The jsonRpc method will ultimately produce a string, which should be sent back to the client as a response.

The jsonRpc method has the following signature.

Future<String> jsonRpc(String request, Dispatcher dispatcher)

-- request is a JSON-RPC request string, the request from the client.

-- a dispatcher meets the Dispatcher interface. You will want to use one of the following:

These two implementations work equivalently. Mirror_dispatcher is easier to use, but it uses dart:mirrors, which cannot be used inside a flutter app. There may be other trade-offs.

Example server using shelf_io and mirror_dispatcher #

Example server using shelf_io and reflector_dispatcher #

more examples (server example names start with 'server2')

pub points


unverified uploader

JSON-RPC (v2.0) utility classes. Invoke methods on another machine using JSON-formatted messages. Some assembly required.

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unknown (LICENSE)


rpc_dispatcher, rpc_exceptions


Packages that depend on jsonrpc2