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Results15 packages owned by enough.de
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IMAP, POP3 and SMTP for email developers. Choose between a low level and a high level API for mailing. Parse and generate MIME messages. Discover email settings.
Support for character encodings / charsets / codecs missing from `dart:convert` - ISO 8859 / Latin, Windows, DOS, GBK, Big5, and KOI8 R/U.
Generates ASCII art using image to ASCII, FIGlet text banner support and emoticon to text conversions.
Useful platform aware widgets to develop a Flutter app with either Cupertino and Material design.#cupertino#material#widget
Add a powerful and customizable GIPHY picker into your Flutter app.
Generate HTML from an email mime message and creates plain text from HTML. Eases handling of `MimeMessage` in the `enough_mail` package.
Extensible collection of media viewers for preview and interactive experiences.#media#pdf#photo#video#audio
iCalendar library to parse, generate and respond to iCal / ics invites. Fully compliant with RFC 5545 (iCalendar) and RFC 5546 (iTIP).#icalendar#ics#ical#rfc5545#rfc5546
A GIPHY client in pure Dart without depending on Flutter.
Widgets for email apps that use the `enough_mail` library. Licensed commercially friendly under MPL 2.0.