SoLoud class interface

The main class to call all the audio methods that play sounds.

This class has a singleton instance which represents the (also singleton) instance of the SoLoud (C++) engine.

For methods that capture sounds, use SoLoudCapture.


activeSounds Iterable<AudioSource>
The sounds that are currently being played.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialized FutureOr<bool>
A Future that returns true when the audio engine is initialized (and ready to play sounds, for example).
no setter
isInitialized bool
The current status of the engine. This is true when the engine has been initialized and is immediately ready.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addGlobalFilter(FilterType filterType) → void
Adds a filterType to all sounds.
countAudioSource(AudioSource audioSource) int
Returns the number of concurrent sounds that are playing a specific audio source.
deinit() → void
Stops the engine and disposes of all resources, including sounds and the audio isolate in a synchronous way.
disposeAllSources() Future<void>
Disposes all audio sources that are currently loaded. Also stops all sound instances if anything is playing.
disposeSource(AudioSource source) Future<void>
Stops all handles of the already loaded source, and reclaims memory.
fadeGlobalVolume(double to, Duration time) → void
Smoothly changes the global volume to the value of to over specified time.
fadePan(SoundHandle handle, double to, Duration time) → void
Smoothly changes a currently playing sound's pan setting to the value of to over specified time.
fadeRelativePlaySpeed(SoundHandle handle, double to, Duration time) → void
Smoothly changes a currently playing sound's relative play speed to the value of to over specified time.
fadeVolume(SoundHandle handle, double to, Duration time) → void
Smoothly changes a single sound instance's volume to the value of to over the specified time.
get3dSoundSpeed() double
Gets the speed of sound.
getActiveVoiceCount() int
Returns the number of concurrent sounds that are playing at the moment.
getAudioTexture2D(Pointer<Pointer<Float>> audioData) → void
Return a floats matrix of 256x512. Every row are composed of 256 FFT values plus 256 of wave data. Every time is called, a new row is stored in the first row and all the previous rows are shifted up. The last one will be lost.
getFilterParameter(FilterType filterType, int attributeId) double
Gets the value of a parameter of the given filterType.
getFilterParamNames(FilterType filterType) List<String>
Gets parameters of the given filterType.
getFxParams(FilterType filterType, int attributeId) double
Deprecated alias of getFilterParameter.
getGlobalVolume() double
Gets the current global volume.
getIsValidVoiceHandle(SoundHandle handle) bool
Check if the handle is still valid.
getLength(AudioSource source) Duration
Get the length of a loaded audio source.
getLooping(SoundHandle handle) bool
Query whether a sound (supplied via handle) is set to loop.
getLoopPoint(SoundHandle handle) Duration
Get the loop point value of a currently playing sound, provided via its handle.
getMaxActiveVoiceCount() int
Gets the current maximum active voice count.
getPause(SoundHandle handle) bool
Gets the pause state of a currently playing sound identified by handle.
getPosition(SoundHandle handle) Duration
Get the current sound position of a sound instance (provided via its handle).
getProtectVoice(SoundHandle handle) bool
Get a sound's protection state.
getRelativePlaySpeed(SoundHandle handle) double
Get a sound's relative play speed. Provide the sound instance via its handle.
getVisualizationEnabled() bool
Get visualization state.
getVoiceCount() int
Returns the number of voices the application has told SoLoud to play.
getVolume(SoundHandle handle) double
Get the volume of the currently playing sound instance, provided via its handle.
init({Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 10), bool automaticCleanup = false}) Future<void>
Initializes the audio engine.
isFilterActive(FilterType filterType) int
Checks whether the given filterType is active.
loadAsset(String key, {LoadMode mode = LoadMode.memory, AssetBundle? assetBundle}) Future<AudioSource>
Load a new sound to be played once or multiple times later, from an asset.
loadFile(String path, {LoadMode mode = LoadMode.memory}) Future<AudioSource>
Load a new sound to be played once or multiple times later, from the file system.
loadUrl(String url, {LoadMode mode = LoadMode.memory, Client? httpClient}) Future<AudioSource>
Load a new sound to be played once or multiple times later, from a network URL.
loadWaveform(WaveForm waveform, bool superWave, double scale, double detune) Future<AudioSource>
Load a new waveform to be played once or multiple times later.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
oscillateGlobalVolume(double from, double to, Duration time) → void
Set fader to oscillate the global volume at specified frequency.
oscillatePan(SoundHandle handle, double from, double to, Duration time) → void
Sets oscillation of the pan at specified frequency.
oscillateRelativePlaySpeed(SoundHandle handle, double from, double to, Duration time) → void
Sets oscillation of the play speed at specified frequency.
oscillateVolume(SoundHandle handle, double from, double to, Duration time) → void
Sets fader to oscillate the volume at specified frequency.
pauseSwitch(SoundHandle handle) → void
Pause or unpause a currently playing sound identified by handle.
play(AudioSource sound, {double volume = 1, double pan = 0, bool paused = false, bool looping = false, Duration loopingStartAt =}) Future<SoundHandle>
Play an already-loaded sound identified by sound. Creates a new playing instance of the sound, and returns its SoundHandle.
play3d(AudioSource sound, double posX, double posY, double posZ, {double velX = 0, double velY = 0, double velZ = 0, double volume = 1, bool paused = false, bool looping = false, Duration loopingStartAt =}) Future<SoundHandle>
This function is the 3D version of the play call.
removeGlobalFilter(FilterType filterType) → void
Removes filterType from all sounds.
schedulePause(SoundHandle handle, Duration time) → void
Waits the specified time, then pauses the currently playing sound.
scheduleStop(SoundHandle handle, Duration time) → void
Waits the specified time, then stops the currently playing sound.
seek(SoundHandle handle, Duration time) → void
Seek a currently playing sound instance, provided via its handle. Specify the time (as a Duration) to which you want to move the play head.
set3dListenerAt(double atX, double atY, double atZ) → void
Sets the at-vector (i.e. position) parameter of the 3D audio listener.
set3dListenerParameters(double posX, double posY, double posZ, double atX, double atY, double atZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, double velocityX, double velocityY, double velocityZ) → void
Sets the position, at-vector, up-vector and velocity parameters of the 3D audio listener with one call.
set3dListenerPosition(double posX, double posY, double posZ) → void
Sets the position parameter of the 3D audio listener.
set3dListenerUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ) → void
Sets the up-vector parameter of the 3D audio listener.
set3dListenerVelocity(double velocityX, double velocityY, double velocityZ) → void
Sets the 3D listener's velocity vector.
set3dSoundSpeed(double speed) → void
Since SoLoud has no knowledge of the scale of your coordinates, you may need to adjust the speed of sound for these effects to work correctly. The default value is 343, which assumes that your world coordinates are in meters (where 1 unit is 1 meter), and that the environment is dry air at around 20 degrees Celsius.
set3dSourceAttenuation(SoundHandle handle, int attenuationModel, double attenuationRolloffFactor) → void
You can change the attenuation model and rolloff factor parameters of a live 3D audio source.
set3dSourceDopplerFactor(SoundHandle handle, double dopplerFactor) → void
Sets the doppler factor of a live 3D audio source.
set3dSourceMinMaxDistance(SoundHandle handle, double minDistance, double maxDistance) → void
Sets the minimum and maximum distance parameters of a live 3D audio source.
set3dSourceParameters(SoundHandle handle, double posX, double posY, double posZ, double velocityX, double velocityY, double velocityZ) → void
Sets the position and velocity parameters of a live 3D audio source with one call.
set3dSourcePosition(SoundHandle handle, double posX, double posY, double posZ) → void
Sets the position of a live 3D audio source.
set3dSourceVelocity(SoundHandle handle, double velocityX, double velocityY, double velocityZ) → void
Set the velocity parameter of a live 3D audio source.
setFftSmoothing(double smooth) → void
Smooth FFT data. When new data is read and the values are decreasing, the new value will be decreased with an amplitude between the old and the new value. This will resul on a less shaky visualization.
setFilterParameter(FilterType filterType, int attributeId, double value) → void
Sets a parameter of the given filterType.
setGlobalVolume(double volume) → void
Sets the global volume which affects all sounds.
setLooping(SoundHandle handle, bool enable) → void
Set the looping flag of a currently playing sound, provided via its handle.
setLoopPoint(SoundHandle handle, Duration time) → void
Set the loop point of a currently playing sound, provided via its handle.
setMaxActiveVoiceCount(int maxVoiceCount) → void
Sets the current maximum active voice count.
setPause(SoundHandle handle, bool pause) → void
Pause or unpause a currently playing sound identified by handle.
setProtectVoice(SoundHandle handle, bool protect) → void
Sets a sound instance's protection state.
setRelativePlaySpeed(SoundHandle handle, double speed) → void
Set a sound's relative play speed.
setVisualizationEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Enable or disable visualization.
setVolume(SoundHandle handle, double volume) → void
Set the volume for a currently playing sound instance, provided via its handle.
setWaveform(AudioSource sound, WaveForm newWaveform) → void
Set a waveform type to the given sound: see WaveForm enum.
setWaveformDetune(AudioSource sound, double newDetune) → void
If this sound is a superWave you can change the detune at runtime.
setWaveformFreq(AudioSource sound, double newFrequency) → void
Set the frequency of the given waveform sound.
setWaveformScale(AudioSource sound, double newScale) → void
If this sound is a superWave you can change the scale at runtime.
setWaveformSuperWave(AudioSource sound, bool superwave) → void
Set the given waveform sound's super wave flag.
speechText(String textToSpeech) Future<AudioSource>
Create a new audio source from the given textToSpeech.
stop(SoundHandle handle) Future<void>
Stop a currently playing sound identified by handle and clear it from the sound handle list.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance SoLoud
The singleton instance of SoLoud. Only one SoLoud instance can exist in C++ land, so – for consistency and to avoid confusion – only one instance can exist in Dart land.