widget_driver_generator 0.0.6 copy "widget_driver_generator: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
widget_driver_generator: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

This package provides generators for WidgetDriver to automate the creation of your TestDrivers and WidgetDriverProviders

WidgetDriver generator #

pub package check-code-quality License

This is a helper package that supports the widget_driver package and generates the bootstrapping code needed to get your Drivers fully set up.

Usage #

Dependencies #

To use widget_driver_generator, you need to have the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml.

  # ...along with your other dependencies
  widget_driver: <latest-version>

  # ...along with your other dev-dependencies
  build_runner: <latest-version>
  widget_driver_generator: <latest-version>

Source code #

The instructions below explain how to create and annotate your Drivers to use this generator. Along with importing the widget_driver package, it's essential to also include a part directive that references the generated Dart file. The generated file will always have the name [source_file].g.dart.

import 'package:widget_driver/widget_driver.dart';

part 'this_file.g.dart';

After you have organized your import statements it is time to define your Driver. At this point you also need to annotate your Driver class with the GenerateTestDriver() annotation. If you forget to do this, then you will not get any generated code.

class MyDriver extends WidgetDriver {

Now there is just one thing missing. You need to annotate all public properties and methods in your Driver that you want to be able to use in your widgets later.

Annotate the properties with TestDriverDefaultValue({default_value}). As a parameter to the TestDriverDefaultValue you pass in the default value which you want the driver to give to the widget when the widget is being tested.

You also annotate your methods with TestDriverDefaultValue({default_return_value}). As a parameter to the TestDriverDefaultValue you pass in the default value which you want the driver to return to the widget when the widget calls this method during tests. If the method does not return anything, then just pass nothing as a parameter. If you method returns a future, then you can use the TestDriverDefaultFutureValue annotation instead. It will correctly generate a future with the return value you pass into it.

class MyDriver extends WidgetDriver {

  int get value => _someService.value;

  void doSomething() {

  @TestDriverDefaultValue('The string')
  String giveMeSomeString() {
    return _someService.getSomeString();

  Future<int> giveMeSomeIntSoon() {
    return _someService.getSomeIntSoon();

Generating the code #

So now you have all of your imports, definitions and annotations in place.
Then let's do a one-time build:

flutter pub run build_runner build

Read more about using build_runner on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.

Intro to WidgetDriver #

For more information about the widget_driver framework then please read here

pub points


verified publisherbmwtech.dev

This package provides generators for WidgetDriver to automate the creation of your TestDrivers and WidgetDriverProviders

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, build, source_gen, widget_driver_annotation


Packages that depend on widget_driver_generator