min method

T min([
  1. int comparer(
    1. T e1,
    2. T e2

Returns the minimum value in the iterable.

Iterates over the iterable and applies the comparer to each element in order to find the minimum value. Once iteration is complete, min will return the smallest element found.

When the type of the iterable is one of the below types, the comparer can be omitted. In this case, the function defaults to predefined minimum functions depending on the type:

  • Numeric types (num, int, double) return the minimum of all elements as defined by the min function in dart:math.

  • String types return the alphabetic minimum of all elements.

If the iterable type is not one of these types, the comparer must be provided. Otherwise, an ArgumentError will be thrown.

If the iterable is empty, a StateError will be thrown.


void main() {
  final list = [0, 1, 2, 3];
  final result = list.min();

  // Result: 0


T min([int Function(T e1, T e2)? comparer]) {
  if (isEmpty) {
    throw StateError('Iterable must not be empty.');

  comparer ??= EqualityComparer.tryForType<T>()?.sort;
  if (comparer == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('comparer');

  final iter = iterator..moveNext();
  var min = iter.current;
  while (iter.moveNext()) {
    if (comparer(iter.current, min) < 0) {
      min = iter.current;

  return min;