storage_manager 0.5.0 copy "storage_manager: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
storage_manager: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard

FireStorage & DevicePersistor Manager facilitates quick implementation in your app

MIS Develop Storage Manager package

Features #

Storage Manager for online FirebaseStorage and offline Shared Preferences purposes

Getting started #

Add this import line

import 'package:storage_manager/storage_manager.dart';  

Usage #

This package can save and get images, videos, text (plain or json) and data (bytes) to device local storage shared_preferences or Firebase Cloud Storage firebase_storage using the latest dependencies

Get methods #

Get a file (image, string, video, json or bytes) from given path

  final file = await StorageProvider.get('/collectionName/fileName.png');  

Get an image from given path

  Uint8List? image = await StorageProvider.getImage('/collectionName/fileName.png');  

Get a video from given path

  Uint8List? video = await StorageProvider.getVideo('/collectionName/fileName.mp4');  

Get a string from given path

  String? text = await StorageProvider.getString('/collectionName/fileName.txt');  

Get a json from given path

  Map<String,dynamic>? json = await StorageProvider.getJson('/collectionName/fileName.json');  

To get an image from local storage use:

   Uint8List? image = await StorageProvider.getLocalImage('/collectionName/fileName.png');  

To get a video from local storage use:

  Uint8List? video = await StorageProvider.getLocalVideo('/collectionName/fileName.mp4');  

To get a string from local storage use:

  String? text = await StorageProvider.getLocalString('/collectionName/fileName.txt');  

To get a JSON from local storage use:

  Map<String,dynamic>? json = await StorageProvider.getLocalJson('/collectionName/fileName.json');  

Remove methods #

Remove files from storage or local path

  bool success = await StorageProvider.remove('/collectionName/fileName.png');  

or from storage URL

  bool success = await StorageProvider.removeUrl('url');  

Upload methods #

  • Only the save method can save to local storage using the toLocalStorage parameter with a dynamic value
  • The value parameter can be a String, Uint8List, File, JSON or XFile from the image picker
  • The fileName parameter is the name of the file to be saved'/images/image.png', value, toLocalStorage: true);  

Upload a dynamic file (image, video, string, json or bytes) to given path

  String url = await'/collectionName/fileName.png', image);

Upload an image to given path

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveImage('/collectionName/fileName.png', image);  

Upload a video to given path

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveVideo('/collectionName/fileName.mp4', video);  

Upload a JSON to given path

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveBytes('/collectionName/fileName.json', json);  

You can also save and image directly to local storage using: #

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveLocalImage('/collectionName/fileName', image);  

or a Video directly to local storage using:

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveLocalVideo('/collectionName/fileName', video);  

or a String directly to local storage using:

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveLocalString('/collectionName/fileName', text);  

or a JSON directly to local storage using:

  String url = await StorageProvider.saveLocalJson('/collectionName/fileName', json);  

Integrated image picker feature #

   if(await StorageProvider.selectImages()){
        List<XFile> images =  StorageProvider.selectedAssets;
        print('User cancelled selection');

Upload selected images to given path

You can use the selectedAssets from the previous step or select new ones with image_picker
    List<XFile> images = StorageProvider.selectedAssets;
    List<String> urls = await'/collectionName/', images);  
  String url = await StorageProvider.selectAndUpload();  

Customizations #

You can customize the image picker getSource function and the showDataUploadProgress function

  context: context,
  showProgress: true,
  getImageSource: () async => await showDialog<ImageSource>(
      context: context,
      builder: (context) => SimpleDialog(
        title: const Text("Select image source"),
        children: [
            title: const Text("Camera"),
            leading: const Icon(Icons.camera_alt),
            onTap: () => Navigator.pop(context,,
            title: const Text("Gallery"),
            leading: const Icon(,
            onTap: () => Navigator.pop(context,,
  showDataUploadProgress: (uploadTask) async {
    return await showDialog(
      context: context,
      barrierDismissible: true,
      builder: (context) {
        return StreamBuilder<TaskSnapshot>(
          stream: uploadTask.snapshotEvents,
          builder: (context, snapshot) {
            if (snapshot.hasData) {
              return AlertDialog(
                title: const Text('Uploading...'),
                content: ProgressFromUploadTask(
                  task: uploadTask,
                  onDone: () {
            } else {
              return const AlertDialog(
                title: Text('Waiting...'),
                content: LinearProgressIndicator(),

Rendering images from storage #

  • Flutter web requires an additional script to be added to the index.html file if you want to use Include this script in the bottom of your body inside the index.html:
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.flutterWebRenderer = "html";

Additional information #

This package assumes complete Firebase configuration with Storage and permissions. We recommend flutterfire to configure your project. For more information visit:

    dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
    flutterfire configure
pub points



FireStorage & DevicePersistor Manager facilitates quick implementation in your app

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


firebase_storage, flutter, image_picker, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on storage_manager