ng_bootstrap 0.5.1 copy "ng_bootstrap: ^0.5.1" to clipboard
ng_bootstrap: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Angular 2 and Bootstrap 4

ng_bootstrap #

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Usage & Demo

Getting Started #

1. Create a new angular2-dart app:

2. Add ng_bootstrap to pubspect.yaml:

    ng_bootstrap: any

3. Add css stylesheet link to index.html:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/ng_bootstrap/all.css">

4. Add needed ng_bootstrap directives to your components:

    // ...
    directives: const [BS_DIRECTIVES])

Customize Styles - Create Custom Themes #

To customize default styles to create custom themes based on ng_bootstrap theme, the best option is to create an scss file that imports the package:ng_bootstrap/all.scss file, for example:

// variables should be set before importing default theme
$brand-primary: red !important;

// you could also import a custom variables theme if you prefer
// but it should be done before importing default theme
@import 'path/to/_my-variables';

@import 'package:ng_bootstrap/all';

Then in your index.html file change the link tag to point to the new theme.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/my-theme.css">

Components #

Others #

  • BsTemplateOutlet - to transclude templates (Most likely will be removed in future versions)
  • positional service

Contribution #

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  • support animation (in progress...)