sqflite_ffi_web library


Abstract context for the web (holder file system and wasm)
Web options.


databaseFactoryFfiWeb → DatabaseFactory
The database factory to use for ffi web. not supported on io
no setter
databaseFactoryFfiWebBasicWebWorker → DatabaseFactory
The database factory to use for ffi web. not supported on io
no setter
databaseFactoryFfiWebNoWebWorker → DatabaseFactory
The database factory to use for ffi web. not supported on io
no setter
sqliteFfiWebDebugWebWorker bool
Testing only.
getter/setter pair


createDatabaseFactoryFfiWeb({SqfliteFfiWebOptions? options, bool noWebWorker = false, String? tag}) → DatabaseFactory
Web only - Create the proper factory based on the settings
sqfliteFfiWebLoadSqlite3Wasm(SqfliteFfiWebOptions options, {SqfliteFfiWebContext? context, bool? fromWebWorker}) Future<SqfliteFfiWebContext>
Web only
sqfliteFfiWebStartSharedWorker(SqfliteFfiWebOptions options) Future<SqfliteFfiWebContext>
Web only