populateTemplatePlaceholders method

  1. @visibleForOverriding
String populateTemplatePlaceholders(
  1. String urlTemplate,
  2. TileCoordinates coordinates,
  3. TileLayer options

Replaces placeholders in the form templatePlaceholderElement with their corresponding values

Avoid using this externally, instead use getTileUrl (which uses this) to automatically handle WMS usage.

When creating a specialized TileProvider, prefer overriding URL generation related methods in the following order:

  1. populateTemplatePlaceholders
  2. generateReplacementMap
  3. getTileUrl and/or getTileFallbackUrl

Note to implementors: it is not safe to assume that at least one of wmsOptions or urlTemplate will be non-null.


String populateTemplatePlaceholders(
  String urlTemplate,
  TileCoordinates coordinates,
  TileLayer options,
) {
  final replacementMap =
      generateReplacementMap(urlTemplate, coordinates, options);

  return urlTemplate.replaceAllMapped(
    (match) {
      final value = replacementMap[match.group(1)!];
      if (value != null) return value;
      throw ArgumentError(
        'Missing value for placeholder: {${match.group(1)}}',