tencent_cloud_chat_uikit 2.0.0-preview.3 copy "tencent_cloud_chat_uikit: ^2.0.0-preview.3" to clipboard
tencent_cloud_chat_uikit: ^2.0.0-preview.3 copied to clipboard

Chat UI components library and basic chat business logic for Tencent Cloud Chat, helping you build In-APP Chat module easily.

Tencent Chat Logo

Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit

Globally interconnected In-App Chat, user profile and relationship chains and offline push.

More languages: 简体中文-TUIKit介绍 简体中文-快速集成

TUIKit has Chat SDK, UI components and basic business logic inside. You can choose our pure Chat SDK tencent-cloud-chat-sdk if you tend to build the UI yourself.

Preview Version Release Notes #

This version is a major update with version number 2.0.0-preview series, which is not backward compatible. Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit has been extended from mobile-only (iOS/Android/mobile web) to support all platforms, including iOS/Android/Web/Windows/macOS, resulting in significant changes to the codebase.

Therefore, users should evaluate the compatibility complexity of their business logic before upgrading, while new users can use this version without any impact.

The documentation for the new version is still being improved, and users can refer to the sample app source code at at https://github.com/TencentCloud/chat-demo-flutter.

Check Out Our Sample Apps #

Experience our Chat and Voice/Video Call modules by trying out our sample apps.

These apps have been created using the same Flutter project as our SDKs and extensions.

Platform Link Remark
Android / iOS Tencent Chat Logo Scan to download app for both Android and iOS. Automatically identifies platform.
Web Tencent Chat Logo Supports both desktop and mobile browsers and automatically adjusts its layout accordingly. Same website as link below.
Web Visit Now Supports both desktop and mobile browsers and automatically adjusts its layout accordingly. Same website as previous QR code.
macOS Download Now The macOS version of our sample app. Control-click the app icon, then choose "Open" from the shortcut menu.
Windows Download Now The Windows version of our sample app, which is a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) application.
Linux Coming Soon... Will be available later this year.

Take a look at the screenshots of TUIKit here to get an idea of what to expect.

Introduction to TUIKit #

Tencent Cloud Chat SDK comes with TUIKit, which is an official set of UI components that have chat business logic built-in. TUIKit includes components like conversation, chat, relationship chain, and group.

Developers can use these UI components to quickly and easily add In-APP chat modules to their mobile applications.


Currently, Flutter TUIKit contains the following main components:

In addition to these components, there are other useful components and widgets available to help developers meet their business needs, such as group entry application list and group member list.

For the source code of the project shown in the image above, please refer to chat-demo-flutter. This project is open source and can be directly used by developers.

Compatible Platforms #

The platforms are compatible with the deployment of our Chat UIKit.

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Web (version 0.1.4 and later)
  • Windows (version 2.0.0 and later)
  • macOS (version 2.0.0 and later)

Get Started #

Please refer to this document for a complete and detailed guide on getting started.

Directions #

The following guide describes how to quickly build a simple chat application using Flutter TUIKit.

Refer to the appendix if you want to learn about the details and parameters of each widget.

If you want to directly add Flutter TUIKit to your existing application, refer to this document. You can add the Flutter module to your existing application, code once, and deploy to all platforms. This can significantly reduce the workload of adding chat and call modules to your existing application.

Step 0: Create two accounts for testing #

Sign up and log in to the Tencent IM console.

Create an application and enter it.

Select Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Generation and Verification on the left sidebar. Generate two pairs of "UserID" and the corresponding "UserSig," and copy the "key" information. Refer to this document.

Tips: You can create "user1" and "user2" here.


The correct way to distribute UserSig is to integrate the calculation code for UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see How do I calculate UserSig on the server?.

Step 1: Create a Flutter app and add permission configuration #

Create a Flutter app quickly by following the Flutter documentation.

TUIKit needs the permissions of shooting/album/recording/network for basic messaging functions. You need to declare these permissions manually to use the relevant capabilities normally.


Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and add the following lines between <manifest> and </manifest>.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />


Open ios/Podfile and add the following lines to the end of the file.

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
          config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= [

Step 2: Install dependencies #

Add tencent_cloud_chat_uikit under dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file, or run the following command:

flutter pub add tencent_cloud_chat_uikit

It supports Android and iOS by default. If you also want to use it on the web, refer to the following guide.

Web Support

Version 0.1.4 or later is required to support web.

If your existing Flutter project does not support web, run flutter create . in the project root directory to add web support.

Install JavaScript dependencies to web/ using npm or yarn.

cd web

npm init

npm i tim-js-sdk

npm i tim-upload-plugin

Open web/index.html and add the following two lines between <head> and </head> to import them.

<script src="./node_modules/tim-upload-plugin/index.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/tim-js-sdk/tim-js-friendship.js"></script>

Step 3: Initialize TUIKit #

Initialize TUIKit when your app starts. You only need to perform the initialization once for the project to start.

Get the instance of TUIKit first using TIMUIKitCore.getInstance(), followed by initializing it with your sdkAppID.

/// main.dart
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

final CoreServicesImpl _coreInstance = TIMUIKitCore.getInstance();

void initState() {
      sdkAppID: 0, // Replace 0 with the SDKAppID of your IM application
      loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_DEBUG,
      listener: V2TimSDKListener());

You may also want to register a callback function for onTUIKitCallbackListener here. Refer to the appendix.

Step 4: Get the signature and log in #

You can now log in one of the testing accounts generated in Step 0 to start the IM module.

Log in using _coreInstance.login.

/// main.dart
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

final CoreServicesImpl _coreInstance = TIMUIKitCore.getInstance();
_coreInstance.login(userID: userID, userSig: userSig);

Note: Importing UserSig to your application is only for debugging purposes and cannot be used for the release version. Before publishing your app, you should generate your UserSig from your server. Refer to: https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/34385?from=pub

Step 5. Implementing the conversation list page #

You can use the conversation (channel) list page as the homepage of your Chat module, which includes all conversations with users and groups that have chat records.

![Conversation List Page](https://qcloudimg.tencent-cloud.cn/raw/a27b131d555b1158d150bd9b337c1d9d.png)

You can create a `Conversation` class, with `TIMUIKitConversation` as its body, to render the conversation list. You only need to provide the `onTapItem` callback, which allows users to navigate to the Chat page for each conversation. In the next step, we'll introduce the `Chat` class.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

class Conversation extends StatelessWidget {
  const Conversation({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text(
          style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
      body: TIMUIKitConversation(
        onTapItem: (selectedConv) {
                builder: (context) =>
                      selectedConversation: selectedConv,

Step 6. Implementing the chat page #

The chat page consists of the main message list and a message sending bar at the bottom.

![Chat Page](https://qcloudimg.tencent-cloud.cn/raw/09b8b9b54fd0caa47069544343eba461.jpg)

You can create a `Chat` class, with `TIMUIKitChat` as its body, to render the chat page. We recommend providing an `onTapAvatar` callback function to navigate to the profile page for the current contact, which we'll introduce in the next step.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

class Chat extends StatelessWidget {
  final V2TimConversation selectedConversation;

  const Chat({Key? key, required this.selectedConversation}) : super(key: key);

  String? _getConvID() {
    return selectedConversation.type == 1
        ? selectedConversation.userID
        : selectedConversation.groupID;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TIMUIKitChat(
      conversationID: _getConvID() ?? '', 
      conversationType: selectedConversation.type ?? 1, 
      conversationShowName: selectedConversation.showName ?? "", 
      onTapAvatar: (_) {
              builder: (context) => UserProfile(userID: userID),

Step 7. Implementing the user profile page #

This page shows the profile of a specific user and maintains the relationship between the current logged-in user and the other user.

![User Profile Page](https://qcloudimg.tencent-cloud.cn/raw/03e88da6f1d63f688d2a8ee446da43ff.png)

You can create a `UserProfile` class, with `TIMUIKitProfile` as its body, to render the user profile page.

The only parameter you have to provide is `userID`, while this component automatically generates the profile and relationship maintenance page based on the existence of friendship.

> **TIP**: Please use `profileWidgetBuilder` first to customize some profile widgets and determine their vertical sequence using `profileWidgetsOrder` if you want to customize this page. If this method cannot meet your business needs, you may consider using `builder` instead.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

class UserProfile extends StatelessWidget {
  final String userID;

  const UserProfile({required this.userID, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text(
          style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
      body: TIMUIKitProfile(
        userID: widget.userID,

Now your app can send and receive messages, display the conversation list, and manage contact friendships. You can use other components from TUIKit to quickly and easily implement the complete Chat module.

FAQs #

Do I need to integrate Chat SDK after integrating TUIKit? #

No. You don't need to integrate Chat SDK again. If you want to use Chat SDK related APIs, you can get them via TIMUIKitCore.getSDKInstance(). This method is recommended to ensure Chat SDK version consistency.

Why did force quit occur when I sent voice, image, file or other messages? #

Check whether you have enabled the camera, mic, album, or other related permissions.

Refers to Step 1 above.

What should I do if clicking Build And Run for an Android device triggers an error, stating no available device is found? #

Check that the device is not occupied by other resources. Alternatively, click Build to generate an APK package, drag it to the simulator, and run it.

What should I do if an error occurs during the first run for an iOS device? #

If an error occurs after the configuration, click Product > Clean Build Folder , clean the product, and run pod install or flutter run again.

What should I do if an error occurs during debugging on a real iOS device when I am wearing an Apple Watch? #

Turn on Airplane Mode on your Apple Watch, and go to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone to turn off Bluetooth.

Restart Xcode (if opened) and run flutter run again.

Issue with Flutter environment? #

If you want to check the Flutter environment, run flutter doctor to detect whether the Flutter environment is ready.

What should I do when an error occurs on an Android device after TUIKit is imported into the application automatically generated by Flutter? #

  1. Open android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml and complete xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" / android:label="@string/android_label" / tools:replace="android:label" as follows.

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    package="Replace it with your Android package name"
    <application android:label="@string/android_label" tools:replace="android:label"
    // Specify an icon path
  1. Open android\app\build.gradle and complete minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in defaultConfig.
defaultConfig {
  applicationId "" // Replace it with your Android package name
  minSdkVersion 21
  targetSdkVersion 30

Contact Us #

Please do not hesitate to contact us in the following place, if you have any further questions or tend to learn more about the use cases.

Our Website: https://www.tencentcloud.com/products/im?from=pub

Appendix: Overview for each widgets #

TIMUIKitCore #

TIMUIKitCore provides two static methods, including getInstance and getSDKInstance

  • getInstance: Used for get the instance of CoreServicesImpl.
  • getSDKInstance: Used for get the instance of Chat SDK.

CoreServicesImpl is the main class of TUIKit , providing the methods includes initialization, logging in and out, getting user information, etc.

import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

final CoreServicesImpl _coreInstance = TIMUIKitCore.getInstance();
final V2TIMManager _sdkInstance = TIMUIKitCore.getSDKInstance();

// init
    .init(language: LanguageEnum?, // Specify the displaying language among English / Chinese, Traditional / Chinese, Simplified. If this field is not provided, the default is the system language
onTUIKitCallbackListener: ValueChanged<
    TIMCallback>, // The callback listener for information from TUIKit, includes errors from SDK API/ the info needs to reminds users/ errors from Flutter. You can reminds users up to your business needs, the description below for details.
sdkAppID: 0
, // sdkAppID from Tencent IM console
loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_DEBUG,listener: V2TimSDKListener
// unInit

// login
_coreInstance.login(userID: 0
, // user ID
userSig: "
// [How do I calculate UserSig on the server?](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/34385?from=pub)

// logout

// getUsersInfo
_coreInstance.getUsersInfo(userIDList: ["123", "456"]);

// setOfflinePushConfig
    .setOfflinePushConfig(businessID: businessID, //  The business from Tencent IM console, for each platform of devices
token: token, // The token from manufactors when registering the offline push

// setSelfInfo
_coreInstance.setSelfInfo(userFullInfo: userFullInfo) // set self userinfo

// setTheme
theme: theme) // set theme color
    // Primary color
    final Color? primaryColor;

    // Secondary color
    final Color? secondaryColor;

    // Info color, for secondary operations or prompts
    final Color? infoColor;

    // Weak background color, lighter than the main background color, used to fill gaps or shadows
    final Color? weakBackgroundColor;

    // Weak divider line color, for dividing lines or borders
    final Color? weakDividerColor;

    // Weak text color
    final Color? weakTextColor;

    // Dark text color
    final Color? darkTextColor;

    // Used for AppBar or Panels
    final Color? lightPrimaryColor;

    // Text color
    final Color? textColor;

    // Warning color for dangerous operation
    final Color? cautionColor;

    // Group owner identification color
    final Color? ownerColor;

    // Group administrator identification color
    final Color? adminColor;)


This listener is used to get information including: errors form SDK API / errors form Flutter / some remind information that may need to pop up to prompt users.

Determine the type by TIMCallbackType.

You may refer to our DEMO for the codes in this part, and modifying up to your business needs.

Errors form SDK API(TIMCallbackType.API_ERROR)

In this scenario, SDK API original errorMsg and errorCode are provided.

Error codes listed here

Errors form Flutter(TIMCallbackType.FLUTTER_ERROR)

This error is captured by listening Flutter natively throwing an exception, providing stackTrace ( from FlutterError.onError) or catchError (from try-catch) when the error occurs.

Remind information(TIMCallbackType.INFO)

It is suggest to pup up to prompt users for this kind of messages.

Provide the infoCode info code to help you determine the current scene, and provide the default prompt recommendation infoRecommendText.

You can directly pop up our recommendations, or you can customize the recommendations according to the scene code. The language of recommendation text is adaptive according to the system language or the language you specified, do not judge the scene according to the recommendation language.

The rules for info code are as follows:

The info code consists of seven digits, the first five digits determine the components of the scene, and the last two digits determine the specific performance of the scene.

The first five digits Corresponding widget
66601 TIMUIKitAddFriend
66602 TIMUIKitAddGroup
66603 TIMUIKitBlackList
66604 TIMUIKitChat
66605 TIMUIKitContact
66606 TIMUIKitConversation
66607 TIMUIKitGroup
66608 TIMUIKitGroupProfile
66609 TIMUIKitNewContact
66610 TIMUIKitGroupProfile
66611 TIMUIKitNewContact
66612 TIMUIKitProfile
66613 TIMUIKitSearch
66614 General Widget

All info codes are listed below:

infoCode Recommendation prompt infoRecommendText Scene description
6660101 Contact request sent User requests to add another user as a contact.
6660102 This user is your contact. When a user applies to add another user who is already a contact, the callback of onTapAlreadyFriendsItem is triggered.
6660201 Group request sent Users apply to join a group chat that requires the approval of the administrator.
6660202 You are already in this group When a user applies to join a group, it is determined that the user is already a member of the current group, triggering the callback of onTapExistGroup.
6660401 Failed to locate the original message When the user needs to jump to the @ message or reference the message, the target message is not found in the message list.
6660402 Video saved successfully After clicking on the video message in the message list, and chooses to save the video.
6660403 Failed to save the video After clicking on the video message in the message list, and chooses to save the video.
6660404 Message too short The user sent an overly short voice message.
6660405 Sending failed. The video cannot exceed 100 MB. The user attempted to send a video larger than 100MB.
6660406 Image saved successfully After clicking on the image in the message list, the user chooses to save the picture.
6660407 Failed to save the image After clicking on the image in the message list, the user chooses to save the picture.
6660408 Copied The user chooses to copy the text message in the pop-up window.
6660409 Not implemented The user selects a non-implemented function in the pop-up. window
6660410 You are receiving other files When the user clicks the download file message, the previous download task has not yet been completed.
6660411 Receiving User clicks to download file message.
6660412 Video is available with .mp4 only The user sent a video message in non-mp4 format
6660413 Added to download queue and waiting Added to the queue to be downloaded, while other files are downloading
6661001 Modification failed due to network disconnection When users try to modify group data in a non-network environment.
6661002 Failed to view the group members due to network disconnection When users try to modify group data in a non-network environment.
6661003 Admin role canceled successfully The user removes the other users from the administrator in the group.
6661201 Modification failed due to network disconnection When a user tries to modify his or her contact information without a network environment.
6661202 Added successfully Add other users as contact on the profile page and automatically add them successfully without verification.
6661203 Request sent successfully Add other users as contact on the profile page, and the other user's settings need to be verified.
6661204 The user is blocked Add other users as contacts on the profile page, who are on their own blocklist.
6661205 Added failed Add other users as contact on the profile page, but failed, probably because the other party is forbidden to add contact.
6661206 Deleted successfully Delete other users as contact on the profile page and succeed.
6661207 Deleted failed Delete other users as contact on the profile page. Failed.
6661401 The input cannot be empty When the user is entering information, an empty string is entered.
6661402 Please provide a life cycle hook navigating back to home or other pages. When users quit the group or dissolve the group, they did not provide a way to return to the home page.
6661403 Insufficient disk storage space, it is recommended to clean up to obtain a better experience After the login is successful, the device storage space will be automatically detected. If there is less than 1GB, it will be prompted.

TIMUIKitConversation #

TIMUIKitConversation shows the conversation list.

The corresponding controller: TIMUIKitConversationController is also provided.

import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

final TIMUIKitConversationController _controller =

void _handleOnConvItemTaped(V2TimConversation? selectedConv) {
  // You can jump to the chat interface here.

List<ConversationItemSlidablePanel> _itemSlidableBuilder(V2TimConversation conversationItem) {
  return [
      onPressed: (context) {
      backgroundColor: hexToColor("006EFF"),
      foregroundColor: Colors.white,
      label: 'Clear conversaation',
      autoClose: true,
      onPressed: (context) {
      backgroundColor: hexToColor("FF9C19"),
      foregroundColor: Colors.white,
      label: conversationItem.isPinned! ? 'unpined' : 'pinned',

lifeCycle: ConversationLifeCycle
), // The lifecycle hook
onTapItem: _handleOnConvItemTaped, // Callback of clicking conversation, can navigating to chat page
itemSlidableBuilder: _itemSlidableBuilder, // Operation items for conversation Item sliding to the left, conversation topping, etc.
controller: _controller, // Conversation component controller, through which you can get conversation data, set conversation data, pin conversation to top and other operations
itembuilder: (
conversationItem) {} // Used to customize the conversation item. Can be combined with TIMUIKitConversationController to implement business logic.
conversationCollector: (
conversation) {} // Conversation collector, which can customize whether the conversation is displayed
lastMessageBuilder: (
V2TimMessage, List<
    V2TimGroupAtInfo?>) {} // Customize the second line of the conversation item, which is generally used to show the last message

TIMUIKitChat #

TIMUIKitChat is the main chat component that provides the display of message list and the ability to send messages.

It also supports custom display of various message types.

Additionally, it can be combined with TIMUIKitChatController to realize local storage and pre-rendering of messages, etc.

Currently supported message parsing:

  • Text message.
  • Image message.
  • Video message.
  • Voice message.
  • Group message.
  • Merge message.
  • File message.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

lifeCycle: ChatLifeCycle
), // Lifecycle hook for  TIMUIKitChat
conversationID: "
, // User ID or Group ID
conversationType: ConversationType, // 1 is c2c chat, 2 is group chat
conversationShowName: "
appBarActions: [
, // appBar operation item, which can be used to jump to the page of group details and personal details, etc.
onTapAvatar: _onTapAvatar, // callback function for clicking the avatar, which can be used to jump to the user profile.
messageItemBuilder: (
MessageItemBuilder) {
// Message item layout constructor, you can choose to customize part of the message type or message row layout.
extraTipsActionItemBuilder: (
message) {
// The configuration for the menu, opend by long pressed messages
morePanelConfig: MorePanelConfig
), // The config for more panel area
appBarConfig: AppBar
), // The config for AppBar
mainHistoryListConfig: ListView
), // Additional config for ListView of historical message list
textFieldHintText: "
, // The hint of inputTextField
draftText: "
, // The draft of inputting message
initFindingMsg: 0
, // The message been jumped
config: TIMUIKitChatConfig
), // The config for the whole TIMUIKitChat
onDealWithGroupApplication: (

String groupID
// Navigating to the pages for the page of [TIMUIKitGroupApplicationList] or other pages to handle joining group application for specific group

TIMUIKitProfile #

TIMUIKitProfile shows the detail information for a user, and manage the relationship.

userID: "
controller: TIMUIKitProfileController
), // Profile Controller
profileWidgetBuilder: ProfileWidgetBuilder
), // Customized some kinds of item.
profileWidgetsOrder: List<
    ProfileWidgetEnum>, // Determine the vertical sequence for those profile widgets.
builder: (

BuildContext context,

V2TimConversation conversation,

bool isMute
) {
// Customized the whole page. `profileWidgetBuilder` and `profileWidgetsOrder` will no longer works if you define this.
lifeCycle: ProfileLifeCycle
), // Lifecycle hook for TIMUIKitProfile

TIMUIKitGroupProfile #

TIMUIKitGroupProfile shows the details of a group and can manage this group.

groupID: "
profileWidgetBuilder: GroupProfileWidgetBuilder
), // Customized some kinds of item.
profileWidgetsOrder: List<
    GroupProfileWidgetEnum>, // Determine the vertical sequence for those profile widgets.
builder: (

BuildContext context, V2TimGroupInfo

List<V2TimGroupMemberFullInfo?> groupMemberList
// Customized the whole page. `profileWidgetBuilder` and `profileWidgetsOrder` will no longer works if you define this.
lifeCycle: GroupProfileLifeCycle, // Lifecycle hook for TIMUIKitGroupProfile

TIMUIKitBlackList #

TIMUIKitBlackList shows the list of blocked users.

onTapItem: (
_) {}, // Callback of clicking the item
emptyBuilder: () {} // The builder when no user listed
itemBuilder: () {} // Customized the user item
lifeCycle: BlockListLifeCycle
), // Lifecycle hook for TIMUIKitBlackList

TIMUIKitGroup #

TIMUIKitGroup shows the list of joined group.

onTapItem: (
_) {}, // Callback of clicking the item
emptyBuilder: () {} // The builder when no group listed
itemBuilder: () {} // Customized the group item

TIMUIKitContact #

TIMUIKitContact shows the list of contacts.

import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

lifeCycle: FriendListLifeCycle
), // Lifecycle hook for TIMUIKitContact
topList: [
name: "

New Contact
id: "
name: "
id: "
name: "
id: "
, // Top list array
topListItemBuilder: _topListBuilder, // The builder for top list array
onTapItem: (
item) { }, // Callback of clicking a contact
emptyBuilder: (
context) =>
const Center(child: Text
("No cantact
, // The builder when no contact listed

TIMUIKitSearch #

TIMUIKitSearch is a global search widget. Global search supports search for "contacts" / "groups" / "chat records". TIMUIKitSearchMsgDetail is an intra-conversation search component that can search for chat records for a specific conversation.

import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_uikit/tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.dart';

// Search globally
onTapConversation: _handleOnConvItemTapedWithPlace, // Function(V2TimConversation, V2TimMessage? message), navigating to specific message from specific conversation
onEnterConversation: (

V2TimConversation conversation, String
initKeyword){}, // Navigating to search in specific conversation. Please navigate to TIMUIKitSearchMsgDetail manually

// Search inside a specific conversation
currentConversation: conversation!,
onTapConversation: onTapConversation,keyword: initKeyword ?? "

What's more #

In addition to Flutter SDK, we have numerous SDKs that covering all platforms. The following platforms can communicate with each other and provide services across devices and platforms.

Platform Introduction Demo Download UI Components library
Android Compatible with JDK 1.6 and Android SDK version 14 and later Get Get Get
iOS Compatible with iOS 8.0 and later Get Get Get
Mac Compatible with OS X 10.10 and later - Get -
Windows C and C++ are included. Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, and Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit programs can be connected - Get -
Web Supports Internet Explorer 11+, Chrome 7+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 12+ and Safari 6+ Get Get Get
Unity Supports 2020.2.7f1c1 or later - Get -
Flutter Supports Flutter 2 & dart 2.12 and later, deploying to Android, iOS, Web, macOS and Windows. Get Here Get
Electron Electron SDK - Get -

Contact Us #

Please do not hesitate to contact us in the following place, if you have any further questions or tend to learn more about the use cases.

Our Website: https://www.tencentcloud.com/products/im?from=pub