time_machine 0.4.1 copy "time_machine: ^0.4.1" to clipboard
time_machine: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Date and time library for DartVM, Dart4Web and Flutter with support for timezones, calendars, culture-aware formatting and parsing.

Dart Time Machine #

Time Machine is a date and time API for Dart (port of Noda Time). Time Machine is timezone and culture sensitive that targets DartVM, Dart4Web, and Dart4Mobile (Flutter).

Example Code:

// Sets up timezone and culture information
await TimeMachine.initialize();
print('Hello, ${DateTimeZone.local} from the Dart Time Machine!');

var tzdb = await DateTimeZoneProviders.tzdb;
var paris = await tzdb["Europe/Paris"];

var now = new Instant.now();

print('UTC Time: $now');
print('Local Time: ${now.inLocalZone()}');
print('Paris Time: ${now.inZone(paris)}');

print('UTC Time: ${now.toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}');
print('Local Time: ${now.inLocalZone().toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}');

print('\nFormatted and French');
var culture = await Cultures.getCulture('fr-FR');
print('UTC Time: ${now.toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', culture)}');
print('Local Time: ${
  now.inLocalZone().toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', culture)}');

print('\nParse French Formatted DateTimeZone');
// without the 'z' parsing will be forced to interpret the timezone as UTC
var localText = now
    .toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z', culture);

var localClone = ZonedDateTimePattern
    .createWithCulture('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z', culture)

VM #


Flutter #


Web #


Most functionality works at this time; All unit tests pass on DartVM and DartWeb. The public API is stabilizing. TZDB QoL changes are in progress. This is a preview release. Documentation was also ported, but some things changed for Dart and the documentation will have minor inaccuracies in some places (and we need an additional formatting pass).

Don't use any functions annotated with @internal. As of v0.3 you should not find any, but if you do, let me know.


  • Port NodaTime
  • Unit tests passing in DartVM
  • Dartification of the API
    • First pass style updates
    • Second pass ergonomics updates
    • Synchronous TZDB timezone provider
    • Review all I/O and associated classes and their structure
  • Non-Gregorian/Julian calendar systems
  • Text formatting and Parsing
  • Remove XML tags from documentation and format them for pub (human second pass still needed)
  • Implement Dart4Web features
  • Unit tests passing in DartWeb
  • Fix DartDoc Formatting
  • Create simple website with examples (at minimal a good set of examples under the examples directory)

External data: Timezones (TZDB via Noda Time) and Culture (ICU via BCL) are produced by a C# tool that is not included in this repository. The goal is to port all this functionality to Dart, the initial tool was created for boot strapping -- and guaranteeing that our data in exactly the same thing that Noda Time would see (to ease porting).

Future Todo:

  • Produce our own TSDB files
  • Produce our own Culture files
  • Benchmarking & Optimizing Library for Dart

Flutter Specific Notes #

You'll need this entry in your pubspec.yaml.

# The following section is specific to Flutter.
    - packages/time_machine/data/cultures/cultures.bin
    - packages/time_machine/data/tzdb/tzdb.bin

Your initialization function will look like this:

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

await TimeMachine.initialize(rootBundle);

Once flutter gets Isolate.resolvePackageUri functionality, we'll be able to merge VM and the Flutter code paths and no asset entry and no special import will be required. It would look just like the VM example.

DDC Specific Notes #

class Foo {
  // Okay in Dart_VM 1.24 -- Okay in DartPad\Dart2JS
  // not Okay in DDC 1.24 -- Okay in DDC 2.0.0-dev63
  @override String toString([int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0]) 
    => '${x + y+ x}';

void main() {
  var foo = new Foo();
  print(foo.toString(1, 2, 3));

Overriding toString() with optional arguments doesn't work in DDC. We use this technique to provide optional formatting. Instant and ZonedDateTime currently have toStringDDC functions available. Still investigating potential solutions, but looks like waiting might be an okay algorithm, since it works in the newer DDC. I'm hoping Dart 2 stable launches soon.

toStringDDC instead of toStringFormatted to attempt to get a negative contagion coefficient.

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Date and time library for DartVM, Dart4Web and Flutter with support for timezones, calendars, culture-aware formatting and parsing.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


collection, meta, quiver_hashcode, resource


Packages that depend on time_machine