winrt topic

Windows Runtime API

The Windows Runtime provides the latest generation of Windows APIs to apps running on Windows 8 or later. WinRT is an evolution of COM and the flat Win32 APIs that came before it, and is designed for projection into a variety of languages.


BasicProperties winrt Class
Provides access to the basic properties, like the size of the item or the date the item was last modified, of the item (like a file or folder).
BatteryReport winrt Class
Provides properties that indicate the charge, capacity, and status of the battery.
Calendar winrt Class
Manipulates the representation of a DateTime within a given calendar and clock.
DevicePicker winrt Class
DevicePickerFilter winrt Class
Represents the filter used to determine which devices to show in the device picker. The filter parameters are OR-ed together to build the resulting filter.
FileOpenPicker winrt Class
Represents a UI element that lets the user choose and open files. In a desktop app, before using an instance of this class in a way that displays UI, you'll need to associate the object with its owner's window handle.
Gamepad winrt Class
Represents a gamepad.
Geocoordinate winrt Class
Contains the information for identifying a geographic location.
Geolocator winrt Class
Provides access to the current geographic location.
Geopoint winrt Class
Describes a geographic point.
Geoposition winrt Class
Represents a location that may contain latitude and longitude data or venue data.
Headset winrt Class
Contains information about an audio headset attached to a gamepad.
HostName winrt Class
Provides data for a hostname or an IP address.
IBasicProperties winrt Interface
IBatteryReport winrt Interface
ICalendar winrt Interface
IDevicePicker winrt Interface
IDevicePickerFilter winrt Interface
IFileOpenPicker winrt Interface
IGameController winrt Interface
IGameControllerBatteryInfo winrt Interface
IGamepad winrt Interface
IGeolocator winrt Interface
IGeolocator2 winrt Interface
IGeolocatorStatics winrt Interface
IGeolocatorStatics2 winrt Interface
IGeolocatorWithScalarAccuracy winrt Interface
IGeopoint winrt Interface
IGeopointFactory winrt Interface
IGeoposition winrt Interface
IGeoposition2 winrt Interface
IGeoshape winrt Interface
IHeadset winrt Interface
IHostName winrt Interface
IIterable<T> winrt Interface
Exposes an iterator that supports simple iteration over a collection of a specified type.
IIterator<T> winrt Interface
Supports simple iteration over a collection.
IJsonArray winrt Interface
IJsonObject winrt Interface
IJsonObjectWithDefaultValues winrt Interface
IJsonValue winrt Interface
IKeyValuePair<K, V> winrt Interface
Represents a key-value pair.
IMap<K, V> winrt Interface
Represents an associative collection, also known as a map or a dictionary.
IMapView<K, V> winrt Interface
Represents an immutable view into a map.
INetworkAdapter winrt Interface
INetworkInformationStatics winrt Interface
INetworkItem winrt Interface
InitializeWithWindow winrt Class
Exposes a method through which a client can provide an owner window to a Windows Runtime (WinRT) object used in a desktop application.
IPedometerReading winrt Interface
IPhoneNumberFormatter winrt Interface
IPInformation winrt Class
Represents the association between an IP address and an adapter on the network.
IPrinting3DMultiplePropertyMaterial winrt Interface
IPropertySet winrt Interface
Represents a collection of key-value pairs, correlating several other collection interfaces.
IPropertyValue winrt Interface
Represents a value in a property store.
IReference<T> winrt Interface
Enables arbitrary enumerations, structures, and delegate types to be used as property values.
IStorageFile winrt Interface
IStorageItem winrt Interface
Manipulates storage items (files and folders) and their contents, and provides information about them.
IToastNotificationFactory winrt Interface
IToastNotificationManagerStatics winrt Interface
IUISettings winrt Interface
IUserDataPathsStatics winrt Interface
IVector<T> winrt Interface
Represents a random-access collection of elements.
IVectorView<T> winrt Interface
Represents an immutable view into a vector.
JsonArray winrt Class
Represents a JSON array.
JsonObject winrt Class
Represents a JSON object containing a collection of name and JsonValue pairs.
JsonValue winrt Class
Implements the IJsonValue interface which represents a JSON value.
MediaPropertySet winrt Class
Represents a set of media properties.
NetworkAdapter winrt Class
Represents a network adapter.
NetworkItem winrt Class
Represents a connected network.
PedometerReading winrt Class
Provides an interface for a pedometer to measure the number of steps taken.
PhoneNumberFormatter winrt Class
Formats phone numbers.
Printing3DMultiplePropertyMaterial winrt Class
Represents a combination of properties and/or materials from the material groups specified in MaterialGroupIndices.
PropertySet winrt Class
Represents a property set, which is a set of PropertyValue objects with string keys.
PropertyValue winrt Class
Represents a value in a property store (such as a PropertySet instance).
StorageFile winrt Class
Represents a file. Provides information about the file and its content, and ways to manipulate them.
StringMap winrt Class
An associative collection, also known as a map or a dictionary.
ToastNotification winrt Class
Defines the content, associated metadata and events, and expiration time of a toast notification.
UISettings winrt Class
Contains a set of common app user interface settings and operations.
UserDataPaths winrt Class
Returns full paths for common user data folders. User data folders are based on the KNOWNFOLDERID naming pattern.
ValueSet winrt Class
Implements a map with keys of type String and values of type Object. Object must be a WinRT PropertyValue or ValueSet. As a PropertyValue, it can be any type except PropertyType InspectableArray. This limitation exists to ensure that the value can be serialized; passed by value across a process boundary.
VenueData winrt Class
Represents the venue associated with a geographic location.


ActivateClass(String className, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<COMObject> winrt
Activates the specified Windows Runtime class in the className.
convertFromHString(int hstring) String winrt
Takes a HSTRING (a WinRT String handle), and converts it to a Dart String.
convertToHString(String string) int winrt
Takes a Dart String and converts it to an HSTRING (a WinRT String), returning an integer handle.
CreateActivationFactory(String className, String iid, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<COMObject> winrt
Creates the activation factory for the specified runtime class using the className and iid.
CreateObject(String className, String iid) Pointer<COMObject> winrt
Creates a WinRT object.
MetaDataGetDispenser(Pointer<GUID> rclsid, Pointer<GUID> riid, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> ppv) int winrt
Creates a dispenser class.
RoActivateInstance(int activatableClassId, Pointer<Pointer<COMObject>> instance) int winrt
Activates the specified Windows Runtime class.
RoGetActivationFactory(int activatableClassId, Pointer<GUID> iid, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> factory) int winrt
Gets the activation factory for the specified runtime class.
RoGetApartmentIdentifier(Pointer<Uint64> apartmentIdentifier) int winrt
Gets a unique identifier for the current apartment.
RoGetMetaDataFile(int name, Pointer<IntPtr> metaDataDispenser, Pointer<IntPtr> metaDataFilePath, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> metaDataImport, Pointer<Uint32> typeDefToken) int winrt
Locates and retrieves the metadata file that describes the Application Binary Interface (ABI) for the specified typename.
RoInitialize(int initType) int winrt
Initializes the Windows Runtime on the current thread with the specified concurrency model.
RoIsApiContractMajorVersionPresent(Pointer<Utf16> name, int majorVersion, Pointer<BOOL> present) int winrt
Returns true or false to indicate whether the API contract with the specified name and major version number is present.
RoIsApiContractPresent(Pointer<Utf16> name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion, Pointer<BOOL> present) int winrt
Returns true or false to indicate whether the API contract with the specified name and major and minor version number is present.
RoUninitialize() → void winrt
Closes the Windows Runtime on the current thread.
WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(int string1, int string2, Pointer<Int32> result) int winrt
Compares two specified HSTRING objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in a sort order.
WindowsConcatString(int string1, int string2, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Concatenates two specified strings.
WindowsCreateString(Pointer<Utf16> sourceString, int length, Pointer<IntPtr> string) int winrt
Creates a new HSTRING based on the specified source string.
WindowsDeleteString(int string) int winrt
Decrements the reference count of a string buffer.
WindowsDeleteStringBuffer(int bufferHandle) int winrt
Discards a preallocated string buffer if it was not promoted to an HSTRING.
WindowsDuplicateString(int string, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Creates a copy of the specified string.
WindowsGetStringLen(int string) int winrt
Gets the length, in Unicode characters, of the specified string.
WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(int string, Pointer<Uint32> length) Pointer<Utf16> winrt
Retrieves the backing buffer for the specified string.
WindowsIsStringEmpty(int string) int winrt
Indicates whether the specified string is the empty string.
WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(int length, Pointer<Pointer<Uint16>> charBuffer, Pointer<IntPtr> bufferHandle) int winrt
Allocates a mutable character buffer for use in HSTRING creation.
WindowsPromoteStringBuffer(int bufferHandle, Pointer<IntPtr> string) int winrt
Creates an HSTRING from the specified HSTRING_BUFFER.
WindowsReplaceString(int string, int stringReplaced, int stringReplaceWith, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Replaces all occurrences of a set of characters in the specified string with another set of characters to create a new string.
WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull(int string, Pointer<Int32> hasEmbedNull) int winrt
Indicates whether the specified string has embedded null characters.
WindowsSubstring(int string, int startIndex, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at the specified character position.
WindowsSubstringWithSpecifiedLength(int string, int startIndex, int length, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length.
WindowsTrimStringEnd(int string, int trimString, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Removes all trailing occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string.
WindowsTrimStringStart(int string, int trimString, Pointer<IntPtr> newString) int winrt
Removes all leading occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string.