redis 0.4.0 copy "redis: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
redis: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

fast and simple redis-database client

Redis client for dart #

Redis protocol parser and client writent in dart language
It is designed to be both fast and simple to use.

Currently supported features: #

  • transactions wrapper for executing multiple commands in atomic way
  • pubsub helper with aditional internal dispatching
  • unicode - strings are UTF8 encoded when sending and decoded when received
  • performance - this counts as future too
  • raw commands - this enables sending any command as raw data :)

Simple #

Redis protocol is composition of array, strings(and bulk) and integers. For example executing command SET key value is no more that serializing array of strings ["SET","key","value"]. Commands can be executed by

Future f = command.send_object(["SET","key","value"]);

This enables sending any command.

Fast #

It can execute and process more than 100K SET or GET operations per second - tested on my laptop. This is code that yields such result and can give you first impression

import 'package:redis/redis.dart';
  const int N = 200000;
  int start;
  RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
  conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
    print("test started, please wait ...");
    start =  new;
    for(int i=1;i<N;i++){ 
      command.set("test $i","$i")
    //last command will be executed and then processed last
    command.set("test $N","$N").then((v){
      double diff = (new - start)/1000.0;
      double perf = N/diff;
      print("$N operations done in $diff s\nperformance $perf/s");

Transactions #

Transactions by redis protocol are started by command MULTI and then completed with command EXEC. .multi() and .exec() and class Transaction are implemented as additional helpers for checking result of each command executed during transaction.

import 'package:redis/redis.dart';

RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){    
  command.multi().then((Transaction trans){
      for(int i=0;i<200000;++i){
        print("number is now $v");

Take note here, that Future returned by trans.send_object() is executed after .exec() so make sure you dont try to call .exec() inside of such Future, because command will never complete.

Unicode #

By default UTF8 encoding/decoding for string is used. Each string is converted in binary array using UTF8 encoding. This makes ascii string compatible in both direction.

PubSub #

PubSub is helper for dispatching received messages. First, create new PubSubCommand from existing Command

PubSubCommand pubsub=new PubSubCommand(command);

Once PubSubCommand is created, old Command is invalidated and should not be used on same connection. PubSubCommand allows commands

void subscribe(List<String> channels) 
void psubscribe(List<String> channels)
void unsubscribe(List<String> channels)
void punsubscribe(List<String> channels)

and additional Subscription getter

Subscription getSubscription();

Subscription enables local message dispatching. It enables registering callbacks trough .add(String pattern,Function callback) Unlike Redis rich pattern matching, this pattern allows only for optional * wildchar at the end of string. Message consumers can be added only trough Subscription.

In this example, from all messages from redis that Subscription will receive, only those that begins with abra and have at least 5 letters will be dispatched.

subscription.add("abra*",(String chan,String message){
  print("on channel: $chan message: $message");

Here is complete example from test code.

import 'package:redis/redis.dart';

  RedisConnection conn1 = new RedisConnection();
  RedisConnection conn2 = new RedisConnection();
  Command command; //on conn1
  PubSubCommand pubsub; //on conn2
  .then((Command cmd){
    command = cmd;
    return conn2.connect('localhost',6379);
  .then((Command cmd){ 
    pubsub=new PubSubCommand(cmd);
    Subscription sub = pubsub.getSubscription();
      print("$k $v");

Todo #

In near future:

  • Better documentation
  • Implement all "generic commands" with named commands
  • Better error handling - that is ability to recover from error
  • Spell check code

Changes #

0.4.0 #

  • PubSub interface is made simpler but backward incompatible :(
  • README is updated
pub points


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fast and simple redis-database client

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