Dio class abstract

Dio enables you to make HTTP requests easily.

Creating a Dio instance with configurations:

final dio = Dio(
    baseUrl: "https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn",
    connectTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 5),
    receiveTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 5),
    headers: {
      HttpHeaders.userAgentHeader: 'dio',
      'common-header': 'xx',

The Dio.options can be updated in anytime:

dio.options.baseUrl = "https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn";
dio.options.connectTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5);
dio.options.receiveTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5);


Dio([BaseOptions? options])
Create the default Dio instance with the default implementation based on different platforms.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpClientAdapter ↔ HttpClientAdapter
The adapter that the instance is using.
getter/setter pair
interceptors → Interceptors
Return the interceptors added into the instance.
no setter
options ↔ BaseOptions
Default Request config. More see BaseOptions .
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
transformer ↔ Transformer
Transformer allows changes to the request/response data before it is sent/received to/from the server. This is only applicable for requests that have payload.
getter/setter pair


close({bool force = false}) → void
Shuts down the dio client.
delete<T>(String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP DELETE request.
deleteUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP DELETE request with Uri.
download(String urlPath, dynamic savePath, {ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, CancelToken? cancelToken, bool deleteOnError = true, String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader, Object? data, Options? options}) Future<Response>
Download the file and save it in local. The default http method is "GET", you can custom it by Options.method.
downloadUri(Uri uri, dynamic savePath, {ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress, CancelToken? cancelToken, bool deleteOnError = true, String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader, Object? data, Options? options}) Future<Response>
Download the file and save it in local. The default http method is "GET", you can custom it by Options.method.
fetch<T>(RequestOptions requestOptions) Future<Response<T>>
The eventual method to submit requests. All callers for requests should eventually go through this method.
get<T>(String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP GET request.
getUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP GET request with Uri.
Convenience method to make an HTTP HEAD request.
headUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP HEAD request with Uri.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patch<T>(String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP PATCH request.
patchUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP PATCH request with Uri.
post<T>(String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP POST request.
postUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP POST request with Uri.
put<T>(String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP PUT request.
putUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Convenience method to make an HTTP PUT request with Uri.
request<T>(String url, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, CancelToken? cancelToken, Options? options, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Make HTTP request with options.
requestUri<T>(Uri uri, {Object? data, CancelToken? cancelToken, Options? options, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<T>>
Make http request with options with Uri.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.