ReplicatorConfiguration class final Replication

Configuration for a Replicator.


ReplicatorConfiguration({@Deprecated('Add a CollectionConfiguration for the default collection instead.') Database? database, required Endpoint target, ReplicatorType replicatorType = ReplicatorType.pushAndPull, bool continuous = false, Authenticator? authenticator, Uint8List? pinnedServerCertificate, Uint8List? trustedRootCertificates, Map<String, String>? headers, @Deprecated('Use CollectionConfiguration.channels instead.') List<String>? channels, @Deprecated('Use CollectionConfiguration.documentIds instead.') List<String>? documentIds, @Deprecated('Use CollectionConfiguration.pushFilter instead.') ReplicationFilter? pushFilter, TypedReplicationFilter? typedPushFilter, @Deprecated('Use CollectionConfiguration.pullFilter instead.') ReplicationFilter? pullFilter, TypedReplicationFilter? typedPullFilter, @Deprecated('Use CollectionConfiguration.conflictResolver instead.') ConflictResolver? conflictResolver, TypedConflictResolver? typedConflictResolver, bool enableAutoPurge = true, Duration? heartbeat, int? maxAttempts, Duration? maxAttemptWaitTime})
Creates a configuration for a Replicator.
ReplicatorConfiguration.from(ReplicatorConfiguration config)
Creates a configuration for a Replicator from another config by coping it.


authenticator Authenticator?
The Authenticator to authenticate with a remote target.
getter/setter pair
channels List<String>?
A set of Sync Gateway channel names to pull from.
getter/setter pair
conflictResolver ConflictResolver?
A custom conflict resolver.
getter/setter pair
continuous bool
The continuous flag indicating whether the replicator should stay active indefinitely to replicate changed documents.
getter/setter pair
database Database?
The local Database to replicate with the replication target.
documentIds List<String>?
A set of document IDs to filter by.
getter/setter pair
enableAutoPurge bool
Whether to automatically purge a document when the user looses access to it, on the server.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, String>?
Extra HTTP headers to send in all requests to the remote target.
getter/setter pair
heartbeat Duration?
The heartbeat interval.
getter/setter pair
maxAttempts int?
The maximum attempts to connect.
getter/setter pair
maxAttemptWaitTime Duration?
Max wait time between attempts.
getter/setter pair
pinnedServerCertificate Uint8List?
The remote target's SSL certificate (PEM or DER).
getter/setter pair
pullFilter ReplicationFilter?
Filter for validating whether the Documents can be pulled from the remote endpoint.
getter/setter pair
pushFilter ReplicationFilter?
Filter for validating whether the Documents can be pushed to the remote endpoint.
getter/setter pair
replicatorType ReplicatorType
Replicator type indication the direction of the replicator.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
target Endpoint
The replication target to replicate with.
trustedRootCertificates Uint8List?
A set of trusted root certificates to use for verifying the SSL certificate of the remote target (PEM).
getter/setter pair
typedConflictResolver TypedConflictResolver?
A custom conflict resolver, which receives typed document instances.
getter/setter pair
typedPullFilter TypedReplicationFilter?
Filter for validating whether the documents can be pulled from the remote endpoint, which receives typed document instances.
getter/setter pair
typedPushFilter TypedReplicationFilter?
Filter for validating whether the documents can be pushed to the remote endpoint, which receives typed document instances.
getter/setter pair


addCollection(Collection collection, [CollectionConfiguration? config]) → void
Configures a Collection for replication.
addCollections(Iterable<Collection> collections, [CollectionConfiguration? config]) → void
Configures multiple Collections for replication.
collectionConfiguration(Collection collection) CollectionConfiguration?
Returns the CollectionConfiguration for a Collection in this configuration.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeCollection(Collection collection) → void
Removes the CollectionConfiguration for a Collection from this configuration.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.