mono_repo 0.3.2 copy "mono_repo: ^0.3.2" to clipboard
mono_repo: ^0.3.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Manage repositories with multiple Dart packages

0.3.2 #

  • Support dependencies that specify an SDK – common with Flutter.
  • Require at least Dart 2.0.0-dev.54.
  • pub command now runs with inherited standard IO. You now see colors!
  • Improved error output with bad configuration.

0.3.1 #

New Features #

  • Added support for the group task, which accepts a list of tasks using the normal format. This can be used to group multiple tasks in a single travis job. All tasks will be ran, but if any of them fail then the whole job will fail.

    Example usage combining the analyzer/dartfmt tasks:

  - analyze_and_format:
    - group:
        - dartanalyzer
        - dartfmt

0.3.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Sub-package .travis.yml files should be replaced with .mono_repo.yml files, which are a simplified format that supports travis build stages. A basic example file might look like this:
# List of the sdk versions you support
  - dev
  - stable

# Ordered list of all stages you want to run.
  # A single stage, called `analyze_and_format` which runs the analyzer and
  # the formatter only.
  - analyze_and_format:
    - dartanalyzer: --hints-as-warnings .
    - dartfmt: sdk
        - dev # Overrides the top level sdk default
  # Assuming everything analyzed correctly, runs a build.
  - build:
    - command: "pub run build_runner build"
  # And finally run tests, these are custom build_runner tests but the regular
  # `test` task is also supported.
  - unit_test:
    - command: "pub run build_runner test"
    - command: "pub run build_runner test -- -p chrome"

0.2.2 #

  • travis command

    • Make numbering more consistent and clean when there is more than one task with a given name.

    • Print out the full command that executed as part of a task.

    • Support a List value for before_script.

0.2.1 #

  • travis command

    • Write ANSI escape sequences in ./tool/ as pre-escaped ASCII literals.

    • Added --[no-]pretty-ansi flag to allow ANSI sequences to be optionally omitted.

0.2.0 #

  • Add before_script support to the travis command. When that value is set in a travis.yml file, we will call the script before running any of the tasks for that package.

  • Add recursive global flag. When set, we will walk all sub-directories looking for pubspec.yaml files.

  • Support git dependencies in packages.

  • Use mono_repo.yaml as the configuration file name, instead of packages.yaml.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.