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A framework to develop apps using the MVC design pattern.

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flutter and mvc

The "Kiss" of Flutter Frameworks

In keeping with the "KISS Principle", this is an attempt to offer the MVC design pattern to Flutter in an intrinsic fashion incorporating much of the Flutter framework itself. All in a standalone Flutter Plugin. It is expected the user of this plugin to be knowledgeable with such framework architectures.


Let’s demonstrate its usage with the ol’ ‘Counter app’ created every time you start a new Flutter project. In the example below, to utilize the plugin, three things are changed in the Counter app. The Class, _MyHomePageState, is extended with the Class StateMVC, a ‘Controller’ Class is introduced that extends the Class, ControllerMVC, and a static instance of that Class is made available to the build() function. Done!

With that, there is now a separation of ‘the Interface’ and ‘the data’ as it’s intended with the MVC architecture. The build() function (the View) is concerned solely with the ‘look and feel’ of the app’s interface—‘how’ things are displayed. While, in this case, it is the Controller that’s concerned with ‘what’ is displayed.

What data does the View display? It doesn’t know nor does it care! It ‘talks to’ the Controller instead. Again, it is the Controller that determines ‘what’ data the View displays. In this case, it’s a title and a counter. When a button is pressed, the View again ‘talks to’ the Controller to address the event (i.e. It calls one of the Controller’s public functions, incrementCounter()). myhomepage

mvc pattern

In this arrangement, the Controller is ‘talking back’ to the View by calling the View’s function, setState(), to tell it to rebuild.

Maybe we don’t want that. Maybe we want the View to be solely concern with the interface and only determine when to rebuild or not. It’s a simple change.

view talks to contoller only

It does separate the ‘roles of responsibility’ a little more, doesn’t it? After all, it is the View that’s concerned with the interface. It would know best when to rebuild, no? Regardless, with this plugin, such things are left to the developer. Also, notice what I did with the app’s title? I created a static String field in the MyApp class called, title. It’s named ‘MyApp’ after all—It should know its own title.

How about Model?

Currently, in this example, it’s the Controller that’s containing all the ‘business logic’ for the application. In some MVC implementations, it’s the Model that contains the business rules for the application. So how would that look? Well, it maybe could look like this: controller I decided to make the Model’s API a little cleaner with the use of a static members. As you can deduce, the changes were just made in the Controller. The View doesn’t even know the Model exists. It doesn’t need to. It still ‘talks to’ the Controller, but it is now the Model that has all the ‘brains.’

pac pattern

However, what if you want the View to talk to the Model? Maybe because the Model has zillions of functions, and you don’t want the Controller there merely ‘to relay’ the Model’s functions and properties over to the View. You could simply provide the Model to the View. The View then calls the Model’s properties and functions directly.

mvc pattern classic

myhomepagestate Not particularly pretty. I would have just kept the Static members in the Model, and have the View call them instead (or not do that at all frankly), but I’m merely demonstrating the possibilities. With this MVC implementation, you have options, and developers love options.

How’s It Works?

When working with is MVC implementation, you generally override two classes: The Controller (Class ControllerMVC) and the StateView (Class StateMVC). Below is a typical approach to implementing the Controller. con The Controller has ‘direct access’ to the View (aka. the StateView, aka. the Class StateMVC). This is represented by the property, stateView in the Class, ControllerMVC. In this example, a ‘static’ reference to the View as well as to the Controller itself is made in the Constructor. This example conveys a good approach because it then allows, for example, easy access to your Controller throughout the app. It’s now in a static field called con. See how it’s now easily accessed in another Dart file below: addeditscreen Now, in any View or any Widget for that matter, you can access the app’s data or business logic easily and cleanly through it’s Controller (e.g. Easily reference the Controller in a build() function.)

The other Class (StateMVC) has been called ‘StateView’ as it is a State object as well as ‘the View.’ homescreen

Note, the StateView, like the State Class is abstract and must be extended to implement its build() function. So the View, in this MVC implementation, is simply the State’s object’s build() function. statemvc

The Controller

Note, the Controller class (ControllerMVC) looks pretty thin at first glance. That’s to give you all the room you need to code your app! Don’t worry. All the ‘leg work’ is done in the Class, _StateView. controllermvc

Set the State

The ‘StateView’, of course, has the setState() function. It’s a State Object after all. However, with this implementation, you also have the setState() function in the Controller! You can call it in both Classes. Nice. setstate Both Classes, also have the refresh() function. To ‘refresh’ or ‘rebuild’ the User Interface (The View). refresh

Listen! There’re listeners!

Also note, the ‘Controller’ class has a parent Class called StateEvents. It is this Class that allows the Controller to response to events generated by the phone or (indirectly) by the user. As of this release, there are twelve separate events available to the Class. This StateEvents Class is also available to you. Extend this Class, and you’ll have an ‘event listener’ to use in your app. Listeners will fire along side any Controllers assigned to a particular View. stateevents

Note, a ‘StateEvents Listener’ will not have access to the ‘StateView’ object, but instead it’s ‘State’ object. If you want more access to ‘the View’, then your class should extend the class, ControllerMVC.

Below are the three functions used by the Controller (and by the ‘StateView’ for that matter) to register such Listener objects. Using such functions, the Controller (Class ControllerMVC) can assign listeners to the View it itself is assigned to, while the ‘StateView’ (Class StateMVC) can assign listeners directly. addbeforelistener addafterlistener addlistener Of course, you have a means to remove a listener if and when it’s necessary. 16 removelistener

Before and After

Note, the function, addListener(), does the same thing as the function, addAfterListener(). The ‘before’ and ‘after’ reference means you can assign listeners that will fire ‘before’ or ‘after’ the Controllers fire. Why? I don’t know! It’s your app! ;)

A Function for every Event

Below, you’ll see the twelve events available to you. Turn to the WidgetsBindingObserver Class for details. initstate dispose deactivate didupdatewidget didchangedependencies reassemble didchangeapplifecyclestate didchangemetrics didchangetextscalefactor didchangelocale didhavememorypressure didchangeaccessibilityfeatures

How to Start

Below would be a typical approach to start up an app using this plugin. This is done by using yet another Class in the MVC Pattern package. It’s called AppMVC. app

Below is a ‘conceptual representation’ of the AppMVC Class with its logic removed for brevity. However, what’s left will give you an appreciation of just what you can do with this Class, and it’s a lot. Again, some of the events are not listed here, but all twelve of the events mention above could be addressed at the ‘Application level’ if the developer wishes to. This Class also has the same functions you would find in a State Object and more.

It even has its own Error Handler…sort of. Currently, its response, if an error does occur, by default is the usual ‘red screen of death’ response. However, you are free to ‘override’ its onError() function and possibly ‘catch’ the errors and have your application fail, if possible, in a more graceful fashion….maybe even email an error report somewhere.

In fact, read my (soon to publish) article, Flutter + MVC at last!, and you’ll see this plugin places an Error Handler in everything you make: in every Controller, every Listener, every View and even, in certain circumstances, every State Object’s build() function! You’ll soon realize that Error Handling is paramount in this framework! appmvc

Two ‘new’ functions exist solely for the ‘App Class’: initApp() and init(). A lot of things have to ‘start up’ when starting up an App, and these two functions provide a place just for that. The function, initApp(), is for ‘quick’ synchronous processes while the init() function returns a Future and so is for asynchronous operations. Usually a FutureBuilder() function is then called upon. One usually has to wait for such ‘asynchronous stuff’ to complete before continuing, and so, for example, a ‘Loading Screen’ is displayed while we wait. futurebuilder

Read, (coming soon!)Flutter + MVC at Last! - for more a more extensive explanation for this framework plugin.

pub points



A framework to develop apps using the MVC design pattern.

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