constructors library


combineLatest<T>(Iterable<Observable<T>> iterable, {Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<List<T>>
Combines a list of Observable to an Observable whose values are calculated from the latest values of each of its inputs.
concat<T>(Iterable<Observable<T>> observables, {Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<T>
Subscribe to the list of Observable in order, and when the previous one complete then subscribe to the next one.
create<T>(Callback1<Subscriber<T>> callback) Observable<T>
Creates an Observable that uses the provided callback to emit elements to the provided Observer on each subscribe.
defer<T>(Map0<Observable<T>> callback) Observable<T>
Creates an Observable that uses the provided callback to create a new Observable on each subscribe.
empty({Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<Never>
An Observable that emits no items and immediately completes.
forkJoin<T>(List<Observable<T>> sources) Observable<List<T>>
Waits for all passed Observable to complete and then it will emit an list with last values from corresponding observables.
iff<T>(Predicate0 condition, [Observable<T>? trueBranch, Observable<T>? falseBranch]) Observable<T>
Decides at subscription time which Observable will actually be subscribed to.
just<T>(T value, {Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<T>
An Observable with a single element.
merge<T>(Iterable<Observable<T>> observables, {int concurrent = maxInteger}) Observable<T>
Creates an Observable which concurrently emits all values from every source Observable.
never() Observable<Never>
An Observable that emits no items and never completes.
race<T>(Iterable<Observable<T>> sources) Observable<T>
Creates an Observable that mirrors the first source to emit an item.
throwError(Object error, {StackTrace? stackTrace, Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<Never>
An Observable that emits no items and immediately throws an error.
timer({Duration delay =, Duration? period, Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<int>
An Observable that starts emitting after delay and that emits an ever increasing numbers after each period thereafter.
zip<T>(Iterable<Observable<T>> iterable, {Scheduler? scheduler}) Observable<List<T>>
Combines a list of Observable to an Observable whose values are calculated from the next value of each of its inputs.