
  • Packages
Results8 packages owned by uekoetter.dev
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A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app.
A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app and upload it as an issue to GitLab
A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app and upload it to Sentry.io
This package contains a few InkSplash and InkRipple alternatives for a better UI
Automatic capture of exceptions and GraphQL errors for the gql eco-system, like graphql and ferry
Plugin to deal with PKPass files on iOS. You can check for availabililty and add them.#passkit#pkpass
Sentry integration for dart_frog. Capture errors and trace performance#server#http#middleware#error#dart-frog
An image provider which makes use of package:http to instead of dart:io#cupertino-http#cronet-http#image-provider