playx_theme 0.5.0 copy "playx_theme: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
playx_theme: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard

Simplify app theming in Flutter with Playx Theme. Effortlessly switch themes, enjoy smooth animations, and customize color schemes with ease.

0.5.0 #

Note: This release contains breaking changes.

New Features #


PlayxThemeBuilder now uses an InheritedWidget to provide themes to its child widgets, enhancing theme management and widget rebuilding.

  • Theme Access:
    • Use XTheme.of(context) or context.xTheme to get the current theme.
    • Use PlayxColors.of(context) or context.playxColors to get the current theme colors.

Use these methods to access theme or color information in your widgets. This ensures widgets are rebuilt correctly when the theme changes.

  • Legacy Access:
    • You can still use PlayxTheme.currentTheme to access the current theme when you don't have a BuildContext. However, note that using PlayxTheme.currentTheme will not trigger a widget rebuild on theme changes.

Breaking Changes #

  • Class Renaming for Consistency:
    • XColors is now PlayxColors to maintain consistency with the package name.
    • XThemeConfig is now PlayxThemeConfig for the same reason.

0.4.1 - 0.4.3 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

New Features #

  • Introducing a unique theme animation feature to visualize theme changes within your app.

    • Simply add PlayxThemeSwitchingArea to the widget to animate the theme change.
    • Added new properties child and duration to PlayxThemeBuilder for customizing the child widget and animation duration.
    • Introduced PlayxThemeSwitchingArea widget for animating theme changes in specific areas of the app.
    • Added PlayxThemeSwitcher widget for animating theme changes starting from a specific widget.
  • Updated XThemeController to use ValueNotifier instead of GetxController to reduce dependency on the GetX package.

  • Added test cases for XThemeController and PlayxTheme to ensure the correct behavior of the theme controller and theme switcher.

BREAKING Changes #

  • XThemeConfig is no longer an abstract class and can now be instantiated directly.

Theme Updates #

  • Removed theme and cupertinoTheme properties.
  • Introduced new properties themeData and cupertinoThemeData for specifying theme data and Cupertino theme data.
  • Added themeBuilder and cupertinoThemeBuilder properties for customizing theme data based on the current locale.
  • Modified XTheme constructor to require only themeData.
  • Added Xtheme.builder for customizing theme data based on the current locale.

PlayxTheme Updates #

  • Renamed PlayxTheme.xTheme to PlayxTheme.currentTheme.
  • Added PlayxTheme.themeData getter to access current theme data.
  • Updated theme update methods (updateTo, updateByIndex, updateById, next, updateToDeviceMode, updateToLightMode, updateToDarkMode, updateByThemeMode) to include more properties for controlling theme animation.
  • Added clearLastSavedTheme method to clear the last saved theme from shared preferences.

0.3.2 #

  • update packages

0.3.1 #

  • update packages
  • Bump minimum Dart version to 3.0.0

0.3.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • update packages
  • Rename XThemeConfig property defaultThemeIndex to initialThemeIndex.
  • Add saveTheme to XThemeConfig to determine whether it should save the current theme index to shared preferences or not.
  • Add isDark property to Xtheme to determine whether the theme is dark or not.
  • Add updateToLightMode method to PlayxTheme which updates the theme to the first light theme in supported themes.
  • Add updateToDarkMode method to PlayxTheme which updates the theme to the first dark theme in supported themes.
  • Add updateToDeviceMode method to PlayxTheme which updates the theme to the first theme that matches the device mode.
  • Add updateByThemeMode method to PlayxTheme which updates the theme to the first theme that matches the given mode.
  • Add initialTheme property to PlayxTheme which is the initial theme that will be used when the app starts.

0.2.3 #

  • update packages

0.2.2 #

  • Added material 3 colors to XColors which can be configured through the app.
  • Added an optional fromColorScheme to XColors to help with configuring material 3 style colors that can be used on the app.
  • XDefaultThemeConfig now uses the default XColors instead of custom colors.

0.2.1 #

  • Added an optional cupertinoTheme to XTheme to help with configuring cupertino app theme.

0.2.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

New features #

  • PlayxTheme now has isDeviceInDarkMode to indicate whether the user device is in dark mode or not.
  • XThemeConfig now has defaultThemeIndex to specify the default theme index that will be used first time as default theme.
  • new ImageTheme widget which is a widget that is themed by image content by providing image provider to be used with Material3 themes.
  • new utilities to be used like getBlendedColorScheme which blends two color schemes together and returns a new color scheme to be used with Material3 themes.
  • Included flex_seed_scheme package which is more flexible and powerful version of Flutter's ColorScheme.fromSeed and uses multiple seed colors, custom chroma and tone mapping to enahce creating a color scheme for Material3.

BREAKING Changes #

  • XColorScheme was renamed to XColors.
  • a Removed abstract colors like primary, secondary, background,surface, error ,onPrimary, Color get onSecondary, onBackground, onSurface, onError from XColors.
  • XTheme colors property now have default value which is DefaultColors.

0.1.0 -0.1.1 #

  • BREAKING : Refactor AppTheme to be PlayxTheme.
  • BREAKING : Refactor XTheme theme property from ThemeData to ThemeData Function( Locale locale)
  • Move PlayxCore.boot() to be called individually.

0.0.8 -0.0.9 #

  • update packages

0.0.6 -0.0.7 #

  • update packages
  • Add dispose function to AppTheme to clear unused resources.

0.0.5 #

  • BREAKING : Refactor XThemeConfig [nameBuilder] function to String [name]
  • Added [updateById]: Updates theme using it's id.
  • Added [forceUpdateTheme] variable to change theme functions which force the app to rebuild all widget after changing the theme. Useful when depending on colorScheme in your widgets.

0.0.4 #

  • Add support for Dart 3.0.0 and Flutter 3.10
  • Add new XColorScheme which is a new way to configure custom colors for each themes.
    see for more details about it.

0.0.2 #

  • update packages

0.0.1+1 #

  • fix typo

0.0.1 #

  • initial release.
pub points



Simplify app theming in Flutter with Playx Theme. Effortlessly switch themes, enjoy smooth animations, and customize color schemes with ease.

Repository (GitHub)
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#playx #theme #colorscheme #material3 #materialdesign


API reference




animated_theme_switcher, flex_seed_scheme, flutter, playx_core


Packages that depend on playx_theme