mono_repo 3.1.0-beta.2 copy "mono_repo: ^3.1.0-beta.2" to clipboard
mono_repo: ^3.1.0-beta.2 copied to clipboard


CLI tools to make it easier to manage a single source repository containing multiple Dart packages.

3.1.0-beta.2 #

  • GitHub actions:
    • BREAK from previous betas: ci is no longer supported as a top-level value in mono_repo.yaml. Instead, the top-level keys travis and github are used. If they exist (even if empty) they enable that CI target.
    • Added github top-level key.
      • Configure the on value to control what triggers the generated defined workflow.
      • A short-cut value cron is also supported – it can be a String that adds a single scheduled job to the default on value.
    • Support stable as a valid Dart SDK label.
    • Use [$default-branch] instead of [master].
    • Prints the Dart SDK version after installation.
    • Now supports self_validate.

3.1.0-beta.1 #

  • Fix self-validate logic.

3.1.0-beta #

  • Adds support for Github Actions configuration.
    • There is a new ci key in the mono_repo.yaml file which accepts a list of providers to generate for, see the for details.
    • There is also a new command generate which replaces the travis command.
  • Deprecated the travis command.
  • Small improvement to how some strings are emitted in Yaml.

3.0.0 #

  • mono_repo.yaml:
    • NEW! Added support for pub_action value. Can be one of get or upgrade (default) to change the package request behavior in each action.
    • NEW! Added support for pretty_ansi value. The default is true. Set to false to have the generated shell script skip any ANSI formatting.
    • UPDATED self_validate can now be either true or a String value that maps to the desired stage where validation should run.
  • travis command:
    • Many improvements to the generated tool/ file
      • Clearly denote when terminating a job due to incorrect usage or configuration.
      • Clearly mark the end of each task and if it succeeded or failed.
      • Print a summary at the end of the tasks for each package to make it easier to find and fix failures.
    • BREAKING Removed --use-get command-line flag. Use pub_action setting in mono_repo.yaml instead.
    • BREAKING Removed --pretty-ansi command-line flag. Use pretty_ansi setting in mono_repo.yaml instead.
    • Simplified generated configuration for self_validate. 'tool/' is no longer created or used. When upgrading from v2.5.0, you can delete this file.

2.5.0 #

  • Provide a better error when parsing a poorly formatted Yaml file.
  • mono_repo.yaml:
    • NEW! Added support for self_validate boolean value. If true, creates a shell script and associated task to install the same version of mono_repo during CI and run mono_repo travis --validate to ensure all files are up-to-date.
    • Respect the ordering of stages, if configured.
    • Allow stages values to be just a string – allows defining an explicit ordering of stages.
  • mono_pkg.yaml:
    • Task command entry: correctly handle a List containing strings.

2.4.0 #

  • Adds a --validate option to the travis command.
    • You can configure this to run from any of your mono_pkg.yaml files using a command job like this:

      command: "cd ../ && pub global run mono_repo travis --validate".

    • We may make this easier to configure in the future.

  • Require Dart SDK >=2.7.0 <3.0.0.

2.3.0 #

  • Add support for os configuration.
    • This generally works in the same way as the dart sdk option, except that it is not required.
    • The default is to only run on linux.
    • Supports a top-level os list in mono_pkg.yaml files.
    • Supports overriding the os per task.

2.2.0 #

  • Fix issue where pub command failing for one package stops test run for other packages grouped into the same Travis task.
  • Use flutter packages for pub command on packages that depend on Flutter.
  • Any arguments given to dartfmt Travis tasks are used instead of the default -n --set-exit-if-changed ..
    • To maintain previous behavior, dartfmt: sdk is a special case and still triggers the default arguments.
  • Add --use-get optional flag for the travis command to use pub get instead of pub upgrade in the generated script.

2.1.0 #

  • Require Dart SDK >=2.2.0 <3.0.0.

mono_repo travis

  • Job entries in .travis.yml are now ordered. This may cause churn, but will create a predictable output going forward.
  • While running, print the package when starting each task. Makes it easy to scan results when a job has multiple packages.
  • Warns if a job specifies a target Dart SDK that is not supported in the corresponding pubspec.yaml.

mono_repo pub

  • Added support for all pub flags.

2.0.0 #

  • BREAKING All commands are recursive by default. To go back to the shallow mode, use --no-recursive.
  • Improve style of the generated tool/ script, including fast-failing if the PKG variable does not map to an existing directory.
  • Require at least Dart 2.1.0.
  • The dart key is no longer required in mono_pkg.yaml if all stages specify their own values. A warning is printed if values are provided but not used.
  • All output during execution will be sent to STDOUT (instead of STDERR).

1.2.2 #

  • Updated dependencies.

1.2.1 #

  • Fix issue running with Dart 2.0.

1.2.0 #

  • Add --version to executable.
  • Include the version of the package in generated files.
  • Support customizing Travis-CI branches in mono_repo.yaml.

1.1.0 #

  • Improve presubmit command output to list the full command for each task instead of the name of the task type only.

1.0.0 #

  • Add support for configuring top-level Travis options via mono_repo.yaml.


  • The root mono_config.yaml file is no longer used to configure which packages are configured. Instead, mono_pkg.yaml is required to be in each target package directory. A package is considered published if it has a value for version in pubspec.yaml.

  • The package configuration file is now mono_pkg.yaml. If a legacy config file – .mono_repo.yml – is found, the command is canceled and a warning is printed telling the user to rename the file.

  • Removed the init command.

0.3.3 #

  • Support adding custom cache directories in each project.
  • Add custom names for travis jobs based on the actual tasks being ran, as well as the sdk and subdirectory. The job description portion is configurable with the new description key for jobs within a stage, for example:
  - unit_test:
    - description: "chrome"
      test: -p chrome

0.3.2+1 #

  • Support Dart 2 stable.

0.3.2 #

  • Support dependencies that specify an SDK – common with Flutter.
  • Require at least Dart 2.0.0-dev.54.
  • pub command now runs with inherited standard IO. You now see colors!
  • Improved error output with bad configuration.

0.3.1 #

New Features #

  • Added support for the group task, which accepts a list of tasks using the normal format. This can be used to group multiple tasks in a single travis job. All tasks will be ran, but if any of them fail then the whole job will fail.

    Example usage combining the analyzer/dartfmt tasks:

  - analyze_and_format:
    - group:
        - dartanalyzer
        - dartfmt

0.3.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Sub-package .travis.yml files should be replaced with .mono_repo.yml files, which are a simplified format that supports travis build stages. A basic example file might look like this:
# List of the sdk versions you support
  - dev
  - stable

# Ordered list of all stages you want to run.
  # A single stage, called `analyze_and_format` which runs the analyzer and
  # the formatter only.
  - analyze_and_format:
    - dartanalyzer: --hints-as-warnings .
    - dartfmt: sdk
        - dev # Overrides the top level sdk default
  # Assuming everything analyzed correctly, runs a build.
  - build:
    - command: "pub run build_runner build"
  # And finally run tests, these are custom build_runner tests but the regular
  # `test` task is also supported.
  - unit_test:
    - command: "pub run build_runner test"
    - command: "pub run build_runner test -- -p chrome"

0.2.2 #

  • travis command

    • Make numbering more consistent and clean when there is more than one task with a given name.

    • Print out the full command that executed as part of a task.

    • Support a List value for before_script.

0.2.1 #

  • travis command

    • Write ANSI escape sequences in tool/ as pre-escaped ASCII literals.

    • Added --[no-]pretty-ansi flag to allow ANSI sequences to be optionally omitted.

0.2.0 #

  • Add before_script support to the travis command. When that value is set in a travis.yml file, we will call the script before running any of the tasks for that package.

  • Add recursive global flag. When set, we will walk all sub-directories looking for pubspec.yaml files.

  • Support git dependencies in packages.

  • Use mono_repo.yaml as the configuration file name, instead of packages.yaml.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points



CLI tools to make it easier to manage a single source repository containing multiple Dart packages.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


args, checked_yaml, collection, graphs, io, json_annotation, meta, path, pub_semver, pubspec_parse, yaml


Packages that depend on mono_repo