patapata_firebase_messaging 1.1.0 copy "patapata_firebase_messaging: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
patapata_firebase_messaging: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard


This package is a plugin for Patapata that adds support for Firebase Cloud Messaging to your Patapata app.

Patapata - Firebase Cloud Messaging

Add support for Firebase Cloud Messaging to your Patapata app.

About #

This package is a plugin for Patapata that adds support for Firebase Cloud Messaging to your Patapata app. It will automatically handle push notifications from Firebase and send them to Patapata's Notification system.

This plugin requires the patapata_firebase_core plugin to be installed and activated.

Getting started #

  1. Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file
flutter pub add patapata_firebase_messaging
  1. Import the package
import 'package:patapata_firebase_messaging/patapata_firebase_messaging.dart';
  1. Activate the plugin
void main() {
    environment: const Environment(),
    plugins: [

Contributing #

Check out the CONTRIBUTING guide to get started.

License #

See the LICENSE file