state_extended library Get started

The extension of the State class.



AppStateX<T extends StatefulWidget> Get started StateX class AppStateX class
The StateX object at the 'app level.' Used to effect the whole app by being the 'root' of first State object instantiated.
SetState AppStateX class
Used like the function, setState(), to 'spontaneously' call build() functions here and there in your app. Much like the Scoped Model's ScopedModelDescendant() class. This class object will only rebuild if the App's InheritedWidget notifies it as it is a dependency.
StateF<T extends StatefulWidget> StateX class
A State object the runs its built-in FutureBuilder with every setState()
StateIn<T extends StatefulWidget> StateX class
A State object that explicitly implements a built-in InheritedWidget
StateX<T extends StatefulWidget> Get started StateX class Using FutureBuilder Using InheritedWidget Error handling Testing Event handling
The extension of the State class.
StateXController Get started State Object Controller Testing Event handling
Your 'working' class most concerned with the app's functionality. Add it to a 'StateX' object to associate it with that State object.
The InheritedWidget used by StateX
Uuid StateX class State Object Controller
A UUID generator, useful for generating unique IDs. Shamelessly extracted from the author of Scoped Model plugin, Who maybe took from the Flutter source code. I'm not telling!


AsyncOps StateX class State Object Controller
Supply the Async API
FutureBuilderStateMixin StateX class Using FutureBuilder
Supply a FutureBuilder to a State object.
InheritedWidgetStateMixin StateX class Using InheritedWidget
Supplies an InheritedWidget to a State class
RecordExceptionMixin StateX class Error handling
Record an exception
RootState StateX class State Object Controller
Supply access to the 'Root' State object.
SetStateMixin State Object Controller
Used by StateXController Allows you to call 'setState' from the 'current' the State object.
StateListener StateX class State Object Controller Event handling
Responsible for the event handling in all the Controllers and State objects.
StateXonErrorMixin StateX class Error handling
Supply an 'error handler' routine if something goes wrong. It need not be implemented, but it's their for your consideration.