flutter_iconpicker library

FlutterIconPicker Author Rebar Ahmad https://github.com/Ahmadre [email protected]


The IconPickerIcon is a data-class that holds the IconData and the name of the icon It is used to display the icon in the IconPicker


The IconPack defines which Icons are gonna be loaded


deserializeIcon(Map<String, dynamic> iconMap, {IconPack? iconPack}) IconData?
serializeIcon(IconData icon, {IconPack? iconPack}) Map<String, dynamic>?
showIconPicker(BuildContext context, {bool showSearchBar = true, bool adaptiveDialog = false, bool showTooltips = false, bool barrierDismissible = true, double iconSize = 40, Color? iconColor, double mainAxisSpacing = 5.0, double crossAxisSpacing = 5.0, ShapeBorder? iconPickerShape, Color? backgroundColor, BoxConstraints? constraints, Widget title = const Text('Pick an icon'), Widget closeChild = const Text('Close', textScaler: const TextScaler.linear(1.25)), Icon searchIcon = const Icon(Icons.search), String searchHintText = 'Search', Icon searchClearIcon = const Icon(Icons.close), SearchComparator? searchComparator, String noResultsText = 'No results for:', List<IconPack> iconPackModes = const <IconPack>[IconPack.material], Map<String, IconData>? customIconPack}) Future<IconData?>


SearchComparator = bool Function(String search, IconPickerIcon icon)
The SearchComparator is a function that is used to compare the search value with the icon