• Packages
Results19 packages owned by
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A simple package to simplify screen management. When loading any async task, this package prevent the user from interacting with the screen until the async task finishes.
Package for easy use of images that are automatically cacheable and have a beautiful on the fly (but it can be configured) shimmer effect while loading
A highly customizable password control input widget. It has features such as password strenght and rules validation
A handy Flutter widget to scroll to a certain widget every time this widget gains Focus.
Pacote para facilitar e agilizar a comunicação com a API via_cep e obter informações sobre CEPs e localidades de todo o Brasil
Package to make easier the proccess of creating a round circle box. The component created is fully customizable to your needs.
Tag is a widget that simplify the process of creating a tag for any given widget
A Flutter package to handle connectivity in an elegant way, giving power to the user to display different widgets when there's or there isn't connectivity
Pacote para facilitar e agilizar o processo de escolha de municipios e estados brasileiros. Todas as informações são tiradas da API do IBGE.
Builds indication marks for PageView from any Widget and/or Animation.