syncfusion_flutter_charts 18.2.45 copy "syncfusion_flutter_charts: ^18.2.45" to clipboard
syncfusion_flutter_charts: ^18.2.45 copied to clipboard


Syncfusion Flutter Charts is a data visualization library written natively in Dart for creating beautiful and high-performance cartesian and circular charts.

[18.2.45] - 07/14/2020 #


  • Now, onSelectionChanged event will return the proper index value.
  • The custom data label will be visible for small y values.
  • Series visibility is working properly with FutureBuilder.

[18.2.44] - 07/07/2020 #

Breaking changes

  • Considering the readability, the axis labels rotation of rotate45 and rotate90 values in labelIntersectAction property is changed from 45, 90 degree to -45, -90 degree respectively.
  • ChartTextStyle class is deprecated now and use TextStyle class as alternate to customize the text.
  • Now, to modify the series types rendering with your own custom implementation, you must override that specific series renderer class, instead of overriding that series class.
  • Now, we have considered the values of transform, start and end properties in LinearGradient while rendering gradient. So specify the begin value as bottomCenter and end as topCenter to maintain the same appearance.


  • Provided support for Spline range area and Histogram chart types.
  • Provided updateDataSource public method to update the chart dynamically on data source change.
  • Now, the gradient can be applied to the border of all the applicable series.
  • Provided support for animating the axis elements like labels, gridlines, and ticks, when the axis range is changed.
  • Now, the visibility of the data label and its connector line can be collapsed when its value is zero.
  • The date-time interval can be specified in double value.
  • Provided touch down, touch move, and marker render callback functions for the chart widget.
  • Now with the same start and end values, a single line will be drawn with plot band feature.
  • Provided support for aligning the axis labels above, below, or center to the gridlines.
  • The size and shape of the markers can be customized with onMarkerRender callback function.
  • Now, the y-axis range will be calculated based on the visible points when panning with zoom mode x.


  • Legends are toggled properly on user interactions.
  • Now, the tick lines will not appear outside of the plot area.

[18.1.59] - 06/23/2020 #


  • Now, the bubble segment will not render if its size and minRadius values are the same.
  • Legend state is properly maintained and the series will not be hidden in the dynamic updates.

[18.1.56] - 06/10/2020 #


  • Now, the y-axis visible range will be calculated based on the visible points in live update.
  • Selection of a single point will not throw any exception.

[18.1.55] - 06/03/2020 #


  • Data labels for stacked series will be properly visible.
  • Now, the chart will not throw any exceptions for more fraction points.
  • User interaction related to zooming is working properly.

[18.1.54] - 05/26/2020 #


  • Data labels of the Circular chart is rendering properly with StreamBuilder.

[18.1.53] - 05/19/2020 #


  • Now, the chart widget will render with multiple axes without any exception.

[18.1.52] - 05/14/2020 #


  • Synchronized panning in multiple charts will be working properly.
  • Now, the ranges for the axis will be calculated based on the visible points and ranges.
  • Individual data label background color can be customized with the event.

[18.1.48] - 05/05/2020 #


  • Now the rotated data labels are aligned properly in Bar series.

[18.1.46] - 04/28/2020 #

Breaking changes

  • Considering the readability, the axis labels rotation of rotate45 and rotate90 values in labelIntersectAction property is changed from 45, 90 degree to -45, -90 degree respectively.


  • Provided option to show an indication when both high and low values are same in financial chart types.


  • Now, the tooltip template will not flicker when the data points overlap each other.
  • Technical indicators are updating properly now on dynamic changes.

[18.1.45] - 04/21/2020 #

Bug fixes

  • Now, markers for HiLo series is rendering properly.
  • Tooltip is displaying properly without any exception and flickering on the web.

[18.1.44] - 04/14/2020 #

Bug fixes

  • Public methods of trackball and crosshair for financial series and cartesian series with more number of points will be working properly.

[18.1.43] - 04/07/2020 #

Bug fixes

  • User interactions on the tooltip template will be working properly.
  • Now, public methods of trackball and crosshair will be working properly in the live updates.

[18.1.42] - 04/01/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.36] - 03/19/2020 #


  • Provided support for financial charts types like High low (HiLo), Open high low close (OHLC) and Candle.
  • Provided support for 10 types of technical indicators namely Accumulation distribution, ATR, Bollinger band, EMA, Momentum, RSI, SMA, Stochastic, TMA, and MACD.
  • Provided support for 6 types of trendlines namely Linear, Exponential, Power, Logarithmic, Polynomial, and Moving average.
  • Provided public methods to show the tooltip/trackball/crosshair by passing data point/index/pixel values.

[17.4.51] - 02/25/2020 #

No major changes.

[17.4.50] - 02/19/2020 #

Bug fixes

  • Tooltip will not be shown for the hidden series.
  • Plot band text will be properly positioned on panning.
  • Spline area with empty point is rendering properly.


  • Provided support for showing trackball, tooltip, crosshair based on the pixel, index and points.

[17.4.46] - 01/30/2020 #


  • Provided support for displaying the trackball dynamically based on the data point index.

Bug fixes

  • Now, the series will not be visible when isVisible property is set to false in initial rendering.
  • Data labels are positioned properly on panning.

[17.4.43] - 01/14/2020 #

Bug fixes

  • Now the plot bands are rendering properly when end value is not specified and on panning.
  • onTrackballPositionChanging event is triggered properly now.
  • Panning with visible minimum and maximum values are working fine for DateTime axis now.

[17.4.40] - 12/17/2019 #


  • Provided support for 100% stacked line, 100% stacked area, 100% stacked column, 100% stacked bar, range area, spline area, and step area chart types.
  • Provided support to delay the hiding of trackball and crosshair.
  • Provided support to display the tooltip at the pointer location.
  • Provided support to calculate the empty points average with a custom implementation.

Breaking changes

  • borderMode property in area series has been renamed as borderDrawMode.

[17.3.26] - 11/05/2019 #

Bug fixes

  • Data labels are positioned properly and will not collide with the y-axis.
  • Now exception will not be thrown while using the chart with tooltip template in the tab widget.

[17.3.14] - 10/03/2019 #

Breaking changes

  • roundingPlace property has been changed to decimalPlaces in the axis and tooltip.
  • child property has been changed to widget in chart annotation.
  • position property has been changed to labelAlignment in dataLabelSettings.
  • imageUrl property has been changed to image in markerSettings.
  • backgroundImageUrl property has been changed to backgroundImage in SfCartesianChart.
  • initialSelectedDatIndexes property has been moved to series from SfCartesianChart.

Bug fixes

  • Tooltip format with point.y value is working properly now.
  • Bar chart with negative values is rendering properly now.

[1.0.0-beta.5] - 09/17/2019 #


  • Stacked line, stacked area, stacked column, stacked bar, range column, pyramid and funnel chart types.
  • Logarithmic axis.
  • Axis crossing support.
  • Plot bands and recursive plot bands support.
  • Dynamic data source update animation.

Bug fixes

  • Tooltip template will not be displayed for hidden series.
  • Now the axis interval will be calculated properly for small decimal values.
  • Normal range padding is working fine for category axis.
  • Few more improvements and bug fixes.

[1.0.0-beta.4] - 08/29/2019 #

Bug fixes

  • Now, the category axis will work properly with additional range padding.
  • Now, the column series of category axis with a point can be placed on the ticks.
  • Trackball interactive tooltip will be shown only for the visible series.
  • On panning with grid lines, the grid lines will be moved within the chart area.
  • Panning will work properly on adding or removing the chart series dynamically.
  • Now, the data labels will not be hidden on scrolling.
  • The circular chart will render at the center position along with the legend.
  • Now, the panning is working properly for the inversed axis.
  • Now, the data labels appearance can be customized using onDataLabelRender event.
  • The tooltip and explode in the circular charts will work together. properly.
  • The scatter series is rendering properly with image markers.
  • Few more improvements and bug fixes.

[1.0.0-beta] - 07/16/2019 #

Initial release.


  • Line, spline, area, column, bar, bubble, scatter, step line, fast line, pie, doughnut and radial bar chart types.
  • Numeric, category and date time axis types.
  • User interactive features like zooming and panning, trackball, crosshair, selection and tooltip.
  • Additional features like animation, marker, data label, empty points, legend, annotation and much more.
pub points



Syncfusion Flutter Charts is a data visualization library written natively in Dart for creating beautiful and high-performance cartesian and circular charts.

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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core, vector_math


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