FirebaseMessagingWeb class

Web implementation for FirebaseMessagingPlatform delegates calls to messaging web plugin.

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • FirebaseMessagingWeb


FirebaseMessagingWeb({FirebaseApp? app})
Builds an instance of FirebaseMessagingWeb with an optional FirebaseApp instance If app is null then the created instance will use the default FirebaseApp


app → FirebaseApp
Returns the FirebaseApp for the current instance.
no setterinherited
appInstance → FirebaseApp?
The FirebaseApp this instance was initialized with.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAutoInitEnabled bool
Returns whether messaging auto initialization is enabled or disabled for the device.
no setter
onTokenRefresh Stream<String>
Fires when a new FCM token is generated.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


delegateFor({required FirebaseApp app}) → FirebaseMessagingPlatform
Enables delegates to create new instances of themselves if a none default FirebaseApp instance is required by the user.
deleteToken() Future<void>
Removes access to an FCM token previously authorized with optional senderId.
getAPNSToken() Future<String?>
On iOS & MacOS, it is possible to get the users APNs token. This may be required if you want to send messages to your iOS devices without using the FCM service.
getInitialMessage() Future<RemoteMessage?>
If the application has been opened from a terminated state via a RemoteMessage (containing a Notification), it will be returned, otherwise it will be null.
getNotificationSettings() Future<NotificationSettings>
Returns the current NotificationSettings.
getToken({String? vapidKey}) Future<String?>
Returns the default FCM token for this device and optionally senderId.
isSupported() bool
Updates user on browser support for Firebase.Messaging
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerBackgroundMessageHandler(BackgroundMessageHandler handler) → void
Allows delegates to create a background message handler implementation.
requestPermission({bool alert = true, bool announcement = false, bool badge = true, bool carPlay = false, bool criticalAlert = false, bool provisional = false, bool sound = true}) Future<NotificationSettings>
Prompts the user for notification permissions.
sendMessage({required String to, Map<String, String>? data, String? collapseKey, String? messageId, String? messageType, int? ttl}) Future<void>
Send a new RemoteMessage to the FCM server.
setAutoInitEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enable or disable auto-initialization of Firebase Cloud Messaging.
setForegroundNotificationPresentationOptions({required bool alert, required bool badge, required bool sound}) Future<void>
Sets the presentation options for iOS based notifications when received in the foreground.
setInitialValues({bool? isAutoInitEnabled}) → FirebaseMessagingPlatform
Sets any initial values on the instance.
subscribeToTopic(String topic) Future<void>
Subscribe to topic in background.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unsubscribeFromTopic(String topic) Future<void>
Unsubscribe from topic in background.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

registerWith(Registrar registrar) → void
Called by PluginRegistry to register this plugin for Flutter Web