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An implementation of List that enforces all elements be unique.

unique_list #

pub package

An implementation of [List] that enforces all elements be unique.

Usage #

import 'package:unique_list/unique_list.dart';

[UniqueList] is an implementation of [List] that doesn't allow the same element to occur in the [List] more than once (much like a [Set].) Elements will be considered identical if comparing them with the == operator returns true.

The [UniqueList] class implements [List], as such it has all of the same methods and parameters of a [List], can be used interchangeably with a [List], and be provided to any parameter that enforces a [List].

The default constructor is identical to [List]s', accepting an optional [length] parameter. If [length] is provided the [UniqueList] will be a fixed-length list.

/// Create an empty [UniqueList].
final list = UniqueList();

/// Create an empty [UniqueList] of [int]s.
final integers = UniqueList<int>();

/// Create a fixed-length [UniqueList] of [int]s.
final fiveIntegers = UniqueList<int>(5);

By default, [UniqueList] doesn't allows for multiple instances of null to be contained within the list, unless creating a fixed-lenght list. To create a [UniqueList] that allows for multiple instances of null to occur, the [nullable] parameter can be set to true.

/// Create an empty [UniqueList] that allows multiple instances of `null`.
final list = UniqueList.empty(nullable: true);

Strict Lists #

By default, [UniqueList] behaves like a [Set], when an element that already exists in the list is added to it, the list will be left as it was. The [UniqueList.strict] constructor can be used to create a list that will throw a [DuplicateValueError] instead.

final list = UniqueList<int>();

list.addAll([0, 1, 2]);


print(list); // [0, 1, 2]

final strictList = UniqueList<int>.strict();

strictList.addAll([0, 1, 2]);

strictList.add(0); // This will throw a [DuplicateValueError].

Factory Constructors #

[UniqueList] has all of the same factory constructors as a regular [List], with the exception of [List.filled], as the values created by [filled] would not be unique.

Each of [UniqueList]'s factory constructors have a [strict] and a [nullable] parameter, and most have a [growable] parameter like [List].

UniqueList.from #

/// Create a new [UniqueList] list containing all elements from another list.
final list = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2]);
final strict = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2], strict: true);
final nullable = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2], nullable: true);

UniqueList.of #

/// Create a new [UniqueList] list from an iterable.
final list = UniqueList<int>.of([0, 1, 2]);
final strict = UniqueList<int>.of([0, 1, 2], strict: true);
final nullable = UniqueList<int>.of([0, 1, 2], nullable: true);

UniqueList.generate #

/// Generate a new [UniqueList] using a generator.
final list = UniqueList<int>.generate(5, (index) => index); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
final strict = UniqueList<int>.generate(5, (index) => index, strict: true);
final nullable = UniqueList<int>.generate(5, (index) => index, nullable: true);

UniqueList.unmodifiable #

[UniqueList.unmodifiable] is the only standard factory constructor without a [strict] parameter, as it isn't necessary if the list can't be modified.

/// Create an unmodifiable [UniqueList] from an iterable.
final list = UniqueList<int>.unmodifiable([0, 1, 2]);
final nullable = UniqueList<int>.unmodifiable([0, 1, 2], nullable: true);

Constructor Errors #

Attempting to construct a strict list that contains multiple instances of the same element, will throw a [DuplicateValuesError], as opposed to the [DuplicateValueError] thrown when attempting to add a duplicate element to a list.

A [DuplicateValuesError] will also be thrown if attempting to construct a fixed-length list that contains multiple instances of the same element.

Adding and Inserting Elements #

Adding and inserting values into a non-strict [UniqueList] have different behavior when a duplicate element is provided. Both will throw a [DuplicateValueError] if adding or inserting duplicate elements into a strict list.

Add and AddAll #

When adding elements into a list with the [add] or [addAll] method, any duplicate values will be ignored.

final list = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2]);

print(list); // [0, 1, 2]


print(list); // [0, 1, 2, 3]


print(list); // [0, 1, 2, 3]

list.addAll([0, 1, 4, 5]);

print(list); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Insert and InsertAll #

When inserting one or more elements into the list with the [insert] or [insertAll] method, any existing instances of any of the elements being inserted will be removed, shifting the indexes of all elements occuring after the one(s) removed down.

final list = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2]);

print(list); // [0, 1, 2]

list.insert(0, 3);

print(list); // [3, 0, 1, 2]

list.insert(3, 3);

print(list); // [0, 1, 2, 3]

list.insertAll(3, [0, 1, 2]);

print(list); // [3, 0, 1, 2]

Setting Values #

When setting values with the [setAll], [setRange], [first], [last], or the []= operator a [DuplicateValueError] will always be thrown, regardless of whether the list is strict or not.

final list = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2]);

print(list); // [0, 1, 2]

list.setAll(0, [0, 1, 2]); // Throws a [DuplicateValueError].

list.setRange(1, 2, [3, 4]);

print(list); // [0, 3, 4]

list.setRange(0, 1, [2, 3]); // Throws a [DuplicateValueError].

Note: In order to comply with [List], the [fillRange] method is provided, but will always throw a [DuplicateValueError] unless the value being filled is null in a nullable list, or if only a single element is being set.

The ToUniqueList Extension Method #

As many of [List]'s methods return an [Iterable], they're often cast back to a [List] using [Iterable]'s [toList] method. To follow the same pattern, this package extends [Iterable] with a [toUniqueList] method.

Like [toList], the [toUniqueList] method contains a [growable] parameter, in addition to the [nullable] and [strict] parameters, which are true and false respectively by default.

var list = UniqueList<int>.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);

final reversed = list.reversed.toUniqueList();

print(reversed); // [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
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verified publisherjamesalex.dev

An implementation of List that enforces all elements be unique.

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