quickly 5.5.3 copy "quickly: ^5.5.3" to clipboard
quickly: ^5.5.3 copied to clipboard

Quickly is build for faster and cleaner development. It provides lots of extension methods on Widget, String, List and Map.

5.5.3 #

  • Fixed linting issues.

5.5.2 #

  • Fixed datatypes in list and map extension.

5.5.1 #

  • Fixed helper function export issue.

5.5.0 #

  • Added generateOTP and generateAvatar helper method.

5.4.0 #

  • Added isBool and isUrl methods to String extensions.
  • Added devicePixelRatio and textScaleFactor methods in Context extensions.
  • Added BorderColor and BoxShadow methods in TextFormField.
  • Enhanced the isEmail regex for improved accuracy.

5.3.0 #

  • Added delay method in Duration and num extensions.

5.2.1 #

  • Updated test cases to accommodate the new defaultValue parameter, ensuring comprehensive coverage and accurate functionality testing.

5.2.0 #

  • Added support for the defaultValue parameter in the getId, getString, getInt, and getDouble methods.

5.1.0 #

  • Added removeNullValues() method to Map extensions, which removes entries with null values from the map.
  • Introduced shorthand getters such as top5, top10, left5, etc., allowing users to specify border radius for individual sides with specific values more conveniently.
  • Added Shimmer widget for displaying a shimmer effect.

5.0.0 #

Breaking changes

  • Removed Queue and Navigation. Instead of using Queue and Navigation, please use Refreshed package available at https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/refreshed.
  • Renamed diffForHumans method to timeAgo.
  • Changed boolean parameters in extension methods from positional parameters to named parameters.
  • Added some more DateTime extensions.

4.2.7 #

  • Fixed minor issues in list.

4.2.6 #

  • Fixed pub points.

4.2.5 #

  • Support for new SDK version >=3.3.0 <4.0.0.

4.2.4 #

  • Support for new SDK version >=3.2.6 <4.0.0.

4.2.3 #

  • The FxButton widget now has splash color set to false by default.

4.2.2 #

  • Replaced the deprecated TextScalarFactor with TextScalar.
  • Resolved the FxButton outline color issue.

4.2.1 #

  • Minor improvements

4.2.0 #


  • Added new widgets FxCheckbox , FxRadio and FxSwitch.
  • Added extra parameter textStyle in FxButton.


  • Fixed padding horizontal and vertical spacing issue in Padding Extension.
  • Fixed Extra spacing in FxTextField icons.
  • Fixed Icon Color issue in FxButon icons.

4.1.1 #


  • Fixed extra spacing in FxTextField.

4.1.0 #


  • Added prefix and suffix icon size params in FxButton.
  • Added prefix and suffix icons params in FxTextFormField.


  • Changed leadingIcon to prefixIcon and trailingIcon suffixIcon in FxButton.

4.0.3 #


  • Improved Widget style.

4.0.2 #


  • Improved FxNavigation.

4.0.1 #


  • Revised and improved context extension methods.

4.0.0 #

Breaking Changes:

  • Revised and improved the navigation, providing a better user experience and enhanced functionality.
  • Revised and improved the Queue feature, making it more efficient and reliable.
  • Improved the FxResponsive Widget, enhancing its responsiveness and adaptability.
  • Modified the hide method to hide() to accept a condition, allowing for more flexible hiding options.
  • Removed the hideIf() and showIf() extension methods from the Widget, streamlining the API and removing deprecated functionality.


  • Introduced the FxGrid widget, which enables developers to create dynamic and responsive grid layouts.
  • Implemented the shadow mixin, offering a simple and reusable way to apply shadows to widgets.
  • Introduced the FxButton widget, providing a customizable button component with various styles and configurations.
  • Added the FxTextFormField Widget, a text input field with built-in validation and error handling capabilities.
  • Included the Pick() method in the map extension, allowing for easy retrieval of specific values from a map.
  • Added the diffForHumans method to the map extension, enabling developers to obtain human-readable time differences.
  • Expanded the shimmer() extension to support custom gradients, animations, and directions.
  • Introduced transparent color support in the FxColor class.
  • Added the text theme style extension on the build context, simplifying the application of consistent text styles.


  • Resolved an issue causing an empty list exception in the chunk() function.
  • Fixed a bug causing an empty list exception in the split() function.

3.6.4 #

  • Corrected a typo in the README file.
  • Expanded the functionality of the BuildContext class by adding some new extensions.
  • Revised and improved the text cases for the Map extension.

3.6.3 #

  • Resolved issues related to String extensions.
  • Refactored test cases for extensions of String, Int, and Num types.

3.6.2 #

  • Minor issues fixed.

3.6.1 #

  • Improved type safety and null safety checks to reduce runtime errors.

3.6.0 #

  • Added a Job and Queue feature to support asynchronous operations. The Queue class executes jobs one by one and has an add() method to add a job to the queue. The Job class represents a single unit of work and has an execute() method that completes the job's Completer with either the result of the function or an error if an exception is thrown.

  • Added an extension to the FxNavigation class that supports custom route animations for navigating to pages using the toPage() and toNamed() methods. These methods also support passing arguments to the destination page.

  • Added the offPage() and offNamed() methods to the FxNavigation class to replace the current page with a new one, with custom route animations.

  • Added the navigateTo() method to the FxNavigation class to navigate to a new page with custom route animations, with an option to replace the current page.

  • Added the back(), canPop(), and maybePop() methods to the FxNavigation class to handle navigation history. The back() method navigates to the previous page in the history stack. The canPop() method returns whether there is a page to go back to. The maybePop() method checks if there is a page to go back to and goes back if there is one.

3.5.0 #

  • Fixed Text Color extension getters.
  • Refined getters naming for the Fixed Text Color extension, such as changing kcWarningLightStatus to kcWarningLight.
  • Deleted unneeded Text Color extension getters, including kcText, kcLabel, kcDisabled, and kcTextField.
  • Improved the Extension code documentation to increase clarity and readability.
  • Changed the application of the BorderRadius extension from the Container widget to the ClipRRect widget, allowing for improved control over rounded corners.
  • Added the Shimmer extension to the Widget.

3.4.0 #

  • Updated package dependencies to the latest versions of Flutter (3.7.0) and Dart (2.19.0)
  • Expanded documentation to provide more detailed information
  • Revised the README.md file to include additional examples and explanations.

3.3.0 #

  • Implemented a new method retainKeys() in the Map extension to remove key-value pairs whose keys are not present in a given list.
  • Removed methods related to text styling such as letter spacing, word spacing, line height and text decoration.
  • Implemented checks to verify that the list is not empty and contains Map elements in the where methods to avoid runtime errors.
  • Added type checking for the generic type T in the list extensions to ensure that the methods are only applied to lists of the correct type.
  • Updated the documentation for the extension with proper examples and explanations for each method.

3.2.0 #

  • Made improvements to the code for better performance and removed any unnecessary checks.
  • Removed a dependency on the get package.

3.1.0 #

  • Small corrections have been made to the package to address any minor issues.

3.0.0 #

  • An update has been made to the stable version of flutter, bringing it to version 3.3.8. This update includes various improvements and bug fixes.

2.5.0 #

  • Small corrections have been made to the package to address any minor issues.

2.4.0 #

Fixed #

  • The default value for the functions getInt and getDouble have been corrected.
  • Additionally, other bugs have been resolved.

2.3.0 #

Added #

  • The widget extension now includes the option for flexible, allowing for more flexibility in layout and design.
  • The radius radius extension has been added, allowing for more customization of the border corners.
  • The list extension has been enhanced with new options for filtering and querying data, including whereOnly, whereNotOnly, whereBetween, whereNotBetween, whereIn and whereNotIn, providing more advanced options for data manipulation.

2.2.0 #

Added #

  • Added some extra constant in padding extension
  • Added doesntContain() method in map extension

Changed #

  • Renamed main color names, such as "primary" to "kcPrimary" in Text extension.
  • Slightly altered main color codes.
  • Converted utility classes to mixins.

2.1.0 #

Added #

  • The groupBy() function allows for grouping of list items based on a provided key or function, and returns a map of the grouped items. The groupByKey() function allows for grouping of list items based on the value of a specific key in each item, and also returns a map of the grouped items.
  • The latest() function returns the most recent item in the list based on a provided key or function, while the latestFirst() function sorts the list in descending order based on the provided key or function.
  • The oldest() function returns the oldest item in the list based on a provided key or function, while the oldestFirst() function sorts the list in ascending order based on the provided key or function.

Changed #

  • Changed sortByDesc() to sortDescBy() in list extension

2.0.0 #

Braking Changes #

  • Added append() and prepend() string extension.
  • Added flatten and pluck() list extension.
  • Changed w to wBox and h to hBox in num extension.
  • Changed range to inRange in String extension.
  • Changed count to occurrences in String extension.
  • Changed occurrence to countOccurrences in String extension.
  • Changed withDefault to ifEmpty in String extension.
  • Changed getId data type from dynamic to int in map extension.
  • Changed contains to has in map extension.
  • Fixed mask now return null when string is empty.
  • Fixed getInt & getDouble now return null when key is empty or null.
  • Fixed Typo

1.7.0 #

Added #

  • Added black and white color
  • Added context extension on Build Context
  • Added Responsive extension

Changed #

  • changed .h & .w child widget to optional in num extension
  • changed .maxLine to optional in Text extension
  • changed .box to .sq in num extension

1.6.0 #

Added #

  • Added match() extension on Map

    The match() function also works similarly to switch i.e, it finds the matching case according to the parameter passed in it.

  • Added hasKey | hasValue | hasKeyValue extensions on list

1.5.0 #

Added #

  • Write tests for List
  • Write tests for Map

Changed #

  • Changed .textScaleFactor => .textScale
  • Changed .fs => .fontSize
  • Removed isEmptyOrNull & isNotEmptyOrNull

1.4.0 #

Added #

  • Added random | chunk | split list extensions

Fixed #

  • Fixed sortBy error when list doesn't have this key or it doesn't have list of map

1.3.0 #

Added #

  • Added sq | w | h num and widget extensions
  • Added Duration num extensions like seconds | minutes, etc

1.2.0 #

Added #

  • Added suffix num extensions
  • Added getMonthName & getWeekName int extensions

Fixed #

  • Fix Text color extensions.
  • Fix isUpper & isLower String extensions
  • Fix hideIf & showIf Widget extensions

1.1.0 #

Added #

  • Added sortBy() , sortByDesc() in List.

Fixed #

  • Fix Text heading.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points


verified publisherdreamlancer.in

Quickly is build for faster and cleaner development. It provides lots of extension methods on Widget, String, List and Map.

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