to method

Iterable<DateTime> to(
  1. DateTime to, {
  2. Duration by = const Duration(days: 1),

Returns a range of dates to to, exclusive start, inclusive end

final start = DateTime(2019);
final end = DateTime(2020);, by: const Duration(days: 365)).forEach(print); // 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000


Iterable<DateTime> to(DateTime to, {Duration by = const Duration(days: 1)}) sync* {
  if (isAtSameMomentAs(to)) return;

  if (isBefore(to)) {
    var value = this + by;
    yield value;

    var count = 1;
    while (value.isBefore(to)) {
      value = this + (by * ++count);
      yield value;
  } else {
    var value = this - by;
    yield value;

    var count = 1;
    while (value.isAfter(to)) {
      value = this - (by * ++count);
      yield value;