firstWhereOrDefault method

T? firstWhereOrDefault(
  1. bool condition(
    1. T value
    ), {
  2. T? defaultValue,

Returns the first element in the iterable matching a specified condition, or a default value if none is found.

Begins iteration of the iterable, but then returns the first element found that matches the specified condition.

If the iterable is empty, or if condition is provided but iteration reaches the end of the iterable before an element is found, the value specified by defaultValue will be returned instead. If defaultValue is omitted, the returned value will be null.

The firstWhereOrDefault method begins iteration, but short-circuits the first time condition returns true and will not iterate further. In the worst case, it will iterate over the entire iterable.


void main() {
  final list = [1, 3, 5];
  final result = list.firstWhereOrDefault((x) => x.isEven, defaultValue: -1);

  // Result: -1


T? firstWhereOrDefault(bool Function(T value) condition, {T? defaultValue}) {
  if (isEmpty) return defaultValue;

  for (var v in this) {
    if (condition(v)) {
      return v;

  return defaultValue;