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Responsive Data table is a highly flexible tool built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, that adds all of these advanced features to any flutter table.
Basic Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Ticket class generates ESC/POS commands that can be sent to a thermal printer.
This plugin will allow develop send data and work with usb printer on android
This package allow you to build the widget based on width (screen) size or platform
This plugin was made for developer to convert any webcontent, web uri to image bitmap or pdf file. This plugin use WebView on android, WKWebView on Ios and chromium for desktop support.
This is a resposive extension which allow you to spefic screen and screensize in your flutter application. You do not need to remember size width.
Allow you to integrate your flutter app with ABA PayWay
printx will allow to print object in colorize
flutter package for print or list down both wireless and bluetooth esc printer devices.
this will help to generate the data collection in *.g.dart file from api response