mono_repo 0.3.3 copy "mono_repo: ^0.3.3" to clipboard
mono_repo: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard


Manage repositories with multiple Dart packages

0.3.3 #

  • Support adding custom cache directories in each project.
  • Add custom names for travis jobs based on the actual tasks being ran, as well as the sdk and subdirectory. The job description portion is configurable with the new description key for jobs within a stage, for example:
  - unit_test:
    - description: "chrome"
      test: -p chrome

0.3.2+1 #

  • Support Dart 2 stable.

0.3.2 #

  • Support dependencies that specify an SDK – common with Flutter.
  • Require at least Dart 2.0.0-dev.54.
  • pub command now runs with inherited standard IO. You now see colors!
  • Improved error output with bad configuration.

0.3.1 #

New Features #

  • Added support for the group task, which accepts a list of tasks using the normal format. This can be used to group multiple tasks in a single travis job. All tasks will be ran, but if any of them fail then the whole job will fail.

    Example usage combining the analyzer/dartfmt tasks:

  - analyze_and_format:
    - group:
        - dartanalyzer
        - dartfmt

0.3.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Sub-package .travis.yml files should be replaced with .mono_repo.yml files, which are a simplified format that supports travis build stages. A basic example file might look like this:
# List of the sdk versions you support
  - dev
  - stable

# Ordered list of all stages you want to run.
  # A single stage, called `analyze_and_format` which runs the analyzer and
  # the formatter only.
  - analyze_and_format:
    - dartanalyzer: --hints-as-warnings .
    - dartfmt: sdk
        - dev # Overrides the top level sdk default
  # Assuming everything analyzed correctly, runs a build.
  - build:
    - command: "pub run build_runner build"
  # And finally run tests, these are custom build_runner tests but the regular
  # `test` task is also supported.
  - unit_test:
    - command: "pub run build_runner test"
    - command: "pub run build_runner test -- -p chrome"

0.2.2 #

  • travis command

    • Make numbering more consistent and clean when there is more than one task with a given name.

    • Print out the full command that executed as part of a task.

    • Support a List value for before_script.

0.2.1 #

  • travis command

    • Write ANSI escape sequences in ./tool/ as pre-escaped ASCII literals.

    • Added --[no-]pretty-ansi flag to allow ANSI sequences to be optionally omitted.

0.2.0 #

  • Add before_script support to the travis command. When that value is set in a travis.yml file, we will call the script before running any of the tasks for that package.

  • Add recursive global flag. When set, we will walk all sub-directories looking for pubspec.yaml files.

  • Support git dependencies in packages.

  • Use mono_repo.yaml as the configuration file name, instead of packages.yaml.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.